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Viser resultat for 'Andrew McVicar'

    Physiology and Anatomy

    Physiology and Anatomy: For nurses and healthcare practitioners

    John Clancy, Andrew McVicar

    An essential Physiology and anatomy book that guides the raser through basic structure and function of the body systems to more complex issues of clinical disorder and healthcare practice.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009


    kr 150
    kr 150

    Pedagogisk mangfold

    Pedagogisk mangfold: i et samfunnsperspektiv

    Hva er pedagogikk i dagens samfunn? Hvordan kan pedagogisk kunnskap bidra til et økt mangfold i arbeid rettet mot oppvekst, utdanning og arbeidsliv? Hvorfor er pedagogikk så viktig for utvikling og læring for barn, unge og voksne? Denne boken handler om pedagogisk mangfold, og den presenterer pedagogikk ut fra sosiologisk, antropologisk, filosofisk, didaktisk, spesialpedagogisk, psykologisk og historisk perspektiv. Forfatterne fremhever forholdet mellom utdanning og samfunn og viser at livet utenfor skolen har innflytelse på hvem som lærer, og hva som læres. Boken inneholder redskaper, modeller og begreper til å forstå og analysere utdanningserfaringer og til å styrke pedagogers forståelse og ferdigheter for å kunne skape gode læringsprosesser. Målgruppen for boken er studenter i pedagogikk på disiplin- og profesjonsstudier på bachelor- og masternivå. Boken vil også kunne være aktuell for alle som arbeider med læring og formidling i utdanning og arbeidsliv. Den vil derfor også kunne appellere til ansatte i barnehage, grunnskole, videregående skole og ansatte innenfor ulike helseinstitusjoner. Bokens redaktører er Vivian D. Haugen og Gerd Stølen. Øvrige bidragsytere er Jarle Bakke, Kristin Emilie W. Bjørndal, Unn-Doris K. Bæck, Richard Haugen, Andrew Kristiansen, Gregor Maxwell, Gry Paulgaard, Tone Skinningsrud, Randi Skjelmo, Tomas Stølen og Vidar Vambheim.

    4.9 av 5

    Pocket · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 179
    kr 179

    Human Rights: A Very Short Introduction

    Human Rights: A Very Short Introduction

    Andrew Clapham

    Today it is usually not long before a problem gets expressed as a human rights issue. Indeed, human rights law continues to gain increasing attention internationally, and must move quickly in order to keep up with a social world that changes so rapidly.This Very Short Introduction, in its second edition, brings the issue of human rights up to date, considering the current controversies surrounding the movement. Discussing torture and arbitrary detention in the context of counter terrorism, Andrew Clapham also considers new challenges to human rights in the context of privacy, equality and the right to health. Looking at the philosophical justification for rights, the historical origins of human rights and how they are formed in law,Clapham explains what our human rights actually are, what they might be, and where the human rights movement is heading. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.

    3.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    kr 79
    kr 79

    Harry Potter og de vises stein

    Harry Potter og de vises stein

    J.K. Rowling

    4.7 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89

    Innbundet · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 299

    Andre utgaver · 10

    kr 89

    Rom for anerkjennelse i utdanningssystemet

    Rom for anerkjennelse i utdanningssystemet

    Andrew Kristiansen

    Andrew Kristiansen presenterer leseren for fenomenet anerkjennelse, og utdyper hvorfor anerkjennelse er så viktig i forhold til unge menneskers selvutvikling, opplevelse av rettferdighet og utvikling av identitet. Boken bringer sammen psykologiske, sosiologiske og filosofiske perspektiver, og utfordrer rådende oppfatninger av anerkjennelse innenfor utdanningsfeltet. Utdanningssystemet stiller bestemte krav og gir noen stemmer forrang fremfor andre, slik at mange unge ikke opplever å bli sett eller hørt. Ved hjelp av anerkjennelse kan læreren gjøre disse mer synlige og la deres stemmer bli hørt. Anerkjennelse fjerner ikke i seg selv grunnlaget for urettmessige forskjeller og ulikheter eller krenkelser, men vil bidra til å gjøre det mer håndterlig. Boken retter seg mot alle som har, eller forbereder seg på å få, oppdragelses- og opplæringsansvar for barn og ungdom i barnehagen, skolen og innen høyere utdanning. Andrew Kristiansen er førsteamanuensis i pedagogikk ved Institutt for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk ved Universitetet i Tromsø.

    4.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 79
    kr 79



    Andrew Heywood

    The fifth edition of this seminal textbook by best-selling author Andrew Heywood continues to lead the way in providing a comprehensive and authoritative introduction to politics. Renowned for its engaging and accessible style, this book helps students to understand the discipline's foundational concepts and theories and use these to make sense of its key subfields, from elections and voting to security and global governance. Systematically revised and updated throughout, it also uses a range of tried-and-tested pedagogical features to draw links between different standpoints and help make contemporary institutions, events and developments come to life. Drawing on a wide range of international examples, this text is the ideal choice for lecturers around the world. Carefully designed and written to map onto the way the subject is introduced at degree level, it remains the go-to text for undergraduate introductory and comparative politics courses. Furthermore, it can also be used as pre-course reading or as a point of reference throughout politics degrees, majors or minors.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 249

    Innbundet · 2019

    kr 109

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 249

    Trail Guide to the Body: How to Locate Muscules, Bones and More

    Trail Guide to the Body: How to Locate Muscules, Bones and More

    Andrew Biel

    Trail Guide to the Body , 5th Edition, A hands-on guide to locating muscles, bones and more Before you can assess or treat a muscle, you first must be able to locate it. This acclaimed book delivers beautifully illustrated information for learning palpation and the musculoskeletal system. It makes mastering the essential manual therapy skills interesting, memorable and easy. With 504 pages and 1,400 illustrations covering more than 162 muscles, 206 bones, 33 ligaments and 110 bony landmarks, this text provides an invaluable map of the body. This new edition includes an extensive 56-page appendix that describes the common trigger point locations and pain patterns of 100 muscles. Trail Guide to the Body is a highly recommended textbook for the state licensing tests administered by both the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) and the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB) and is one of only five books on their official examination reference lists. In addition, the Board of Certification program for athletic trainers in the U.S. uses our high-quality Trail Guide to the Body illustrations in their various products, including exams. Whether you are a massage therapist, physical therapist, sports trainer or student in any bodywork modality, Trail Guide to the Body is for you

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    kr 199
    kr 199

    Modern Operating Systems: Global Edition

    Modern Operating Systems: Global Edition

    Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Pearson Education Limited) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    kr 459
    kr 459

    Politician ideologies

    Politician ideologies : An Introduction (7th ed.)

    Andrew Heywood

    Helt ny bok i veldig god tilstand

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 249
    kr 249

    Structured Computer Organization

    Structured Computer Organization

    Andrew S. Tanenbaum

    'Structured Computer Organization', specifically written for undergraduate students, provides an accessible introduction to computer hardware and architecture. This text also serves as a useful resource for all computer professionals and engineers who need an overview or introduction to computer architecture.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012


    kr 89
    kr 89

    Think And Grow Rich

    Think And Grow Rich

    Napoleon Hill

    Discover the 13 powerful principles behind every great success story The timeless bestseller setting out Hills's formula for money-making successNapoleon Hill, America's most beloved motivational author, devoted 25 years to finding out how the wealthy became that way. After interviewing over 500 of the most affluent men and women of his time, he uncovered the secret to great wealth based on the notion that if we can learn to think like the rich, we can start to behave like them. By understanding and applying the thirteen simple steps that constitute Hill's formula, you can achieve your goals, change your life and join the ranks of the rich and successful. Hill's principles include Faith (true belief you can achieve your goal through visualisation), Autosuggestion (influencing the subconscious mind) and Decision (overcoming procrastination and being decisive). Backed by decades of success stories from over 15 million readers, mastering Hill's principles will help you to become a top-achiever.In this updated edition, Dr. Arthur R. Pell provides examples of men and women who, in recent times, exemplify the principles that Hill promulgated. With the success stories of top achievers such as Bill Gates and Steven Spielberg, he proves that Hill's philosophies are as valid today as they ever were.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 139

    Pocket · 2016


    kr 129

    Andre utgaver · 10

    kr 139

    Business Ethics

    Business Ethics

    University of Bath) Crane Andrew (Professor of Business and Society, Canada) Matten Dirk (Professor of Strategy and Hewlett-Packard Chair York University, University of Bath) Glozer Sarah (Senior Lecturer in Marketing Business and Society, University of London) Spence Laura (Professor of Business Ethics Royal Holloway

    How can you be an ethical corporate citizen in an increasingly complex, multiple-stakeholder world? This is the most pressing question facing businesses today, small and large, local and global. Business Ethics is a thorough yet accessible exploration of the main ethical theories and how these apply to the major stakeholders facing this question. Written from a truly international perspective and supported by diverse and innovative learning features, this book provides the tools and concepts necessary to understand and effectively manage ethical challenges wherever you are in the world. 'Key Concepts' and 'Think Theory' boxes ensure the essential ideas are straightforward to grasp but don't go unchallenged, while 'Ethics in Action' boxes and Case Studies illustrate these ideas at play in the working world. Step into the shoes of adecision-maker with 'Ethical Dilemma' boxes and hear from them first hand with new 'Practitioner Spotlight' boxes, which feature fascinating insights from real-life practitioners on how they manage ethical decisions and what skills they consider to be crucial to success.The fifth edition offers a wealth of new cases and examples as well as updates of favourites from previous editions, including features on AirBnB, TOMS, and McDonalds. Bespoke video interviews with the practitioners from the book and new multiple-choice questions enhance the online resources for students, while workshop and flipped classroom activity ideas support lecturers. In addition, content has been thoroughly updated across the book and online to reflect the latest developments and issuessurrounding corporate citizenship, globalization, and sustainability. The book is supported by an extensive range of online resources:For students: Practitioner Spotlight videos and web linksAdditional Case Study web linksAdditional Ethics in Action web linksAddition Ethics on Screen web linksThink Theory responsesFilm listEthics career guideFurther readingMultiple-choice questionsFor lecturers: VLE contentPowerPoint slidesTest bankCase bankSample course outlineTeaching notes for Case StudiesTeaching notes for Ethical DilemmasTeaching notes for Ethics in Action featuresTeaching notes for Ethics on Screen featuresIdeas for structured workshops

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 249
    kr 249

    Food and Beverage Management

    Food and Beverage Management

    Bernard Davis, Andrew Lockwood, UK) Alcott Peter (University of Surrey, UK) Pantelidis Ioannis S. (University of Brighton

    This introductory textbook provides a thorough guide to the management of food and beverage outlets, from their day-to-day running through to the wider concerns of the hospitality industry. It explores the broad range of subject areas that encompass the food and beverage market and its main sectors - fast food and casual dining, hotels and quality restaurants and event, industrial and welfare catering. It also looks at some of the important trends affecting the food and beverage industry, covering consumers, the environment and ethical concerns as well as developments in technology.New to this edition:New chapter: Classifying food and drink service operations.New international case studies throughout covering the latest industry developments within a wide range of businesses.Enhanced coverage of financial aspects, including forecasting and menu pricing with respective examples of costings.New coverage of contemporary trends, including events management, use of technology, use of social media in marketing, customer management and environmental concerns, such as sourcing, sustainability and waste management. Updated companion website, including new case studies, PowerPoint slides, multiple choice questions, revision notes, true or false questions, short answer questions and new video and web links per chapter. It is illustrated in full colour and contains in-chapter activities as well as end-of-chapter summaries and revision questions to test the readers' knowledge as they progress. Written by a team of authors with many years of industry practice and teaching experience, this book is the ideal guide to the subject for hospitality students and industry practitioners alike.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 139

    Innbundet · 2018

    kr 139

    Basic Immunology

    Basic Immunology

    Abul K. Abbas, Andrew H. H. Lichtman, Shiv Pillai

    Meticulously reviewed and updated for today's medical students, Basic Immunology, 6th Edition, is a concise text expertly written by the same distinguished author team as the best-selling, comprehensive text, Cellular and Molecular Immunology. This focused, easy-to-understand volume uses full-color illustrations and clinical images, useful tables, and practical features such as Summary Point boxes, end-of-chapter review questions, glossary terms, and clinical cases-all designed to help students master this complex topic in the most efficient, effective manner possible.Emphasizes clinical aspects of immunology, including disease pathogenesis, the development of novel therapies based on basic science, and an appendix of clinical cases for real-world application.Provides top-notch instruction from experienced teachers, course directors, and lecturers led by well-known editor and author Dr. Abul Abbas.Features a highly readable writing style and practical organization, now with fully revised content and updated images to reflect recent important advances in today's understanding of the immune system.Provides additional online features such as answers to in-book chapter review questions, helpful animations, and self-assessment questions.Presents information in a format and style that maximizes usefulness to students and teachers studying medicine, allied health fields, and biology.Contains numerous features designed to help students understand key immunologic concepts: high-quality illustrations, practical tables, chapter outlines, bolded key points, and focus questions in every chapter for self-assessment and review.Includes an Enhanced eBook version with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 299

    Pocket · 2014

    kr 89
    kr 299

    The Housemaid

    The Housemaid

    Freida McFadden

    THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER "Welcome to the family," Nina Winchester says as I shake her elegant, manicured hand. I smile politely, gazing around the marble hallway. Working here is my last chance to start fresh. I can pretend to be whoever I like. But I'll soon learn that the Winchesters' secrets are far more dangerous than my own . . . Every day I clean the Winchesters' beautiful house top to bottom. I collect their daughter from school. And I cook a delicious meal for the whole family before heading up to eat alone in my tiny room on the top floor. I try to ignore how Nina makes a mess just to watch me clean it up. How she tells strange lies about her own daughter. And how her husband Andrew seems more broken every day. But as I look into Andrew's handsome brown eyes, so full of pain, it's hard not to imagine what it would be like to live Nina's life. The walk-in closet, the fancy car, the perfect husband. I only try on one of Nina's pristine white dresses once. Just to see what it's like. But she soon finds out... and by the time I realize my attic bedroom door only locks from the outside, it's far too late. But I reassure myself: the Winchesters don't know who I really am. They don't know what I'm capable of . . .

    4.9 av 5

    Pocket · 2023


    kr 89

    Pocket · 2022


    kr 89

    Andre utgaver · 8

    kr 89

    Crisis without end?

    Crisis without end? : The unravelling of western prosperity

    Andrew Gamble

    About the 2008 recession

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    kr 89
    kr 89

    Ingen plan B

    Ingen plan B

    Lee Child, Andrew Child

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2023

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89


    Haematology : Third Edition

    Gary Moore, Gavin Knight, Andrew Blann

    Helt ubrukt bok, kun tatt av plasten, ikke åpnet en gang

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 459
    kr 459

    En gentleman i Moskva

    En gentleman i Moskva

    Amor Towles

    Romanens handling er satt til Moskva på 1920-tallet, rettere sagt til den 21. juni 1922. Grev Alexander Rostov - mottaker av Saint Andrew-ordenen, medlem av Jockey-klubben og 'Master' i den edle jaktkunst - blir eskortert ut av Kreml, over den Røde Plass og gjennom de Hotel Metropols elegante svingdører. Ansett som en uforbederlig aristokrat av et bolsjevikisk tribunal, dømmes greven til husarrest på livstid. I et av byens flotteste hoteller tilbringer han de neste tiårene i et lite loftsrom, som passiv tilskuer de dramatiske i endringene i Russland. I kontrasten mellom grevens tilbaketrukne tilværelse og de omkalfatrende hendelsene på utsiden av hotellet, har Towles skapt et elegant språklig univers fylt av humor og refleksjoner over tid, historie og samfunn.

    3.3 av 5

    Pocket · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Innbundet · 2019

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Bestialitetens historie

    Bestialitetens historie

    Jens Bjørneboe

    Regnet av mange som hovedverket til Jens Bjørneboe. Gjennom tre frittstående, men tematisk beslektede romaner gir Bjørneboe nærgående studier av menneskets ulvenatur. I Frihetens øyeblikk får leseren følge en rettstjener og hans notater fra et oppsiktsvekkende omstreiferliv, i Kruttårnet en historisk gjennomgang av den hvite manns ødeleggelser, og til slutt kommer nedtegnelsene til «protokollføreren», som registrerer den ondskap som har fulgt menneskeheten inn i vår egen tid, i Stillheten.Den sydende sterke romantrilogien er her samlet i ett bind. «Tre bøker vil bli stående fra etterkrigstidens norske litteratur: Frihetens øyeblikk, Kruttårnet og Stillheten.»Jan Andrew Nilsen, VGOm Jens Bjørneboe på wikipediaUtdypningsartikkel på Store norske leksikonForfattersider på dagbladet.no

    3.8 av 5

    Pocket · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139

    Innbundet · 2002

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 189
    kr 139

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