Den lave himmelen
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Norsk Bokmål
The Tsar of Love and Techno
A Granta Best Young American Novelist1930s Leningrad: a failed portrait artist employed by Soviet censors must erase political dissenters from official images and artworks.
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A Constellation of Vital Phenomena
*** Granta Best of Young American Novelists 2017 ***In a snow-covered village in Chechnya, eight-year-old Havaa watches from the woods as her father is abducted in the middle of the night by Russian soldiers.
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Definitionen av liv
Andlös debut om mänsklig ondska. Och om de som upphäver den. Med poetiskt, genomtänkt språk och en befriande dos humor tecknar Marra oförglömliga tjetjenska levnadsöden.I en liten snötäckt by i Tjetjenien gömmer sig åttaåriga Chava när hennes far förs bort av de ryska styrkorna. Grannen Achmed tar med Chava till den cyniska läkaren Sonja. Under fem dramatiska dagar avslöjas det komplicerade mönster av sorg, svek och förlåtelse som oväntat binder dem samman.
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Simpsonistas, Vol. 1
Simpsonistas: Tales from the Simpson Family Literary Project, Vol. 1 highlights brilliant work by associates of the Simpson Project: Joyce Carol Oates, Anthony Marra, T. Geronimo Johnson, Samantha Hunt, Lori Ostlund, Martin Pousson, Ben Fountain, and many others, including Simpson Fellows as well as young writers appearing for the first time in print. Johnson and Marra were Simpson Prize Winners; Fountain, Hunt, Ostlund, and Pousson were Prize Finalists. Simpsonistas is the inaugural anthology of the Simpson Project, which is committed to the proposition that storytelling is the foundation of a literate society: The Simpson Family Literary Project promotes storytellers and storytelling across the generations, and across a tremendous spectrum: from incarcerated young men and women to high school-age students to distinguished mid-career authors to internationally celebrated writers. Simpson Fellows from UC Berkeley lead workshops for fledgling writers, and the annual Simpson Prize Recipient receives an award of $50,000 in support of a burgeoning career. Joyce Carol Oates is the current Simpson Project Writer-in-Residence at the Lafayette (CA) Public Library, where she works with librarians, teachers, college and high school students, and the broader communities.
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Vårt eget sted
Stor, varm familiefortelling om tilhørighet, forventninger og kjærlighet En familie forbereder eldstedatterens bryllup. En gledens og kjærlighetens dag - men også en dag for spenninger, sorg og minner de har prøvd å glemme. Slik rulles en hel familiehistorie opp, om et indisk ektepar som har bosatt seg i USA og fått tre barn: Hadia er legestudent og gifter seg med an mann hun har valgt av kjærlighet. Huda følger en mer tradisjonell vei, men går i søsterens vellykkede fotspor. Lillebror Amar, derimot, finner seg verken til rette på skolen eller i familien. Han drives av helt andre ting: uro, nysgjerrighet og lidenskap. Og alle fem må lære at selv små avgjørelser kan føre til store svik. Vårt eget sted er en stor familiefortelling - om én familie, men også om familier flest. Klokt, varmt og gripende utforsker den kjærlighet, identitet og tilhørighet, og plasserer Fatima Farheen Mirza tydelig på det litterære kartet. Vårt eget sted er den første boken i Sarah Jessica Parkers egen liste for det amerikanske forlaget Hogarth. "En praktfull, blendende, hjerteskjærende debut." Sarah Jessica Parker «Vårt eget sted er en strålende komponert, vakker og fullendt episk fortelling om nesten alt som betyr noe: kjærlighet, familie, tro, frihet, svik, anger, tilgivelse. Fatima Farheen Mirza er en storslagen ny stemme. Anthony Marra, forfatter av Den lave himmelen «Dypt rørende ... Slående vakker.» Daily Mail «Helt nydelig ... noe av det mest gripende jeg har lest.» Washington Post «Jeg elsket hvert minutt av denne romanen. Mirzas prosa og historien hennes traff meg i hjertet, og jeg måtte trekke pusten dypt da jeg hadde lest ferdig. Dette er en forfatter å følge med på.» Stylist
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Norsk Bokmål
The Novel of Human Rights
The Novel of Human Rights defines a new, dynamic American literary genre. It incorporates key debates within the contemporary human rights movement in the United States, and in turn influences the ideas and rhetoric of that discourse.In James Dawes's framing, the novel of human rights takes as its theme a range of atrocities at home and abroad, scrambling the distinction between human rights within and beyond national borders. Some novels critique America's conception of human rights by pointing out U.S. exploitation of international crises. Other novels endorse an American ethos of individualism and citizenship as the best hope for global equality. Some narratives depict human rights workers as responding to an urgent ethical necessity, while others see only inefficient institutions dedicated to their own survival. Surveying the work of Chris Abani, Susan Choi, Edwidge Danticat, Dave Eggers, Nathan Englander, Francisco Goldman, Anthony Marra, and John Edgar Wideman, among others, Dawes finds traces of slave narratives, Holocaust literature, war novels, and expatriate novels, along with earlier traditions of justice writing.The novel of human rights responds to deep forces within America's politics, society, and culture, Dawes shows. His illuminating study clarifies many ethical dilemmas of today's local and global politics and helps us think our way, through them, to a better future. Vibrant and modern, the human rights novel reflects our own time and aspires to shape the world we will leave for those who come after.
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Patent, Copyright, Trademark and Unfair Competition, Selected Statutes, 2019
Receive complimentary lifetime digital access to the eBook with new print purchase.This compact volume contains all of the key patent, copyright, trademark, and unfair competition statutes and related international agreements in a form convenient for student use. This edition includes the recently signed Music Modernization Act, which substantially revised copyright law's compulsory license for making and distributing phonorecords of nondramatic musical works and granted federal rights to sound recordings created before February 15, 1972. Also included are amendments to copyright law made to implement the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works by Visually Impaired Persons and Persons with Print Disabilities.Other recent changes incorporated in this edition are the federal Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016, the Patent Law Treaties Implementation Act of 2012, and the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA), which substantially rewrote the U.S. Patent Act. (The amended patent statute appears as the main text, but the volume also continues to include the most important superseded provisions of the prior patent law.) In addition to the full text of the federal Patent, Copyright, and Trademark statutes, it includes the principal intellectual property treaties and agreements, as well as the Restatement (Third) of Unfair Competition and the Uniform Trade Secrets Act.
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Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (STANLEY GIBBONS) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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The Very Thought of Herbert Blau
Herbert Blau (1926-2013) was the most influential theater theorist, practitioner, and educator of his generation. He was the leading American interpreter of the works of Samuel Beckett and as a director was instrumental in introducing works of the European avant-garde to American audiences. He was also one of the most far-reaching and thoughtful American theorists of theater and performance, and author of influential books such as The Dubious Spectacle, The Audience, and Take Up the Bodies: Theater at the Vanishing Point.In The Very Thought of Herbert Blau, distinguished artists and scholars offer reflections on what made Blau's contributions so visionary, transformative, and unforgettable, and why his ideas endure in both seminar rooms and studios. The contributors, including Lee Breuer, Sue-Ellen Case, Gautam Dasgupta, Elin Diamond, S. E. Gontarski, Linda Gregerson, Martin Harries, Bill Irwin, Julia Jarcho, Anthony Kubiak, Daniel Listoe, Clark Lunberry, Bonnie Marranca, Peggy Phelan, Joseph Roach, Richard Schechner, Morton Subotnick, Julie Taymor, and Gregory Whitehead, respond to Blau's fierce and polymorphous intellect, his relentless drive and determination, and his audacity, his authority, to think, as he frequently insisted, "at the very nerve ends of thought.
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Alt lyset vi ikke ser: en roman
EN BLIND FRANSK JENTE. EN FORELDRELØS TYSK GUTT. BEGGE KJEMPER FOR Å OVERLEVE. ET SKJEBNEMØTE I DET OKKUPERTE FRANKRIKE DER TO LIV ENDRES FOR ALLTID. Marie-Laure bor med faren i Paris nær det naturhistoriske museet, hvor han er låsemester for museets tusener av låser. Når Marie-Laure blir blind som seksåring, bygger pappa en perfekt miniatyr av nabolaget så hun kan memorere det med hendene og finne veien hjem på egenhånd. Når hun er tolv år, okkuperer nazistene Paris. Hun og pappa flykter til festningsbyen St. Malo ved kysten, til et familiemedlem. Med seg bærer de en hemmelighet: En juvel som kanskje er museets mest verdifulle edelsten. Har de fått utlevert den ekte steinen eller bare en av flere kopier? Den ekte steinen har en urgammel spådom over seg. Og hensynløse nazister jakter på den. I en gruveby i Tyskland vokser foreldreløse Werner opp på barnehjem. Hans tekniske begavelse skaffer ham innpass i Hitlers brutale ungdomsorganisasjonen. Werner blir sendt ut på oppdrag for å spore og knuse motstandsfolk på kryss og tvers i Europa. Sjokkert over krigens og nazistenes brutalitet, ender han i St. Malo, hvor hans skjebne flettes sammen med Marie-Laure. Med sitt lyrisk vakre språk, har Anthony Doerr skrevet en vidunderlig, fengslende og uforglemmelig historie om en blind jente og en foreldreløs gutt midt under krigens herjinger. Kritikerrost bestselger. Nominert til National Book Award 2014. Topp ti på Amazon og NYT.
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Central Europe
Boka dekker de sentral-europeiske landene Tyskland, Polen, Tsjekkia, Slovakia, Liechtenstein, Sveits, Østerrike, Ungarn og Slovenia. Med informasjon om historie, kultur, severdigheter, overnattings- og spisesteder etc. Med ordlister og kart- og stikkordregister.
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East Africa
Dette er en detaljert reisehåndbok med praktiske opplysninger om transport, overnatting, spisesteder, severdigheter, utesteder, shopping, historie, kunst og kultur, religion og språk; samt en rekke andre opplysninger som turister vil kunne ha nytte av. Med kart.
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Moro med musikk
Det er moro å lage musikk - å slå en rytme på tromme eller tamburin, spille en melodi på xylofon, eller lage orkester sammen med venner. "Moro med musikk" lærer barn de grunnleggende prinsipper for å lage musikk, og viser dem hvordan man kan sette sammen spennende instrumenter av vanlige husholdningsartikler, maracas av ballonger og avispapir, tromme av en malingboks, klokker av ståltråd og flaskekorker - og mange andre. Du finner også en rekke fantasifulle ideer til hvordan instrumentene kan brukes, enten solo eller i grupper - til å lage sanger, til å lage lydene på en jernbanestasjon eller på en paradeplass, og til å spille innfødt dansemusikk - for å nevne noe.
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Norsk Bokmål
East Africa
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Kenya: selvstyre uten frihet
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Norsk Bokmål
Taking It to the Streets
Taking It to the Streets: Public Theologies of Activism and Resistance is an edited volume that explores the critical intersection of public theology, political theology, and communal practices of activism and political resistance. This volume functions as a sister/companion to the text Religion and Science as Political Theology: Navigating Post-Truth and Alternative Facts and focuses on public, civic, performative action as a response to experiences of injustice and diminishments of humanity. There are periods in a nation's civil history when the tides of social unrest rise into waves upon waves of public activism and resistance of the dominant uses of power. In American history, activism and public action including and extending beyond the Women's Suffrage, the Million Man March, protests against the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, Boston Tea Party, Black Lives Matter, the Stonewall Rebellion are hallmarks of transitional or liminal moments in our development as a society. Critical periods marked by increases in public activism and political resistance are opportunities for a society to once again decide who we will be as a people. Will we move towards a more perfect union in which all persons gain freedom in fulfilling their potential or will we choose the perceived safety of the status quo and established norms of power? Whose voices will be heard? Whose will be silenced through intimidation or harm? Ultimately, these are theological questions. Like other forms of non-textual research subjects (movement, dance, performance art), public activism requires a set of research lenses that are often neglected in theological and religious studies. Attention to bodies, as a category, performance, or epistemological vehicle, is sorely lacking so it is no wonder that attention to the mass of moving bodies in activism is largely absent. Activism and public political resistance are a hallmark of our current social webbing and deserve scholarly attention.
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Lonely Planet Russia is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Take an awe-inspiring walk through Red Square, hike amongst the geysers and volcanoes of Kamchatka, or sweat it out in a traditional Russian banya (bathhouse); all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Russia and begin your journey now!
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Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet Kenya is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Travel through ancient lands to witness some of the world's greatest wildlife spectaculars, climb a volcano or two, or sail in a magnificent dhow to seemingly unknown islands; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Kenya and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet's Kenya Travel Guide: Colour maps and images throughout Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - daily life, tribes, national parks and reserves, cuisine Over 50 maps Covers Nairobi, Southern Rift Valley, Masai Mara, Central Highlands, Mombasa, Lamu, coastal Kenya and more The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet Kenya, our most comprehensive guide to Kenya, is perfect for both exploring top sights and taking roads less travelled. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's East Africa guide. Authors: Written and researched by Lonely Planet, Anthony Ham, Stuart Butler, David Lukas and Kate Thomas. About Lonely Planet: Since 1973, Lonely Planet has become the world's leading travel media company with guidebooks to every destination, an award-winning website, mobile and digital travel products, and a dedicated traveller community. Lonely Planet covers must-see spots but also enables curious travellers to get off beaten paths to understand more of the culture of the places in which they find themselves.
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Trans-Siberian railway
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet Trans-Siberian Railway is your passport to all the most relevant and up-to-date advice on what to see, what to skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Before hitting the rails, tour through history in Moscow's Kremlin, make a train compartment home away from home, and stretch your legs at journey's end by biking Beijing's twisting alleys; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of this famous rail journey and begin your adventure now! Inside Lonely Planet Trans-Siberian Railway Travel Guide: *Colour maps and images throughout *Highlights and itineraries show you the simplest way to tailor your trip to your own personal needs and interests *Insider tips save you time and money and help you get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots *Essential info at your fingertips - including hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, and prices *Honest reviews for all budget - including eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, and hidden gems that most guidebooks miss *Cultural insights give you a richer and more rewarding travel experience - including customs, history, art, literature, cinema, theatre, music, architecture, politics, landscapes, wildlife, and cuisine *Over 40 local maps *Useful features - including Arranging Your Visas, Buying Tickets, and Life on Rails *Coverage of Moscow, St Petersburg, Moscow to Yekaterinburg, Lake Baikal: Krasnoyarsk to Ulan-Ude, Ulan-Ude to Vladivostok, Baikal-Amur Mainline, Trans-Mongolian Route, Trans-Manchurian Route, Beijing, and more The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet Trans-Siberian Railway, our most comprehensive guide to the famous rail journey, is perfect for those planning to both explore the top sights and take the road less travelled. * Looking for a guide focused on a particular country or city along the route? Check out Lonely Planet's Russia guide, Mongolia guide, China guide, St Petersburg guide, Moscow guide, or Beijing guide for a comprehensive look at all that each of these destinations has to offer, Lonely Planet's Discover China, a photo-rich guide to the country's most popular attractions, or Lonely Planet's Pocket Beijing, a handy-sized guide focused on the can't-miss sights for a quick trip. Authors: Written and researched by Lonely Planet, Anthony Haywood, Marc Bennetts, Greg Bloom, Marc Di Duca, Michael Kohn, Tom Masters, Leonid Ragozin, and Mara Vorhees. About Lonely Planet: Started in 1973, Lonely Planet has become the world's leading travel guide publisher with guidebooks to every destination on the planet, as well as an award-winning website, a suite of mobile and digital travel products, and a dedicated traveller community. Lonely Planet's mission is to enable curious travellers to experience the world and to truly get to the heart of the places they find themselves in. TripAdvisor Travelers' Choice Awards 2012 and 2013 winner in Favorite Travel Guide category 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media (Australia)
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