Fult spel : sanningen om fifflet inom Fifa
Den 27 maj 2015 gör FBI en gryningsräd mot femstjärniga Baur au Lac hotel i Zürich. Ut förs yrvakna Fifa-pampar, ovana att behandlas som annat än kungligheter. Razzian är början på vad som kallats århundradets skandal i idrottsvärlden.Till grund för gripandena ligger bevis överlämnade av den 71-årige BBC-reportern Andrew Jennings. I över tio års tid har han oförtröttligt grävt i Fifas ljusskygga hantering av sändningsrättigheter, biljetter och tilldelning av mästerskap.Fult spel: sanningen om fifflet inom Fifa är berättelsen om Fifas fall och om männen som stal fotbollen. I boken framkommer också tidigare okända bevis som knyter namn i den absoluta toppen av Fifa till omfattande brottslig verksamhet. Fram träder bilden av en organisation som helt institutionaliserat mutor och korruption.
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Foul!: The Secret World Of Fifa: Bribes, Vote Rigging And Ticket Scandals
Andrew Jennings, an award-winning investigative sports reporter, spent four years delving into the dark side of 'the beautiful game'. The result is this explosive and damning expose of the officials that run football's world governing body, FIFA . No individual has managed to penetrate the sanctified domain of FIFA and probed successfully into its often criticized yet unproven corruption of the world game. Until now. Author Andrew Jennings argues how FIFA President Sepp Blatter and his associates have misappropriated their position at the head of the world game in their desire for power, control, and a lucrative pay-off. How did these bizarre characters manage to take such control? Foul! is the explosive story. Jennings has undertaken unprecedented research in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas, interviewing hundreds of officials and amassing an extraordinary library of damning documents. He tells how Blatter and his cronies built an invincible electoral machine to keep him in power forever. He revisits the 1970s and the privatization of international sport and its revenues by a close-knit group of officials and marketing agents working for their own self-interest.
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Vocabulary Ninja
Vocabulary has to be the single most important aspect of a modern curriculum. Explicit and engaging vocabulary teaching has the power to promote independence in learners, ignite imaginations, deliver understanding and raise education standards in schools. From the creator of the Vocabulary Ninja website and app comes an essential toolkit of strategies and resources to supercharge primary pupils and transform them into vocabulary ninjas!With a focus on English and rich language banks associated with genres and topics, the ideas for reading and writing can be applied to any National Curriculum area and are perfect for modelling and scaffolding writing. This practical guide also features theory, teaching approaches and photocopiable activities, as well as vocabulary, etymology and phrases to bring the primary curriculum to life. If you're searching for an exciting and captivating approach to bring vocabulary into the primary classroom and see a significant impact on pupil confidence, oracy and academic outcomes, look no further than Vocabulary Ninja.
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The new lords of the rings
The world of modern Olympic sport is a secretive, elite domain where decisions are taken behind closed doors, where money is spent on creating a fabulous life-style for a tiny circle of officials a...
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Det reisende kongedømme: grådighet og korrupsjon i Den internasjonale olympiske komite
Olympisk idrett kontrolleres av IOC, Den internasjonale olympiske komite, og ledes av Juan Antonio Samaranch. Denne boken er en avsløring av hvordan korrupsjon, fortielse og grådighet skader De olympiske leker. Forfatteren fremholder at istedenfor å fremme idretten har IOC omskapt OL til en salgsvare og opphøyet seg til et privat kongedømme. Boken omtaler bl.a. konfliktene mellom IOC og nordmenne under Lillehammer-OL. Med kildehenvisninger og dokumentasjon, samt oversikt over medlemmer av IOC m.m. Illustrert.
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Norsk Bokmål
Rått spill: FIFAs hemmelige verden
I denne boken avslører forfatteren hvordan FIFA-lederne forvalter fotballverdenens midler og tillit. Dette er historien om bestikkelser, stemmetriksing og billettjuks. Du får høre om maktkampen som nå pågår og truer med å splitte organisasjonen, hvordan Tyskland fikk fotball-VM i 2006 og kampen om VM i 2010. Har personregister.
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Norsk Bokmål
Almost is Not Good Enough
How to Win or Lose in Retail
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Mongooses of the World
Mongooses are a remarkable and fascinating group of small carnivores, with 25 species occurring in Africa and nine in Asia. They live within a wide variety of habitats, from open savannah to dense rainforest, and display an amazing diversity in social behaviour, with both solitary and group-living species. Yet this family is one of the least-known group of carnivores. The general lack of public awareness about most mongoose species, and the scarce ecological knowledge of what they need to survive in the wild, are two of the many conservation threats that this group of carnivores faces, which highlights the urgent need to promote an interest in these amazing animals. As well as popularising mongooses, the book will be a valuable source of information on general scientific and conservation topics, such as social behaviour and how the loss of suitable habitats impacts animal species.Recent cinematic films and TV documentaries on meerkats and banded mongooses have been very popular, but people are much less familiar with the other mongoose species that live across Africa and Asia - most of these are rarely seen in the wild and are very poorly known, and several have not been studied in the field. One African mongoose was only discovered by western scientists in 1958, and several others are only known from a few museum specimens and recent observations in the wild.This well-researched, lavishly illustrated book will give a comprehensive overview of the whole mongoose family, including all the different aspects of mongoose biology, their role in human society and the conservation issues that they face, as well as detailed information on all 34 mongoose species.
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The great olympic swindle: when the world wanted its games back
Boken forteller om korrupsjon og organisert kriminalitet som forekommer innen Den internasjonale olympiske komite, IOC. Har stikkordregister.
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Ringenes herrer
Olympisk idrett kontrolleres av IOC - Den internasjonale olympiske komite. IOC ledes av Juan Antonio Samaranch, som var idrettsminister under fascistdiktatoren Franco i Spania. IOC er også tvers igjennom udemokratisk og fatter sine vedtak bak lukkede dører. Samaranch har gjort OL til et kommersielt jippo, som har lite til felles med den opprinnelige, olympiske ide. Denne boken tar til orde for å fjerne hele IOC og gi OL tilbake til vanlige, idrettsinteresserte mennesker.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Don't Look Now: Hair Cut and Just a Nibble
Ricky is an ordinary boy, about 10 years old, who dreams of being famous. And he has a secret that might just help him realise this dream. Because Ricky can fly. Truly. He can really fly. But there's a hitch. He can only fly when absolutely no one is looking. If a person, or an animal, or a bird sees him while he's flying, he will fall out of the sky and almost certainly die. Will he risk flying in public, just for a shot at being something more than ordinary? The third book in this brilliant new series contains two complete stand-alone stories, broken into short chapters, liberally illustrated with hilarious cartoons.
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Don't Look Now: Falling For it and The Kangapoo Keyring
Ricky is an ordinary boy, about 10 years old, who dreams of being famous. And he has a secret that might just help him realise this dream. Because Ricky can fly. Truly. He can really fly. But there's a hitch. He can only fly when absolutely no one is looking. If a person, or an animal, or a bird sees him while he's flying, he will fall out of the sky and almost certainly die. Will he risk flying in public, just for a shot at being something more than ordinary? The first book in this brilliant new series contains two complete stories, broken into short chapters, liberally illustrated with hilarious cartoons.
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Don't Look Now: Hobby Farm and Seeing Red
Ricky is an ordinary ten-year-old boy, who dreams of being famous. And he has a secret that might just help him realise this dream. Because Ricky can fly. Truly. He can really fly. But there's a hitch. He can only fly when absolutely no one is looking. If a person, or an animal, or a bird sees him while he's flying, he will fall out of the sky and almost certainly die. Will he risk flying in public, just for a shot at being something more than ordinary? Saving chickens from a flood, escaping a raging bushfire and impressing Samantha (again!) are just some of Ricky's challenges in these two hilarious stories, told in words and cartoon pictures.
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Elements in Organization Theory
Re-engaging with Sustainability in the Anthropocene Era applies organization theory to a grand challenge: our entry into the Anthropocene era, a period marked not only by human impact on climate change, but on chemical waste, habitat destruction, and despeciation. It focuses on institutional theory, modified by political readings of organizations, as one approach that can help us navigate a new course. Besides offering mechanisms, such as institutional entrepreneurship, social movements, and policy shifts, the institutional-political variant developed here helps analysts understand the framing of scientific facts, the counter-mobilization of skeptics, and the creation of archetypes as new social orders.
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Explorations in Stylistics
This book explores some of the developments in Stylistics since its pioneer, Roman Jakobson, identified the patterning of the message as the poetic function. It analyses in turn Golding's Pincher Martin, Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Housman's A Shropshire Lad, Elizabeth Jennings' poem 'One Flesh', Harold Pinter's The Birthday Party, Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day, and a range of poems by John Donne.
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Norsk Bokmål
Men of Destiny
A great editorial commentator of the twentieth century, Walter Lippmann, was a major contributor to the central periodicals and journals of the age, including the Atlantic Monthly, Foreign Affairs, Harper's, the New Republic, Saturday Review, and Yale Review. Men of Destiny, a set of biographical essays on leading figures of Lippmann's day, is arguably the best single source for understanding the persons and the policies of the post-World War I period.In a series of vignettes, the reader is introduced into the lively world of Al Smith, Calvin Coolidge, William Jennings Bryan, H.L. Mencken, Sinclair Lewis, Warren Harding, Andrew Mellon, and Oliver Wendell Holmes. The collection offers a rare glimpse of the first truly modern generation of American politics and society, and also a type of serious, detached writing that presumes a literate audience, but also one not given over to bias and hostility.The magic of this volume, however, is not in its litany of figures great and small, but Lippmann's comprehensive understanding of the place of America in world affairs. His essay on American imperialism remains a classic: "All the world thinks of the United States today as an empire, except the people of the United States." His advice to Americans is not to continue being evasive and grandiose with the rhetoric of equality, but to recognize the changing conditions and get on with the task of rule in as honorable a state as is possible by a holder of power.In his perceptive essays on the League of Nations, the efforts to outlaw war through international law, debt and reparations policies, Lippmann appeals to "time and a sense of reality" in examining all matters political. This volume, graced with a new introduction by Paul Roazen, will enable readers now well into the first decade of a new millennium to do just that.
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Napoleon Hill's Greatest Speeches: An Official Publication of the Napoleon Hill Foundation
We are pleased to present this never before published collection from the one and only, Napoleon Hill. Along with other never before published material, this volume includes the speech that inspired the worldwide bestseller Think and Grow Rich . With a foreword by Napoleon's grandson Dr. J.B. Hill and introductory comments by Don Green, Director of The Napoleon Hill Foundation, personal letters from family members and Senator Jennings Randolph, this fascinating exploration of the speeches given by the pioneer of the personal development movement is packed with a wealth of information. It is a revealing look at one man's quest for understanding why some men succeed, why others do not, and what makes success something that can be replicated. This collection will provide you with some of Napoleon's finest speeches including: What I Have Learned From Analyzing 10,000 People The Man Who Has Had no Chance The Commencement Address at Salem College in Salem, West Virginia, 1922--likely his best-remembered and most- influential speech. Napoleon Hill dedicated much of his life to solving what he called "the most stupendous problem confronting the human race today." That is, "How can I get what I want?" As W. Clement Stone and thousands of others can attest, Hill succeeded in this venture, and we now have a success philosophy that Andrew Carnegie once saw as a possibility. The pages within this book will tell you of the origins of a personal development legacy.
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Accompanied Voices
Accompanied Voices is a unique book: not only is it a highly readable anthology of some of the most memorable and accessible international writing about classical music, and a moving commentary by one set of practising artists on the work of another. There have been several anthologies of "music poems," but never one which follows the story of western music through from the Renaissance to the twenty-first century. This is in effect a chronological guide to the major composers of the last four hundred years, written in the language which comes closest to music itself - poetry. Readers will find in Accompanied Voices the same pleasure that they might find in simply putting on a CD and listening. Every page brings something to arrest or transport and there is extraordinary diversity of response. Anecdote, epiphany, portrait, meditation... but many of these poets offer intellectual insights too and even critiques - there is far more variety here than any straightforward music essay can manage. These poems move beyond the mere names of composers and their works, reaching for more universal concerns. Major poets represented include Geoffrey Hill, Ted Hughes, Elizabeth Jennings, Michael Longley, Andrew Motion, Peter Porter, Siegfried Sassoon, Jo Shapcott, Anne Stevenson and Charles Tomlinson among a total of nearly a hundred writers. JOHN GREENING is a poet and received a Cholmondeley Award in 2008. He is also a Hawthornden Fellow and a Fellow of the English Association. He has published studies of the Poets of the First World War, Yeats, Hardy, Edward Thomas and Elizabethan Love Poets.
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Debates in the Digital Humanities 2019
The latest installment of a digital humanities bellwetherContending with recent developments like the shocking 2016 U.S. Presidential election, the radical transformation of the social web, and passionate debates about the future of data in higher education, Debates in the Digital Humanities 2019 brings together a broad array of important, thought-provoking perspectives on the field's many sides. With a wide range of subjects including gender-based assumptions made by algorithms, the place of the digital humanities within art history, data-based methods for exhuming forgotten histories, video games, three-dimensional printing, and decolonial work, this book assembles a who's who of the field in more than thirty impactful essays.Contributors: Rafael Alvarado, U of Virginia; Taylor Arnold, U of Richmond; James Baker, U of Sussex; Kathi Inman Berens, Portland State U; David M. Berry, U of Sussex; Claire Bishop, The Graduate Center, CUNY; James Coltrain, U of Nebraska-Lincoln; Crunk Feminist Collective; Johanna Drucker, U of California-Los Angeles; Jennifer Edmond, Trinity College; Marta Effinger-Crichlow, New York City College of Technology-CUNY; M. Beatrice Fazi, U of Sussex; Kevin L. Ferguson, Queens College-CUNY; Curtis Fletcher, U of Southern California; Neil Fraistat, U of Maryland; Radhika Gajjala, Bowling Green State U; Michael Gavin, U of South Carolina; Andrew Goldstone, Rutgers U; Andrew Gomez, U of Puget Sound; Elyse Graham, Stony Brook U; Brian Greenspan, Carleton U; John Hunter, Bucknell U; Steven J. Jackson, Cornell U; Collin Jennings, Miami U; Lauren Kersey, Saint Louis U; Kari Kraus, U of Maryland; Seth Long, U of Nebraska, Kearney; Laura Mandell, Texas A&M U; Rachel Mann, U of South Carolina; Jason Mittell, Middlebury College; Lincoln A. Mullen, George Mason U; Trevor Munoz, U of Maryland; Safiya Umoja Noble, U of Southern California; Jack Norton, Normandale Community College; Bethany Nowviskie, U of Virginia; Elika Ortega, Northeastern U; Marisa Parham, Amherst College; Jussi Parikka, U of Southampton; Kyle Parry, U of California, Santa Cruz; Brad Pasanek, U of Virginia; Stephen Ramsay, U of Nebraska-Lincoln; Matt Ratto, U of Toronto; Katie Rawson, U of Pennsylvania; Ben Roberts, U of Sussex; David S. Roh, U of Utah; Mark Sample, Davidson College; Moacir P. de Sa Pereira, New York U; Tim Sherratt, U of Canberra; Bobby L. Smiley, Vanderbilt U; Lauren Tilton, U of Richmond; Ted Underwood, U of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Megan Ward, Oregon State U; Claire Warwick, Durham U; Alban Webb, U of Sussex; Adrian S. Wisnicki, U of Nebraska-Lincoln.
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Teaching in Lifelong Learning: A Guide to Theory and Practice
Addressing the new Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers the new edition of this bestselling textbook offers a helpful balance of theory and practice, introducing key theories and concepts relating to learning and assessment as well as providing practical advice on teaching.Revised and updated throughout to reflect the current policy environment, it provides thorough and extensive coverage of the topics for higher level awards in Education and Training. As well as a logical progression through the essential aspects of teaching such as planning and assessment, it considers other key areas including working with different kinds of learners, group learning, individual tutoring, and mentoring and coaching. Praised for being accessible and readable, it also tackles the issues, challenges and opportunities in lifelong learning to provide a comprehensive overview of key debates surrounding the Sector. The editors and contributing authors draw on their experience as teachers and a wide range of research evidence to skilfully weave theoretical frameworks with everyday practice. New content for the second edition includes: Updating of the policy environment, particularly in light of the Lingfield Review14-16 provision in education and trainingHigher education within the context of further educationTeaching in Lifelong Learning: A Guide to Theory and Practice is core reading for those teaching or preparing to teach in the Sector, including those studying for CertEd/PGCE and related awards such as the Level 4 Certificate and Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training. Contributors: Lyn Ashmore, Wayne Bailey, Liz Bennett, Chris Blamires, Steve Burton, Julie Dalton, Liz Dixon, Amanda Fulford, Josie Harvey, Alison Iredale, Ann Jennings, David Lord, Frances Marsden, Margaret McLay, Bernard McNicholas, Louise Mycroft, David Neve, Penny Noel, Ros Ollin, Kevin Orr, David Powell, Sandra Rennie, Barbara Reynolds, Cheryl Reynolds, Denise Robinson, Emma Salter, Judith Schoch, Robin Simmons, Martin Suter, Dave Swindells, Paul Thomas, Jonathan Tummons, Martyn Walker, Jane Weatherby, Sarah Williamson, Andrew Youde
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