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Viser resultat for 'Andrew Langley'

    En borg i strid

    En borg i strid: historien om en beleiring

    Andrew Langley

    Boken forteller om forberedelsene som måtte til for å stå rustet til slaget på en middelalderborg, og litt om hvordan dagliglivet var for menneskene i og rundt borgen. Har stikkordregister.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1999

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Little Book of Champagne Tips

    Little Book of Champagne Tips

    Andrew Langley

    The Little Books of Tips series is a collection of books, each 50 tips in size, delivering wisdom and advice on a whole range of popular subjects covering food, gardening, craft, sports and hobbies. Discover a wealth of Champagne knowledge nuggets in this collection of inspiring fizz tips. You'll find a range of advice, from sourcing, storing and opening bottles to serving and drinking fizz in all its different bubbly incarnations. There are lots of food recipes for Champagne dishes such as glazed ham, risotto, poached figs and jelly, and ideas for what to do with any leftovers. Imbibe 50 fantastic measures of advice concerning Champagne!

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    The Little Book of Bread Machine Tips

    The Little Book of Bread Machine Tips

    Andrew Langley

    The Little Books of Tips series is a collection of books, each 50 tips in size, delivering wisdom and advice on a whole range of popular subjects covering food, gardening, craft, sports and hobbies. Fresh home-baked bread is one of the most wonderful things you can bake, and a bread machine is the most simple and full-proof way to make it. There are 50 inspiring tips in this little book that will make you fall in love with your bread machine. Find out how to prepare, use and get the best out of your machine!

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    The Celtic Courier

    The Celtic Courier

    Andrew Langley

    Form an orderly queue! Get your special edition copy of the Celtic Courier today! Bursting with news and features, including headline news, religious news, farming news, food and drink, fashion highlights, arts and entertainment, property, handy hints and even items for sale, you will find everything you need to know about what's going on in Celtic Britain. Written and designed in a newspaper style, the Celtic Courier covers topics in the KS2 History Curriculum in a fun and inventive way.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Newspapers from History Pack B of 5

    Newspapers from History Pack B of 5

    Andrew Langley

    Form an orderly queue! Get your special edition copies of Newspapers from History today! Bursting with news and features, including headline news, religious news, farming news, food and drink, fashion highlights, arts and entertainment, property, handy hints and even items for sale, you will find everything you need to know about what's going on in Prehistoric, Celtic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon and Viking Britain. Written and designed in a newspaper style, the books all covers topic in the KS2 History Curriculum in a fun and inventive way.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    The Roman Tribune

    The Roman Tribune

    Andrew Langley

    Read all about it! Get your special edition copy of the Roman Tribune today! Like a Roman centurion, it is well ordered and authoritative, packed with news and features, including headline news, religious news, farming news, food and drink, fashion highlights, arts and entertainment, property, handy hints and even items for sale. In here, you will find everything you need to know about what's been going on in Britain with the Romans around. Written and designed in a newspaper style, the Roman Tribune covers the KS2 History Curriculum in a fun and inventive way.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Innbundet · 2018


    The Viking Express

    The Viking Express

    Andrew Langley

    Read all about it! Get your special edition copy of the Viking Express today! Like a Viking warrior's muscles, it is bulging with news and features, including headline news, religious news, farming news, food and drink, fashion highlights, arts and entertainment, property, handy hints and even items for sale. In here, you will find everything you need to know about what's been going on in Britain with the Vikings around. Written and designed in a newspaper style, the Viking Express covers the KS2 History Curriculum in a fun and inventive way.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Innbundet · 2017


    Know It All: Big Machines

    Know It All: Big Machines

    Andrew Langley

    Impress your friends (and yourself) with just how much you know about big machines! Loads of facts and stats will bring the world of machines to life - from giant diggers, massive cranes and trains to supertankers and planes - this book will ensure you really do Know It All.Part of the series Know It All - there are eight books in this series covering everything from Cars and Knights to Inventions and Dangerous Animals.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    The Little Book of Spice Tips

    The Little Book of Spice Tips

    Andrew Langley

    Within these pages you'll find a pungent array of fantastic tips on all things spice, with useful advice from the basics of storing, and how long to keep certain spices, to methods for cutting, chopping, grating and grinding. Follow simple recipes for classic spice mixes, learn how to tell your garam masala from your chermoula and pick up tips for how to battle against colds, sore throats and even indigestion. This little book is peppered throughout with spice wisdom.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    The Little Book of Tea Tips

    The Little Book of Tea Tips

    Andrew Langley

    From iced tea to using tea in your ice cream, and from fighting fridge odour to fertilising your garden, and why exactly does tea from the pot tastes so much better? All these pearls of wisdom and answers to your tea-related questions are within; marvel at the amazing health-giving properties of a dozen different herbal teas given in this little book. This book is a rich brew of information and advice for all lovers of the leaf.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    The Little Book of Beer Tips

    The Little Book of Beer Tips

    Andrew Langley

    Packed with straight-forward advice on how to pour and store beer and how to mix and match it with food, this little book contains 50 invaluable tips for beer lovers. Find out what to do if your beer veers towards cloudy instead of clear; judge the perfect head; set traps for slugs; and treat your hair to a beer shampoo. This book will how you to maximise your appreciation of the drink you love!

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    Hitler and Kristallnacht

    Hitler and Kristallnacht

    Andrew Langley

    Why did Adolf Hitler encourage attacks on Jews and their property, escalating Nazi Germany's anti-Semitic policies to new levels of brutality? This book looks at a momentous event from the build-up to World War II, showing how one of the world's most infamous leaders took a major step towards the events we now know as the Holocaust.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    Every Building Has a History

    Every Building Has a History

    Andrew Langley

    Houses, schools, castles, airports, railway stations - we are surrounded by buildings. Most of them look ordinary, yet they may have surprising stories to tell. This book will help you discover these hidden tales for yourself. It explains basic research techniques, and guides you to the best places to find revealing evidence.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Every Place Has a History

    Every Place Has a History

    Andrew Langley

    Parks, settlements, battlefields, and burial grounds - we are surrounded by historic places. Many of them look ordinary, yet they may have surprising stories to tell. What happened there? What were their links with other events and people? And who first found out their history? This book will help you discover these hidden tales for yourself. It explains basic research techniques, and guides you to the best places to find revealing evidence.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Newspapers from History Pack A of 4

    Newspapers from History Pack A of 4

    Andrew Langley

    Form an orderly queue! Get your special edition copies of Newspapers from History today! Bursting with news and features, including headline news, religious news, farming news, food and drink, fashion highlights, arts and entertainment, property, handy hints and even items for sale, you will find everything you need to know about what's going on in Prehistoric, Celtic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon and Viking Britain. Written and designed in a newspaper style, the books all covers topic in the KS2 History Curriculum in a fun and inventive way.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Sally Ride and the Shuttle Missions

    Sally Ride and the Shuttle Missions

    Andrew Langley

    Join Sally Ride on her journey aboard the Space Shuttle! This book examines the extraordinary life of the first female US astronaut in space, from her early life to using a robotic arm in space. Find out about other female astronauts and their achievements. Understand the rigorous training that astronauts undergo and how they prepare for a journey into the unknown.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Den lille boken med vintips

    Den lille boken med vintips

    Andrew Langley

    Femti fakta om vin inneholder nyttige kunnskapsdrypp om alt fra hvordan du lager rødvinseddik til de tre grunnleggende reglene for servering av vin. Her får du råd om vinkjellere og hvilken vin som passer til hva slags mat, samt tips om hva du gjør med den vinen som måtte bli til overs. Her kan du nyte femti fantastiske slurker om rødvin, hvitvin, rosé- og musserende vin. Se også Den lille boken med kaffetips i samme serie.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2006

    Norsk Bokmål




    Andrew Langley

    Om tsunamier, vulkaner og jordskjelv Om de verste katastrofene jorden har vært utsatt for opp igjennom historien, helt frem til tsunamien i Det indiske hav og orkanen Katrinas ødeleggelse av New Orleans. Det handler om jordskjelv, vulkaner, enorme flodbølger - og om tørke, brann og epidemier. Hvordan oppstår slike katastrofer? Hvordan kan man forutsi og overvåke slik at konsekvensene ikke blir så store? Denne boken forsøker å gi svar. «Gyldendal Kunnskap» er faktaserien for store barn og ungdommer som vil vite mer om aktuelle og spennende temaer. Bøkene er tettpakket med lettlest informasjon og nydelige bilder som inspirerer til å sette seg inn i nye emner, jobbe med prosjektoppgaver eller bare lystbetont lesing. Med nettsider, boklister, steder å besøke og informasjon om yrkesvalg.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2006

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Pocket · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59



    Andrew Langley

    Pakistan har hatt problemer med svake regjeringer og perioder med mye vold og uro, men ekspertene mener at landet har muligheter til å vokse seg til å bli en av de sterkeste økonomiene i verden i løpet av vårt århundre. Denne boka forteller deg alt om Pakistan og om landets posisjon i verden i dag.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål


    Innbundet · 2008

    Norsk Bokmål


    Andre utgaver · 5



    Pirater: oppgaver, spørreleker, morsomme fakta

    Andrew Langley

    Arrrgh! Begi deg ut på de syv hav med eventyrlystne og blodtørstige pirater i denne boka. 100 fakta - Pirater er smekkfull av fakta om disse havets røvere som gjorde livet strabasiøst for sjøfolk i hundrevis av år, og som fortsatt er en trussel i noen deler av verden den dag i dag. Boken har gøyale illustrasjoner, spennende oppgaver og spørreleker du kan teste kunnskapen din med. Kast loss, sett seil og bli med ut i åpent farvann på jakt etter funklende skatter og halsbrekkende eventyr! 100 fakta er en fantastisk serie barnebøker som på en morsom, fargerik og spennende måte forteller om ulike faktabaserte temaer.

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69
    kr 69

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