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Viser resultat for 'Arlie Russell Hochschild'

    The Managed Heart

    The Managed Heart

    Arlie Russell Hochschild

    In private life, we try to induce or suppress love, envy, and anger through deep acting or "emotion work", just as we manage our outer expressions of feeling through surface acting. In trying to bridge a gap between what we feel and what we "ought" to feel, we take guidance from "feeling rules" about what is owing to others in a given situation. Based on our private mutual understandings of feeling rules, we make a "gift exchange" of acts of emotion management. We bow to each other not simply from the waist, but from the heart. But what occurs when emotion work, feeling rules, and the gift of exchange are introduced into the public world of work? In search of the answer, Arlie Russell Hochschild closely examines two groups of public-contact workers: flight attendants and bill collectors. The flight attendant's job is to deliver a service and create further demand for it, to enhance the status of the customer and be "nicer than natural". The bill collector's job is to collect on the service, and if necessary, to deflate the status of the customer by being "nastier than natural."Between these extremes, roughly one-third of American men and one-half of American women hold jobs that call for substantial emotional labor. In many of these jobs, they are trained to accept feeling rules and techniques of emotion management that serve the company's commercial purpose. Just as we have seldom recognized or understood emotional labor, we have not appreciated its cost to those who do it for a living. Like a physical laborer who becomes estranged from what he or she makes, an emotional laborer, such as a flight attendant, can become estranged not only from her own expressions of feeling (her smile is not "her" smile), but also from what she actually feels (her managed friendliness). This estrangement, though a valuable defense against stress, is also an important occupational hazard, because it is through our feelings that we are connected with those around us. On the basis of this book, Hochschild was featured in Key Sociological Thinkers, edited by Rob Stones. This book was also the winner of the Charles Cooley Award in 1983, awarded by the American Sociological Association and received an honorable mention for the C. Wright Mills Award.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012



    Strangers In Their Own Land

    Strangers In Their Own Land

    Arlie Russell Hochschild

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Innbundet · 2016



    The Outsourced Self: What Happens When We Pay Others to Live Our Lives for Us

    The Outsourced Self: What Happens When We Pay Others to Live Our Lives for Us

    Arlie Russell Hochschild

    A "Publishers Weekly" Best Book of the Year From the famed author of the bestselling "The Second Shift" and "The Time Bind," a pathbreaking look at the transformation of private life in our for-profit world The family has long been a haven in a heartless world, the one place immune to market forces and economic calculations, where the personal, the private, and the emotional hold sway. Yet as Arlie Russell Hochschild shows in "The Outsourced Self," that is no longer the case: everything that was once part of private life love, friendship, child rearing is being transformed into packaged expertise to be sold back to confused, harried Americans. Drawing on hundreds of interviews and original research, Hochschild follows the incursions of the market into every stage of intimate life. From dating services that train you to be the CEO of your love life to wedding planners who create a couple's "personal narrative"; from nameologists (who help you name your child) to wantologists (who help you name your goals); from commercial surrogate farms in India to hired mourners who will scatter your loved one's ashes in the ocean of your choice Hochschild reveals a world in which the most intuitive and emotional of human acts have become work for hire. Sharp and clear-eyed, Hochschild is full of sympathy for overstressed, outsourcing Americans, even as she warns of the market's threat to the personal realm they are striving so hard to preserve."

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013



    Work, family and time as the locus of symbolic interaction

    Work, family and time as the locus of symbolic interaction

    Arlie Russell Hochschild

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1996



    Emotional Labor in the 21st Century

    Emotional Labor in the 21st Century

    This book reviews, integrates, and synthesizes research on emotional labor and emotion regulation conducted over the past 30 years. The concept of emotional labor was first proposed by Dr. Arlie Russell Hochschild (1983), who defined it as "the management of feeling to create a publicly observable facial and bodily display" (p. 7) for a wage. A basic assumption of emotional labor theory is that many jobs (e.g., customer service, healthcare, team-based work, management) have interpersonal, and thus emotional, requirements and that well-being and effectiveness in these jobs is determined, in part, by a person's ability to meet these requirements. Since Hochschild's initial work, psychologists, sociologists, and management scholars have developed distinct theoretical approaches aimed at expanding and elaborating upon Hochschild's core ideas. Broadly speaking, emotional labor is the study of how emotion regulation of oneself and others influences social dynamics at work, which has implications for performance and well being in a wide range of occupations and organizational contexts.This book offers researchers and practitioners a review of emotional labor theory and research that integrates the various perspectives into a coherent framework, and proposes an agenda for future research on this increasingly relevant and important topic. The book is divided into 5 main sections, with the first section introducing and defining emotional labor as well as creating a framework for the rest of the book to follow. The second section consists of chapters describing emotional labor theory at different levels of analysis, including the event, person, dyad, and group. The third section illustrates the diversity of emotional labor in distinct occupational contexts: customer service (e.g. restaurant, retail), call centers, and caring work. The fourth section considers broader contextual influences - organizational-, societal-, and cultural-level factors - that modify how and when emotional labor is done. The final section presents a series of `reflective essays' from eminent scholars in the area of emotion and emotion regulation, where they reflect upon the past, present and future of emotion regulation at work.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Sociology and Military Studies

    Sociology and Military Studies

    Netherlands) Soeters Joseph (Royal Netherlands Military Academy and Tilburg University

    This book examines the connection between sociology and the challenges faced by the modern military.Military sociology has received little attention in the broader academic world, and is mostly focused on civil-military relations. This book seeks to address this gap and combines ideas, theories and insights from sociology's founding authors, with each chapter focusing on a specific thinker. There are chapters on Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Georg Simmel, Jane Addams, W. E. B. Du Bois, Erving Goffman, Michel Foucault, Morris Janowitz, Norbert Elias, Cornelis Lammers, Arlie Russell Hochschild, Cynthia Enloe and Bruno Latour, and each essay discusses their ideas and theories in relation to topics that are of concern in and around the military today. Military studies are taken in a broad sense here, so the volume encompasses a wide range of issues, including civil-military relations, military-political affairs, performance and outcomes of military operations, and organizational arrangements including technology and the composition, performance and well-being of personnel. The book intends to provide views and insights that will help the military to innovate their organizations and practices, not necessarily in the usual functional way of innovating (i.e. faster, more precise, etc.) but in a broader way.This book will be of great interest to students of sociology, military studies, civil-military relations, war and conflict studies, and IR in general.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Innbundet · 2018


    Sosiologisk teori

    Sosiologisk teori: klassikere, modernitet og samtid

    Emil Øversveen

    Denne boka gir en innføring i klassisk, moderne og samtidig sosiologisk teori. Gjennom et bredt og mangfoldig utvalg viser forfatterne hva sosiologisk teori er, og hvordan teoriene kan brukes til å forstå verden og bidra til å endre den. Boka har en kombinasjon av kapitler om teoretiske retninger, som sosialinteraksjonisme, kritisk teori og feministisk teori, og kapitler om enkeltteoretikere, som Karl Marx, Pierre Bourdieu og Arlie Russell Hochschild. Kapitlene er organisert i tre kronologiske deler: «Del I: Klassikere» presenterer teoretikere som var med på å etablere sosiologien som vitenskapelig disiplin fra andre halvdel av 1800-tallet. Det er gitt større plass til kvinner enn i de fleste andre fremstillinger av denne perioden i sosiologiens faghistorie. «Del II: Modernitet» er bokas største del. Ut over på 1900-tallet ble sosiologi et veletablert fag med et rikt tilfang av perspektiver og temaer. «Del III: Samtid». Utvalget av 2000-tallets sosiologiske teori er tematisk organisert omkring tre av samtidens mest sentrale samfunnsspørsmål: miljø og klima, teknologi og mobilitet. Boka er skrevet for studenter i sosiologi og andre samfunnsvitenskapelige fag. Den passer også godt for studenter i helse-og sosialfag og andre lesere som er interessert i forholdet mellom menneske og samfunn. Redaktører Emil Øversveen er sosiolog i Manifest Analyse. Ingvill Stuvøy er førsteamanuensis i sosiologi ved Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap, NTNU. Håkon Leiulfsrud og Aksel Tjora er professorer i sosiologi samme sted.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2025

    Norsk Bokmål


    The Robotic Imaginary

    The Robotic Imaginary

    Jennifer Rhee

    Tracing the connections between human-like robots and AI at the site of dehumanization and exploited labor The word robot-introduced in Karel Capek\u2019s 1920 play R.U.R.-derives from rabota, the Czech word for servitude or forced labor. A century later, the play\u2019s dystopian themes of dehumanization and exploited labor are being played out in factories, workplaces, and battlefields. In The Robotic Imaginary, Jennifer Rhee traces the provocative and productive connections of contemporary robots in technology, film, art, and literature. Centered around the twinned processes of anthropomorphization and dehumanization, she analyzes the coevolution of cultural and technological robots and artificial intelligence, arguing that it is through the conceptualization of the human and, more important, the dehumanized that these multiple spheres affect and transform each other.Drawing on the writings of Alan Turing, Sara Ahmed, and Arlie Russell Hochschild; such films and novels as Her and The Stepford Wives; technologies like Kismet (the pioneering \u201cemotional robot\u201d); and contemporary drone art, this book explores anthropomorphic paradigms in robot design and imagery in ways that often challenge the very grounds on which those paradigms operate in robotics labs and industry. From disembodied, conversational AI and its entanglement with care labor; embodied mobile robots as they intersect with domestic labor; emotional robots impacting affective labor; and armed military drones and artistic responses to drone warfare, The Robotic Imaginary ultimately reveals how the human is made knowable through the design of and discourse on humanoid robots that are, paradoxically, dehumanized.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Pocket · 2018


    The time bind

    The time bind

    Arlie Russell

    Pocket, veldig bra tilstand

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2000


    Pocket · 1997



    Global woman

    Global woman: Nannies, maids, and sex workers in the new economy

    Arlie Russell

    Feminisme i global kontekst

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2002


    kr 100
    kr 100


    Huggorm: biologien, fobien, giften, mytologien

    Karl H. Brox

    "HUGGORM. Biologien. Fobien. Giften. Mytologien" er den første boken på norsk om huggorm, den eneste giftslangen i norsk fauna og det dyret som undersøkelser viser at de fleste av oss kjenner størst redsel for. Den europeiske huggormen, som er den arten som lever her og sørover til og med Alpene, er bare én av over 200 arter huggormer. På andre kontinenter finnes huggormer som er blant de farligste og mest aggressive av alle giftslanger. Karl H. Brox har skrevet om huggormer både hjemme og ute. Sør for Alpene finnes andre huggormer også på det europeiske kontinentet, men i Afrika, Asia og Amerika lever langt farligere huggormarter enn i Europa, for eksempel klapperslanger, Russels huggorm, hvesehuggormer, alle giftslanger som hvert år tar mange menneskeliv eller påfører mennesker store skader. Ingen har oversikt over hvor mange mennesker som årlig dør etter bitt av giftslanger, men eksperter mener at tallet kan være så høyt som 125 000. Bare malariamyggen tar flere liv. Noen av de verste menneskedreperne er huggormer. Karl H. Brox har skrevet om huggormers biologi, gift, slangenes plass i mytologiske fremstillinger og om den universelle slangefobien, en redsel som oppsto allerede hos de første mennesker, omgitt som de var av farlige slanger, og som gjennom tusenårene har nedfelt seg i det menneskelige genmaterialet. Velkommen til giftslangenes mytiske, fascinerende, spennende og farlige verden.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål


    A Lens on America: Arlie's Journey Across 50 States

    A Lens on America: Arlie's Journey Across 50 States

    Arlie Isley

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Bib Publishers) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



    An Introduction to Mathematical Finance with Applications

    An Introduction to Mathematical Finance with Applications

    Arlie O. Petters, Xiaoying Dong

    Moreover, the text is useful for mathematicians, physicists, and engineers who want to learn finance via an approach that builds their financial intuition and is explicit about model building, as well as business school students who want a treatment of finance that is deeper but not overly theoretical.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Gravitational Lensing in Spacetimes

    Gravitational Lensing in Spacetimes

    Arlie O. Petters, Marcus Werner

    This unique monograph provides a rigorous, unified, exposition of gravitational lensing in spacetimes with matter, dark energy, and black holesCan be used as a text for a graduate course or advanced undergraduate seminarShould be of interest to interdisciplinary researchers in mathematics, mathematical physics, astrophysics, cosmology, and general relativityPetters' work has been celebrated in NYTimes and Duke articles

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    What Works for Women at Work

    What Works for Women at Work

    Joan C. Williams, Rachel Dempsey

    "Clearly and vividly detail[s] the double standards and the dead ends that so many women face in the workplace." - Sheryl Sandberg, author of Lean In "If you're a working woman searching for the best pocket guide to success at work, here it is." - Arlie Hochschild, author of The Outsourced Self and So How's the Family? and other essays "A must-read book for everyone committed to creating gender-fair workplaces." - Alice H. Eagly, author of Through the Labyrinth

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Innbundet · 2014


    Under the Zaboca Tree

    Under the Zaboca Tree

    Glynis Guevara

    Fiction. Young Adult. Women's Studies. Caribbean Studies. At ten, Melody Sparks, better known as Baby Girl, is excited to move to the tropical island of Trinidad with her single-parent dad, but she silently longs for her mother, a woman she can't recall ever meeting and doesn't have a photo of. She fits in to her new life in Paradise Lane quite well: she loves her school and makes new friends. However, her longing for blood family remains strong. But Baby Girl is suddenly and unexpectedly uprooted from her comfortable life in Paradise Lane and forced to reside in Flat Hill Village, a depressed, crime-ridden community. She struggles to adjust to life in this village with the help of new friends, Arlie, a village activist and Colm, a young man who mentors her to write poetry. When Baby Girl witnesses a serious crime, her father insists she move in with relatives she doesn't know very well, where she ultimately uncovers the truth about her mother. UNDER THE ZABOCA TREE is a contemporary coming of age novel that explores multiple issues including the challenges of being a motherless adolescent, searching for one's identity, the unbreakable bonds of family, and the ability to adapt to difficult situations.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Twilight of American Sanity

    Twilight of American Sanity

    Allen Frances

    "Unravel[s] the national psyche that brought our politics to this moment." - Evan Osnos, The New YorkerA landmark book, from "one of the world's most prominent psychiatrists" (The Atlantic): Allen Frances analyzes the nation, viewing the rise of Donald J. Trump as darkly symptomatic of a deeper societal distress that must be understood if we are to move forward. Equally challenging and profound, Twilight of American Sanity "joins a small shelf of essential titles-Arlie Hochschild's Strangers in Their Own Land is another-that help explain why and how the Trump presidency happened" (Kirkus).It is comforting to see President Donald Trump as a crazy man, a one-off, an exception-not a reflection on us or our democracy. But in ways I never anticipated, his rise was absolutely predictable and a mirror on our soul. ... What does it say about us, that we elected someone so manifestly unfit and unprepared to determine mankind's future? Trump is a symptom of a world in distress, not its sole cause. Blaming him for all our troubles misses the deeper, underlying societal sickness that made possible his unlikely ascent. Calling Trump crazy allows us to avoid confronting the craziness in our society-if we want to get sane, we must first gain insight about ourselves. Simply put: Trump isn't crazy, but our society is. -from TWILIGHT OF AMERICAN SANITYMore than three years in the making: the world's leading expert on psychiatric diagnosis, past leader of the American Psychiatric Association's DSM ("the bible of psychology"), and author of the influential international bestseller on the medicalization of ordinary life, Saving Normal, draws upon his vast experience to deliver a powerful critique of modern American society's collective slide away from sanity and offers an urgently needed prescription for reclaiming our bearings. Widely cited in recent months as the man who quite literally wrote the diagnostic criteria for narcissism, Allen Frances, M.D., has been at the center of the debate surrounding President Trump's mental state-quoted in Evan Osnos's May 2017 New Yorker article ("How Trump Could Get Fired") and publishing a much-shared opinion letter in the New York Times ("An Eminent Psychiatrist Demurs on Trump's Mental State"). Frances argues that Trump is "bad, not mad"--and that the real question to wrestle with is how we as a country could have chosen him as our leader. Twilight of American Sanity is an essential work for understanding our national crisis.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    The Hunger Games

    The Hunger Games

    Suzanne Collins

    <p>Now in paperback, the book no one can stop talking about . . .</p><p>In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. The Capitol is harsh and cruel and keeps the districts in line by forcing them all to send one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to participate in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives alone with her mother and younger sister, regards it as a death sentence when she is forced to represent her district in the Games. But Katniss has been close to dead before - and survival, for her, is second nature. Without really meaning to, she becomes a contender. But if she is to win, she will have to start making choices that weigh survival against humanity and life against love.</p><p>New York Times bestselling author Suzanne Collins delivers equal parts suspense and philosophy, adventure and romance, in this searing novel set in a future with unsettling parallels to our present.</p>

    4.6 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018

    kr 50

    Pocket · 2016


    kr 20

    Andre utgaver · 11

    kr 50

    Innføring i skatterett 2022-2023

    Innføring i skatterett 2022-2023

    Lars Fallan, Stine Mari Børthus, Even Fallan, Astrid Svendgård

    Innføring i skatterett er skreddersydd for studenter i økonomisk-administrative fag på høgskolenivå. Bestill vurderingseksemplar Innføring i skatterett er skrevet for studenter i økonomisk-administrative fag på universitets- og høgskolenivå. Boka er inndelt i tre deler, hvor del I tar opp personbeskatning, del II tar opp næringsbeskatning og del III tar opp særskilte temaer innen skattebetaling og forvaltningsrett. Del III inneholder også utvidet stoff om skatt og fast eiendom. Bokas pedagogiske grunnidé er fokus på økonomiske virkninger av skattereglene, stor hyppighet av eksempler for å illustrere virkningene og forenkle læringsprosessen, samt årlig oppdatering av skatteregler og -satser for å gi best mulig relevans for studentene. Denne 40. utgaven av boka er oppdatert i henhold til gjeldende, ordinære skatteregler for 2022. Læreverket består også av en studiebok som inneholder oppgaver og løsningsforslag til alle delene av læreboka.

    4.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2022

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 150

    Pocket · 2022

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 40

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 150

    God å snakke med

    God å snakke med: fra hverdagsproblemer til samtaler som redder liv

    Malene Vilnes

    GOD Å SNAKKE MED er skrevet til deg som ønsker å bli en bedre samtalepartner. Her får du konkrete råd, tips og øvelser som gjør deg mer bevisst på hva som er viktig og grunnleggende for den gode praten. Små og store utfordringer i livet gjør at mange av menneskene rundt oss trenger en god samtale. Denne boken hjelper deg å snakke om alt fra hverdagens problemer til spørsmål som handler om liv og død. Vi vet at samtaler kan redde liv, men da må vi våge å spørre. Lytte. Tåle stillheten, og det å være sammen med andre der det er vondt. Vi ønsker å gi deg kunnskapen og tryggheten du trenger for å klare det. Kirkens SOS er Norges største krisetjeneste og besvarer i underkant av 200 000 henvendelser årlig. Denne kompetansen bruker vi til å holde kurset God å snakke med. Nå deler vi det beste fra kurset med deg. Rådene i boken er basert på erfaringer og kunnskap som vi har samlet gjennom over 40 års tjeneste og samtale med mennesker i krise.

    4.8 av 5

    Innbundet · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 50
    kr 50

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