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Viser resultat for 'Arthur Cotterell'


    Kina: hverdagsliv, kunst og kultur i det kinesiske imperiet

    Arthur Cotterell

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2002

    Norsk Bokmål


    Nordisk mytologi : den nordiske gudeverdens myter og sagn

    Nordisk mytologi : den nordiske gudeverdens myter og sagn

    Arthur Cotterell

    Udførligt opslagsværk om den nordiske verdens mytiske skikkelser. Fremragende billedopslag, der viser de mytologiske temaer og symboler som er centrale i de pågældende kulturer, ialt over 200 billeder der spænder over femten århundreders kunst af høj kvalitet. Omfattende krydsreferencer. Stort 4to format

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2000

    Norsk Bokmål


    Myths and Legends

    Myths and Legends

    Arthur Cotterell

    Illustrated Encyclopedia of Myths and Legends

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1992


    kr 139
    kr 139

    The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Myths & Legends

    The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Myths & Legends

    Arthur Cotterell

    Hylle B56. Stort format.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1989


    kr 249
    kr 249

    Mythology of Greece & Rome

    Mythology of Greece & Rome

    Arthur Cotterell

    Myths and Legends of the Classical World.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010



    The Pimlico dictionary of classical civilizations

    The Pimlico dictionary of classical civilizations: Greece, Rome, Persia, India and China

    Arthur Cotterell

    Boken er et referanseverk som tar for seg antikkens personer og hendelser. Har kart og stikkordregister.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1998



    Mythology of the Norse gods : myths and legends of the Nordic world

    Mythology of the Norse gods : myths and legends of the Nordic world

    Arthur Cotterell

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2003



    The Encyclopedia of Mythology

    The Encyclopedia of Mythology

    Arthur Cotterell

    ISBN: 1-85967-164-0 (9 781859 671641). Ancient mythologies are brought to life in the most comprehensive coverage yet produced. Contains 550 images, including illustrations of classic stories. Includes the classical mythology of ancient Greece and Rome; the fairytale myths of the celtic world; and, from Northern Europe, tales of Germanic gods, Nordic warriors, and fearsome giants.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1996


    kr 149

    Innbundet · 1996


    kr 149
    kr 149

    Advanced information technology in education and training

    Advanced information technology in education and training

    Arthur Cotterell

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1988



    The encyclopedia of mythology

    The encyclopedia of mythology: classical : celtic : norse

    Arthur Cotterell

    Boken er et alfabetisk oppslagverk om mytologi og tar for seg både gresk, romersk, keltisk og norrøn mytologi. Har register.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1999



    The Near East

    The Near East

    Arthur Cotterell

    This ambitious and wide-ranging popular history is the first narrative account of the entire Near East (Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States), from the genesis of civilisation in the fourth millennium BCE until modern times. It provides an historical outline of the civilisations and cultures that dominated the region, one that has had an immense impact on the development of humankind, ever since the ancient Sumerians invented urban living and writing around 3200 BCE. Later, the Babylonians and the Assyrians built upon the Sumerian legacy. They were the world's earliest great powers, whose actions in the cradle of monotheism influenced Judaism and, eventually, Christianity and Islam. The Near East discusses the long eras of Arab, Persian and Ottoman rule, and the destabilising intervention of Western colonial powers. Cotterell's book is a timely reminder of how historical events have shaped the outlooks of various peoples, just as political turbulence in the Near East is challenging both neighbouring countries and the wider world.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    The ultimate encyclopedia of mythology

    The ultimate encyclopedia of mythology

    Arthur Cotterell, Storm Thorgerson

    The Myths and Legends from the Ancient Worlds. Features: - A comprehensive reference to the extraordinary tales and legends of the ancient world's most fascinating and beguiling mythologies. - An authoritative A to Z of the mythical figures of two great continents, with copious cross-references. - Over 1,000 alphabetical entries describe the central mythical figures of each culture and their importance to the ancient civilizations of their day. - Beautifully illustrated with over 1,000 images spanning fifteen centuries of fine art, from the ancient world to the present day, including specially commissioned artworks. - Superb pictorial spreads on the mythical themes and symbols central to each culture. - Lively and informed narrative by two expert authorities in their fields. - Timeless in scope and appeal, a classic and enduring reference work.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



    Pocket · 2012



    Alverdens mytologier

    Alverdens mytologier

    Arthur Cotterell, Jørgen V. Hansen (Translator)

    Original title: World Mythology

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2005


    kr 139
    kr 139

    A History of Southeast Asia

    A History of Southeast Asia

    Arthur. Cotterell

    A History of Southeast Asia narrates the history of the region from earliest recorded times until today, covering present-day Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, the Philippines, Indonesia and East Timor. Concisely written and filled with historical anecdotes of key individuals and events, this authoritative volume is presented in three parts, covering both mainland and maritime Southeast Asia: *Part 1 - Early Southeast Asia (the earliest civilizations)*Part 2 - Late Southeast Asia (including the colonial period)*Part 3 - Modern Southeast Asia (the present-day era, following the Pacific dimension of the Second World) Superbly supported by over 200 illustrations, photographs and maps, this volume provides real insight into one of the world's most distinctive but complicated regions, at a time when Asian countries are beginning to set the pace in the global economy.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål


    Mythology of Greece and Rome

    Mythology of Greece and Rome

    Arthur Cotterel

    This is an A-Z encyclopedia of the classical myths and great mythical figures of ancient Greece and Italy. It contains over 160 alphabetical entries describing the central figures of each mythological system, with copious cross-references. It is beautifully illustrated with over 200 images spanning 15 centuries of fine art, from the ancient world to the present day, including both classic masterpieces and specially commissioned artworks. It presents a fascinating overview of the great classical stories, timeless in scope and appeal, with many threads and themes linking to literature, history, psychology and sociology today. This evocative and detailed encyclopedia of the fabulous myths and legends of the Greek and Roman people will provide the perfect introduction to this timeless subject for students, scholars and general readers who love passionate tales of intrigue and heroism. All the unforgettable characters are here: silver-tongued Odysseus; peerless Achilles and mighty Hercules; the warring twins, Romulus and Remus; Jason and the Argonauts, and Bellerophon, who tamed the winged horse, Pegasus.Pictorial features also focus on important and recurring mythological themes, such as Lovers of Zeus; Oracles and Prophecies; Voyagers; Monsters and Fabulous Beasts, and others.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2006



    Etikk, moral og revisjon

    Etikk, moral og revisjon: teori, analyse og handlingsvalg

    Bror Petter Gulden

    Generelle lærebøker i etikk fremstår ofte som lite relevante for en utøver av et liberalt yrke som ønsker innsikt i etiske spørsmål knyttet til egen profesjon. Denne boken er skrevet spesielt for revisorstudenter og praktiserende revisorer, og hovedformålet er å bevisstgjøre leseren på etiske og moralske sider ved et handlingsvalg og på egne etiske holdninger. Den gir en lettfattelig innføring i etisk teori og morallære og beskriver analyse- og beslutningsmodeller som kan anvendes for å identifisere etiske og moralske dimensjoner ved alternative handlinger, og gjøre det enklere å treffe rasjonelle handlingsvalg. Det er lagt vekt på å illustrere stoffet med praktiske eksempler hentet fra revisors arbeidsfelt. Boken inneholder også en samling eksempler på etiske og moralske dilemmaer en revisor kan stå overfor. Noen av eksemplene er inngående analysert og drøftet. De øvrige er ment benyttet i undervisningen som diskusjonsgrunnlag. Boken inkluderer dessuten oppgaver om etikk som er gitt til eksamen på bachelorstudiet og masterstudiet. Boken beskriver også ulike opplegg som benyttes i empirisk forskning, og en del forsknings resultater knyttet til revisorers og økonomers holdninger og handlingsvalg i verdispørsmål er gjengitt og drøftet. Bror Petter Gulden er statsautorisert revisor og siviløkonom fra NHH og er ansatt som førsteamanuensis ved Handelshøyskolen BI, med fagansvar for bachelorstudiet i revisjon og kursansvar på masterstudiet i revisjon og regnskap. Han har revisjonspraksis fra Arthur Andersen & Co og Ernst & Whinney A/S. Gulden har vært medlem i Revisjonskomiteen i NSRF og var med i Revisorrådet til det ble nedlagt i 1999. Andre bøker av samme forfatter er Den eksterne revisor (Gyldendal Akademisk), Revisjon teori og metode og Oppgavesamling i revisjonsfag med løsningsforslag (Cappelen Akademisk Forlag). Han er også medforfatter av Norsk Lov kommentar (Gyldendal Rettsdata) med ansvar for kommentarene til revisorloven, og han var medforfatter av håndboken Descartes revisjonsmetodikk (Den norske Revisorforening). Gulden har skrevet en rekke artikler om revisorer og revisjon i norske idsskrifter.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89

    Think And Grow Rich

    Think And Grow Rich

    Napoleon Hill

    Discover the 13 powerful principles behind every great success story The timeless bestseller setting out Hills's formula for money-making successNapoleon Hill, America's most beloved motivational author, devoted 25 years to finding out how the wealthy became that way. After interviewing over 500 of the most affluent men and women of his time, he uncovered the secret to great wealth based on the notion that if we can learn to think like the rich, we can start to behave like them. By understanding and applying the thirteen simple steps that constitute Hill's formula, you can achieve your goals, change your life and join the ranks of the rich and successful. Hill's principles include Faith (true belief you can achieve your goal through visualisation), Autosuggestion (influencing the subconscious mind) and Decision (overcoming procrastination and being decisive). Backed by decades of success stories from over 15 million readers, mastering Hill's principles will help you to become a top-achiever.In this updated edition, Dr. Arthur R. Pell provides examples of men and women who, in recent times, exemplify the principles that Hill promulgated. With the success stories of top achievers such as Bill Gates and Steven Spielberg, he proves that Hill's philosophies are as valid today as they ever were.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 139

    Pocket · 2016


    kr 129

    Andre utgaver · 10

    kr 139

    International Marketing

    International Marketing

    Carl Arthur Solberg

    Expanding an organisation internationally presents both opportunities and challenges as marketing departments seek to understand different buying behaviours, power relations, preferences, loyalties and norms. International Marketing offers a uniquely adaptable strategy framework for firms of all sizes that are looking to internationalise their business, using Carl Arthur Solberg's tried and tested Nine Strategic Windows model. This practical text offers the reader insights into:The globalisation phenomenonPartner relationsAnd Strategic positioning in international markets.Solberg has also created a brand new companion website for the text, replete with additional materials and instructor resources. This functional study is an ideal introduction to international marketing for advanced undergraduates and postgraduates in business and management. It also offers a pragmatic toolkit for managers and marketers that are seeking to expand their business into new territories.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017

    kr 129
    kr 129

    A Streetcar Named Desire,

    A Streetcar Named Desire,

    Tennessee Williams

    Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire is the tale of a catastrophic confrontation between fantasy and reality, embodied in the characters of Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski. This Penguin Modern Classics edition includes an introduction by Arthur Miller. 'I have always depended on the kindness of strangers' Fading southern belle Blanche DuBois is adrift in the modern world. When she arrives to stay with her sister Stella in a crowded, boisterous corner of New Orleans, her delusions of grandeur bring her into conflict with Stella's crude, brutish husband Stanley Kowalski. Eventually their violent collision course causes Blanche's fragile sense of identity to crumble, threatening to destroy her sanity and her one chance of happiness. Tennessee Williams's steamy and shocking landmark drama, recreated as the immortal film starring Marlon Brando, is one of the most influential plays of the twentieth century. Tennessee Williams (1911-1983) was born in Columbus, Mississippi. When his father, a travelling salesman, moved with his family to St Louis some years later, both he and his sister found it impossible to settle down to city life.He entered college during the Depression and left after a couple of years to take a clerical job in a shoe company. He stayed there for two years, spending the evenings writing. He received a Rockefeller Fellowship in 1940 for his play Battle of Angels, and he won the Pulitzer Prize in 1948 and 1955. Among his many other plays Penguin have published The Glass Menagerie (1944), The Rose Tattoo (1951), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1955), Sweet Bird of Youth (1959), The Night of the Iguana (1961), and Small Craft Warnings (1972). If you enjoyed A Streetcar Named Desire, you might like The Glass Menagerie, also available in Penguin Modern Classics. 'Lyrical and poetic and human and heartbreaking and memorable and funny' Francis Ford Coppola, director of The Godfather 'One of the greatest American plays' Observer

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2009


    kr 79
    kr 79

    Æ gjer mæ ikkje

    Æ gjer mæ ikkje

    Arthur Arntzen

    Ny samling nordnorske historier om naboskap og krangling. Forfattarens motte er: "Utan kranglinga stopper kjeften. Og Norge."

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1994

    Norsk Nynorsk

    kr 59
    kr 59

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