The Last Leonardo
In 2017 the Salvator Mundi was sold at auction for $450m. But is it a real da Vinci? In a thrilling narrative built on formidable research, Ben Lewis tracks the extraordinary journey of a masterpiece lost and found, lied and fought over across the centuries. In 2017, Leonardo da Vinci’s small oil painting, the Salvator Mundi was sold at auction for $450m. In the words of its discoverer, the image of Christ as saviour of the world is ‘the rarest thing on the planet by the greatest human being who ever lived’. Its dazzling price also makes it the world’s most expensive painting. For two centuries art dealers had searched in vain for the Holy Grail of art history: a portrait of Christ as the Salvator Mundi by Leonardo da Vinci. Many similar paintings of greatly varying quality had been executed by Leonardo’s assistants in the first half of the sixteenth century. But where was the original by the master himself? In November 2017, Christie’s auction house announced they had it. But did they? The Last Leonardo tells a thrilling tale of a spellbinding icon invested with the power to make or break the reputations of scholars, billionaires, kings and sheikhs. Lewis takes us to Leonardo’s studio in Renaissance Italy; to the court of Charles I and the English Civil War; to Holland, Moscow and Louisiana; to the galleries, salerooms and restorer’s workshop as the painting slowly, painstakingly, emerged from obscurity. The vicissitudes of the highly secretive art market are charted across five centuries. It is a twisting tale of geniuses and oligarchs, double-crossings and disappearances, where we’re never quite certain what to believe. Above all, it is an adventure story about the search for lost treasure, and a quest for the truth.
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The Reality of Now
It is human nature to yearn for predictability and control. Yet it is the nature of people to be unpredictable even when they appear to be under control. If human beings are so unruly, can any management structure, strategy or plan truly control, or even fully reveal, what is actually happening with the social world of organisations?
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Ben Hur
Dette er den klassiske beretningen om kjøpmannssønnen Ben Hur og hans dramatiske liv i Palestina og Romerriket på Jesu tid. Han blir sveket av sin gode venn Messala og ender som galeislave. Men han får hevn når han som veddeløpskjører vinner over sin tidligere venn. Boka er filmatisert og fikk 11 Oscarstatuetter i 1959.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Annie Zook, amish-predikantens datter, er fanget mellom to verdener. Hun bor hos sin utstøtte venninne Ester, men lengter etter å vende tilbake til sin forbudte kunst og de idylliske dagene hun tilbrakte sammen med engelskmannen Ben Martin, før faren hennes forbød henne å treffe ham igjen. Ben blir lamslått når visse familiehemmeligheter kommer frem i lyset, og bestemmer seg for å løse mysteriet rundt sin fortid. Dette er tredje bok om Annies folk.
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Norsk Bokmål
Tribe of mentors: short life advice from the best in the world
When facing life's questions, who do you turn to for advice? We all need mentors, particularly when the odds seem stacked against us. To find his own, bestselling author and podcast guru Tim Ferriss tracked down more than 100 eclectic experts to help him, and you, navigate life. Through short, action-packed profiles, he shares their secrets for success, happiness, meaning, and more. No matter the challenge or opportunity, something in these pages can help. You will learn:- The three books legendary investor Ray Dalio recommends most often- Lessons and tips from elite athletes like Maria Sharapova, Kelly Slater, Tony Hawk and Dan Gable- How and why Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz says no to most incoming requests- The meditation and mindfulness practices of David Lynch, Jimmy Fallon, Sharon Salzberg, Rick Rubin, Sarah Elizabeth Lewis and others- The high-school loss that motivated actor Terry Crews for life . . . and how you can use the lesson- Why TED curator Chris Anderson thinks `pursue your passion' is terrible advice- How Yuval Noah Harari's Sapiens went from repeated rejections to global mega-bestseller- Why comedian Patton Oswalt wishes at least one catastrophic failure on anyone in the arts- Astrophysicist Janna Levin's unique reframe that helps her see obstacles as opportunities- Why actor Ben Stiller likes to dunk his head in a bucket of ice in the morningTIM FERRISS is one of Fast Company's `Most Innovative Business People' and an early-stage tech investor/advisor in Uber, Facebook, Twitter, Alibaba and more. He is also the author of The 4-Hour Work Week, The 4-Hour Body, The 4-Hour Chef and Tools of Titans. The Observer and other media have named him `the Oprah of audio' due to the influence of his podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, which has exceeded 200 million downloads.
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Ben Hur. B. 1
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Norsk Bokmål
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Ben Hur (Wordsworth Classics)
Publisher: Wordsworth Editions, 1996
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Ben Hur. Historisk fortælling fra Kristi tid
Lewis Wallace er født den 10. April 1827 i Byen broookville, der ligger i Indiana, en af de nordamerikanske Fristater. Oprindelig var han Jurist, men kom ind paa den militære Løbebane ved først som Løjtnant at deltage i Krigen mod Meksiko, senere i Borgerkrigen mellem Nord og Sydstaterne, under hvilken han udmærkede sig og steg til Generalmajor. Senere, i Aarene 1878 til 1881, var han Guvernør i Utrah, derefter Amerikas Gesandt i Tyrkiet. Det var hans Ophold i Meksiko, der førte ham ind paaa Forfatterbanen, idet hansk første Bog, "Den lyse Gud", der udkom i Aaret 1874, netop omhandler Spaniernes ERobring af Meksiko i det 16de Aarhundrede. Med sin næste Bog, "Ben Hur", der udkom 1880, slog Wallace fuldstendig igennem, idet denne Bog, der i sit Hjemland er udkommen i over en halv Million Eksemplarer, foruden at den er oversat paa en Mængde forskellige Sprog, er bleven læst og atter læst hele Verden over. Sine sidste Aar henlevede Wallace i Amerika, hvor han døde i Aaret 1905.
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Ben Hur ; Pionerene ; Sjørøveren ; Krisen
Inneholder tegneserieutgaver av fire romaner. Ben Hur er beretningen om kjøpmannssønnen Ben Hur og hans dramatiske liv i Palestina og Romerriket på Jesu tid. Pionerene kalles gjerne verdens første indianerroman, og er den første historien om helten Lærstrømpe. Sjørøveren handler om den virkelige personen Jean Lafitte, som var blant de siste som drev sjørøveri i stor stil. Krisen er et episk drama og handler om konflikten mellom Nord- og Sørstatene som endte i borgerkrig.
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Norsk Bokmål
Ben Hur 1954
Godt brukt
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Norsk Bokmål
Gifted Hands, Revised Kids Edition
From Inner-City Nobody to Brilliant Neurosurgeon When Ben Carson was in school, his classmates called him the class dummy. Many-including Ben himself-doubted that he would ever amount to anything. But his mother never let him quit. She encouraged Ben to do better and reach higher for his dreams, and eventually he discovered a deep love of learning. Today this young boy from the inner-city is one of the world's greatest pediatric neurosurgeons. Through determination and lot of hard work, Ben overcame his many obstacles and is now dedicated to saving the lives of critically ill children around the world.
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Annie Zook sliter med å holde løftet hun har gitt faren sin, predikanten, om å gi opp kunsten og bevise at hun er verdig til og "gå inn i menigheten". Samtidig er hun farlig nær å overgi seg en annen forbudt fristelse - et forhold til den kjekke engelskmannen hvis interesse for henne er mer enn bare nysgjerrighet. Men Ben Martin har også sine egne hemmeligheter... Bok 2 i serien "Annies folk".
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Norsk Bokmål
Amish-folkets Annie
Amish-predikantens datter: Annie er født og oppvokst i amish-samfunnet i Paradise, Pennsylvania. Hun har en inderlig drøm om å bli maler, men kunst er strengt forbudt i menigheten. Hun vil så gjerne følge reglene i det religiøse samfunnet, men nå risikerer hun å måtte velge mellom kunsten og det eneste livet hun kjenner til. Engelskmannen: Annie sliter med å holde sitt løfte til faren, om å gi opp kunsten og bevise at hun er verdig til å slutte seg til menigheten. Samtidig er hun farlig nær å overgi seg en annen forbudt fristelse, et forhold til en kjekk engelskmann. Brødrene: Annie er fanget mellom to verdener. Hun bor hos sin utstøtte venninne Ester, men lengter etter å vende tilbake til sin forbudte kunst og de idylliske dagene hun tilbrakte sammen med engelskmannen Ben Martin, før faren hennes forbød henne å treffe ham igjen.
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Norsk Bokmål
For Work Read Work: Reading Ergodics and Ergodic Reading in Paul Muldoon
Hailed as the most important poet of his generation, renowned Irish poet Paul Muldoon is an extremely adept reader and writer. Ergodicity is the degree that a reader takes a disrupted path through a text.This study uses Muldoon's work as a poet and as a critic as a datum edge from which the ideas of difficulty, ergodicity, and allusion can be measured, significantly expanding the applications of ergodicity as it has previously been defined. Paul Muldoon has published over thirty collections and won many prizes including a Pulitzer Prize for Poetry and the T. S. Eliot Prize. He held the post of Oxford Professor of Poetry from 1999 to 2004. At Princeton University he is both the Howard G. B. Clark '21 Professor in the Humanities and chair of the Lewis Center for the Arts. He is also the president of the Poetry Society in the UK and Poetry Editor of the New Yorker.
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The Concept of Nature in Early Modern English Literature
The Concept of Nature in Early Modern English Literature traces a genealogy of ecology in seventeenth-century literature and natural philosophy through the development of the protoecological concept of 'the oeconomy of nature'. Founded in 1644 by Kenelm Digby, this concept was subsequently employed by a number of theologians, physicians, and natural philosophers to conceptualize nature as an interdependent system. Focusing on the middle decades of the seventeenth century, Peter Remien examines how Samuel Gott, Walter Charleton, Robert Boyle, Samuel Collins, and Thomas Burnet formed the oeconomy of nature. Remien also shows how literary authors Ben Jonson, George Herbert, Andrew Marvell, Margaret Cavendish, and John Milton use the discourse of oeconomy to explore the contours of humankind's relationship with the natural world. This book participates in an intellectual history of the science of ecology while prompting a re-evaluation of how we understand the relationship between literature and ecology in the early modern period.
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The MVP Machine
<b>Move over, <i>Moneyball</i> -- this <i>New York Times</i> bestseller examines major league baseball's next cutting-edge revolution: the high-tech quest to build better players.</b><b><br></b>As bestselling authors Ben Lindbergh and Travis Sawchik reveal in <i>The MVP Machine</i>, the <i>Moneyball</i> era is over. Fifteen years after Michael Lewis brought the Oakland Athletics' groundbreaking team-building strategies to light, every front office takes a data-driven approach to evaluating players, and the league's smarter teams no longer have a huge advantage in valuing past performance. <p>Lindbergh and Sawchik's behind-the-scenes reporting reveals: <ul><li>How undersized afterthoughts Jos Altuve and Mookie Betts became big sluggers and MVPs</li><li>How polarizing pitcher Trevor Bauer made himself a Cy Young contender</li><li>How new analytical tools have overturned traditional pitching and hitting techniques</li><li>How a wave of young talent is making MLB both better than ever and arguably worse to watch</li></ul>Instead of out-drafting, out-signing, and out-trading their rivals, baseball's best minds have turned to out-<i>developing</i> opponents, gaining greater edges than ever by perfecting prospects and eking extra runs out of older athletes who were once written off. Lindbergh and Sawchik take us inside the transformation of former fringe hitters into home-run kings, show how washed-up pitchers have emerged as aces, and document how coaching and scouting are being turned upside down. <i>The MVP Machine</i> charts the future of a sport and offers a lesson that goes beyond baseball: Success stems not from focusing on finished products, but from making the most of untapped potential.
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Macklemore & Ryan Lewis: Grammy-Winning Hip-Hop Duo
This title examines the lives of Ben Haggerty and Ryan Lewis, the hip-hop duo Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. Readers will learn about their childhoods, families, education, and rise to fame. Colorful graphics, oversize photos, and informative sidebars accompany easy-to-read text that explores the duo's early interest and talent in music that led to the release of The Heist. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Essential Library is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a division of ABDO.
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Barna på Rhanna
Mens Lewis McKenzie var velskapt, led broren Lorn av en hjertefeil. Rachel McKinnon var født stum. Det fjerde barnet som ble født det året, Ruth Donaldson, hadde et forkrøplet ben. Moren så det som en Guds straffedom, og oppdro henne med tukt og formaninger til å bli "Rhannas hvite engel".
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Norsk Bokmål
The Way We Were
'Heartfelt and deeply moving ... I couldn't put it down.' Susan Lewis'Intriguing and thought provoking ... a great read.' Katie Fforde'Gripping and thought-provoking - I was desperate to discover how it would pan out!' Paige Toon'We ate this fabulous story up - 4 stars' Heat magazine'Love, lies and longing - this has it all - 4 stars' Woman magazine'Intriguing - a dramatic twist in the tale will keep you engrossed.' CandisWhen Alice's husband Ben dies suddenly, her world falls apart. They shared twenty years and two daughters and life without him is unimaginable.Having lost her parents while young, Alice understands her girls' pain. At fifteen, Jools is at that awkward age and only Ben could get through to her. And eleven-year-old Holly looks for the answer to everything in books but this time she's drawing a blank. Alice realizes that for their sakes she must summon up superhuman reserves of strength.Somehow all three of them come through the dark days. In time, it's even possible for Alice to consider marrying again, with the girls' blessing. So when Ben turns up after three years, her world is again turned upside-down. The girls assume that their family can go back to the way they were. Alice is not so sure.Once more Alice has to find the strength to be the mother her daughters need her to be. But this time what that means is far from clear ...The Way We Were won the Irish Book Award for Popular Fiction in 2015'Fans of Sinead know they can expect honesty, humour and great story-telling' Hello
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