The last two decades have seen tremendous growth in biological research on psychopathy, a mental disorder distinguished by traits including a lack of empathy or emotional response, egocentricity, impulsivity, and stimulation seeking. But how does a psychopath's brain work? What makes a psychopath? Psychopathy provides a concise, non-technical overview of the research in the areas of genetics, hormones, brain imaging, neuropsychology, environmental influences, and more, focusing on explaining what we currently know about the biological foundations for this disorder and offering insights into prediction, intervention, and prevention. It also offers a nuanced discussion of the ethical and legal implications associated with biological research on psychopathy. How much of this disorder is biologically based? Should offenders with psychopathic traits be punished for their crimes if we can show that biological factors contribute? The text clearly assesses the conclusions that can and cannot be drawn from existing biological research, and highlights the pressing considerations this research demands.
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The Moral Brain
An overview of the latest interdisciplinary research on human morality, capturing moral sensibility as a sophisticated integration of cognitive, emotional, and motivational mechanisms.Over the past decade, an explosion of empirical research in a variety of fields has allowed us to understand human moral sensibility as a sophisticated integration of cognitive, emotional, and motivational mechanisms shaped through evolution, development, and culture. Evolutionary biologists have shown that moral cognition evolved to aid cooperation; developmental psychologists have demonstrated that the elements that underpin morality are in place much earlier than we thought; and social neuroscientists have begun to map brain circuits implicated in moral decision making. This volume offers an overview of current research on the moral brain, examining the topic from disciplinary perspectives that range from anthropology and neurophilosophy to justice and law. The contributors address the evolution of morality, considering precursors of human morality in other species as well as uniquely human adaptations. They examine motivations for morality, exploring the roles of passion, extreme sacrifice, and cooperation. They go on to consider the development of morality, from infancy to adolescence; findings on neurobiological mechanisms of moral cognition; psychopathic immorality; and the implications for justice and law of a more biological understanding of morality. These new findings may challenge our intuitions about society and justice, but they may also lead to more a humane and flexible legal system.ContributorsScott Atran, Abigail A. Baird, Nicolas Baumard, Sarah Brosnan, Jason M. Cowell, Molly J. Crockett, Ricardo de Oliveira-Souza, Andrew W. Delton, Mark R. Dadds, Jean Decety, Jeremy Ginges, Andrea L. Glenn, Joshua D. Greene, J. Kiley Hamlin, David J. Hawes, Jillian Jordan, Max M. Krasnow, Ayelet Lahat, Jorge Moll, Caroline Moul, Thomas Nadelhoffer, Alexander Peysakhovich, Laurent Pretot, Jesse Prinz, David G. Rand, Rheanna J. Remmel, Emma Roellke, Regina A. Rini, Joshua Rottman, Mark Sheskin, Thalia Wheatley, Liane Young, Roland Zahn
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Novel Writing
Packed with tips from bestselling and prize-winning authors, Novel Writing: A Writers' and Artists' Companion will give you all the practical advice you need to write and publish your novel. PART 1 provides an introduction to the forms and history of the novel and helps you plan and research your masterpiece, develop characters and compelling narratives and your own authorial voice. PART 2 contains guest contributions from Philip Pullman, Louise Doughty, Glenn Patterson, Jeanette Winterson, Jonathan Franzen, Stevie Davies, Doris Lessing, Tash Aw, Elif Shafak, Anne Enright, Tim Pears, Anita Desai, Tim Lott, Amit Chaudhuri, Andrea Levy, Alan Hollinghurst, Bernardo Atxaga, Hanan Al-Shaykh, Michele Roberts, Joan Brady, Lynn Freed, Evelyn Toynton as well as a number of the 2013 list of the Best of Young British Novelists including Kamila Shamsie, Tamima Anam, Naomi Alderman, Ned Beauman, Jenni Fagan and Joanna Kavenna. PART 3 offers practical advice on collaborative writing, overcoming writer's block, editing and rewriting and finding an agent and a publisher for your work. Written by two multi-award winning authors, this is a comprehensive manual for established and aspiring novelists alike.
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Nudging Health
Behavioral nudges are everywhere: calorie counts on menus, automated text reminders to encourage medication adherence, a reminder bell when a driver's seatbelt isn't fastened. Designed to help people make better health choices, these reminders have become so commonplace that they often go unnoticed. In Nudging Health, forty-five experts in behavioral science and health policy from across academia, government, and private industry come together to explore whether and how these tools are effective in improving health outcomes.Behavioral science has swept the fields of economics and law through the study of nudges, cognitive biases, and decisional heuristics-but it has only recently begun to impact the conversation on health care. Nudging Health wrestles with some of the thorny philosophical issues, legal limits, and conceptual questions raised by behavioral science as applied to health law and policy. The volume frames the fundamental issues surrounding health nudges by addressing ethical questions. Does cost-sharing for health expenditures cause patients to make poor decisions? Is it right to make it difficult for people to opt out of having their organs harvested for donation when they die? Are behavioral nudges paternalistic? The contributors examine specific applications of behavioral science, including efforts to address health care costs, improve vaccination rates, and encourage better decision-making by physicians. They wrestle with questions regarding the doctor-patient relationship and defaults in healthcare while engaging with larger, timely questions of healthcare reform.Nudging Health is the first multi-voiced assessment of behavioral economics and health law to span such a wide array of issues-from the Affordable Care Act to prescription drugs.Contributors: David A. Asch, Jerry Avorn, Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby, Alexander M. Capron, Niteesh K. Choudhry, I. Glenn Cohen, Sarah Conly, Gregory Curfman, Khaled El Emam, Barbara J. Evans, Nir Eyal, Andrea Freeman, Alan M. Garber, Jonathan Gingerich, Michael Hallsworth, Jim Hawkins, David Huffman, David A. Hyman, Julika Kaplan, Aaron S. Kesselheim, Nina A. Kohn, Russell Korobkin, Jeffrey T. Kullgren, Matthew J.B. Lawrence, George Loewenstein, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Ester Moher, Abigail R. Moncrieff, David Orentlicher, Manisha Padi, Christopher T. Robertson, Ameet Sarpatwari, Aditi P. Sen, Neel Shah, Zainab Shipchandler, Anna D. Sinaiko, Donna Spruijt-Metz, Cass R. Sunstein, Thomas S. Ulen, Kristen Underhill, Kevin G. Volpp, Mark D. White, David V. Yokum, Jennifer L. Zamzow, Richard J. Zeckhauser
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A First Look at Communication Theory (Int'l Ed)
The ninth edition of A First Look at Communication Theory justifies again the program's enduring popularity. Em Griffin, now joined by colleagues Andrew Ledbetter and Glenn Sparks, encourages students who are encountering the field for the first time to tackle theories without fear. The authors introduce 32 diverse theories that are a mix of foundational and recent scholarship and, with the benefit of numerous examples and connections to pop culture, help students apply them to their own lives. This program ensures that students have a solid foundation with which to begin understanding the relationships between theories.
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Intensiv Observation og Behandling af Pasienter med akutte hjertesygdomme
OBS: den bok er på Dansk ( please Note this book is on Danish language). Formålet med dette arbejde har i første række været at skrive en lærebog til undervisning af sygeplejersker ved koronarafsnit. Behandlingen af den akut hjertesyge patient beskrives, og det er vort håb, at bogen også vil kunne finde anvendelse som opslags- og orientering abog for sygeplejersker og yngre larger ved andre afsnit for intensiv overvågning og behandling, f.eks. anestesiologiske, kirurgiske og medicinske, hvor man ofte vil op leve, at patientens grundlidelse kompliceres med akut hjertelidelse. Ved i vid udstrækning at anføre dansk oversættelse af de medicinske fagudtryk i teksten har vi søgt at gøre bogens medicinske oplysninger tilgængelige for den teknikerstab, der allerede nu er inddraget i den daglige drift af ko ronarafsnittene. Valget og omfanget af de behandlede emner er sket på basis af forfat ternes erfaring med undervisning af sygeplejepersonalet ved koronarafsnit tene i henholdsvis medicinsk afdeling B på Rigshospitalet i København, me - dicinsk afdeling B på Odense Sygehus, kardiologisk afdeling på Københavns Amts Sygehus i Gentofte og medicinsk afdeling B, Frederiksborg Amts Cen tralsygehus i Hillerød. De i bogen gengivne elektrokardiogrammer om trykkurver er optaget på Rigshospitalets medicinske afdeling B, Odense Sygehus' medicinske afdeling B og Klinisk-fysiologisk laboratorium, sam me sted. En stor del af illustrationerne er hentet fra lysbilledsamlingen, der anvendes i studenter- og sygeplejerskeundervisningen ved Rigshospi talets medicinske afdeling B og er fremstillet af Rigshospitalets fotografi ske atelier og kontoret for undervisningsmidler. Professor, dr. med J. Fabricius, Odense, har været behjælpelig ved valg af illustrationer i kap. 3. Overlæge J. Rosen, professor, dr. med. O. Secher og overlæge Chr. Thors hauge, anæstesiafdelingen, Rigshospitalet, har ydet afgørende hjælp ved udarbejdelsen af en række figurer i kap. 4 (fig. 4-4 A-D, fig. 4-5 A-D og fig. 4-8). Overlæge, dr. med. H. J. Clementsen, anæstesiafdelingen, Frederiks borg Amts Central sygehus, Hillerød, har gennemset afsnittet om respira torbehandling i kapitel 4 og bidraget med væsentlige forbedringer.
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Norsk - Fransk Ordbok : Kunnskapsforlaget
Denne ordbok var opprinnelig ment som en revisjon av Gyl dendals Norsk-Franske ordbok. Under arbeidet fant vi imidlertid, at skulle boken tjene sin hensikt, burde det foretas en gjennem gripende forandring. Derfor er ikke bare foreldede uttrykk så vel på norsk som på fransk tatt ut eller modernisert, men nye og moderne ord og uttrykk er tatt inn, slik at ordboken er blitt adskillig større enn tidligere. Boken må sies å være et helt nytt arbeide. Rent typografisk har vi sokt å gjore ordboken så oversiktlig som mulig. Den folger rettskrivningen av 1938. Under arbeidet har vi hatt megen glede av Norsk Riksmåls ordbok, A. Blinkenberg og M. Thiele Dansk-Fransk Ordboks, Dictionnaire de l'Académie française, Littré og de forskjel lige utgaver av Larousse. Dessuten har vi hentet moderne stoff både fra norske og franske aviser og tidsskrifter. Av franske utgivelser kan nevnes: Arbeidene til professor R.-L. Wagner og publikasjonene til Centre de Recherche et d'Etude pour la Diffusion de la Langue française. Bak disse publikasjoner står blant andre professorene Georges Gougenheim, René Michea, Paul Rivene og A. Sauvageot som først og fremst behandler le français fondamental». For øvrig vil vi gjerne få takke alle dem som på en eller annen måte har vært oss behjelpelig med utarbeidelsen av ordboken. En spesiell takk til Nationaltrykkeriets fagfolk for deres dyk tighet og tålmodighet under arbeidet. Drammen / Oslo, november 1961. F. Reichborn-Kjennerud. Maurice Lesoil. 2. utgave 12. utgave er enkelte trykkfeil rettet samtidig som nye ord og uttrykk er føyet til. Drammen/Oslo, august 1970. F. Reichborn-Kjennerud. Maurice Lesoil.
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Norsk Bokmål
Money, Banking and the Financial System
<p><b>Make the link between theory and real-world easier for students with the most up-to-date Money and Banking text on the market today! </b></p><p> </p><p>Hubbard/O'Brien's textbook presents <b><i>Money, Banking, and the Financial System </i></b>in the context of contemporary events, policy, and business with an integrated explanation of today’s financial crisis. Reviewers tell us that Hubbard/O'Brien helps make the link between theory and real-world easier for students!<br><br></p><p>The second edition retains the modern approach of the first edition, while incorporating several changes to address feedback from instructors and students and also to reflect the authors’ own classroom experiences. </p><p><br><b>Available with MyEconLab! </b><br><a href="" target="_blank">MyEconLab</a> is a powerful assessment and tutorial system that works hand-in-hand with Money and Banking. MyEconLab includes comprehensive homework, quiz, test, and tutorial options, where instructors can manage all assessment needs in one program. </p><p><br></p><br>
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Build It
The current way of treating people at work has failed. Globally, only 30% of employees are engaged in their jobs, and in this fast-paced world that's just not enough. The world's best companies understand this, and have been quietly treating people differently for nearly two decades. Now you can learn their secrets and discover The Engagement Bridge(TM) model, proven to build bottom line value for companies through sustainable employee engagement. Companies with the best cultures generate stock market returns of twice the general market and enjoy half the employee turnover of their peers. Their staff innovate more, deliver better customer service and, hands-down, beat the competition. These companies outperform and disrupt their markets. They break the rules of traditional HR, they rebel against the status quo. Build it has found these rebels and the rulebreakers. From small startups to global powerhouses, this book shows that courage, commitment, and a people-centric mindset, rather than money and resources, are what you need to turn an average business into a category leader. The book follows the clear and proven Engagement Bridge(TM) model, developed from working with thousands of leading companies worldwide on their own employee engagement journeys. The practical model highlights the areas that leaders need to examine in order to build a highly engaged company culture and provides a framework for success. Build it is packed with tips, tools and real-life examples from employers including NASDAQ, Unilever, IBM, KPMG, 3M, and McDonald's to help you start doing this not tomorrow, but today. Readers will learn: How employee engagement helps companies performThe key factors that drive engagement, and how they work togetherWhat the world's most rebellious companies have done to break the rules of traditional HR and improve engagementHow to implement The Engagement BridgeTM model to boost productivity, innovation, and better decision-making Unique in this category, Build it is written from two sharply different perspectives. Glenn Elliott is a multi-award winning Entrepreneur of the Year, CEO and growth investor. He talks candidly about the mistakes and missteps he has made whilst building Reward Gateway into a $300m category leader in employee engagement technology. Debra Corey brings 30 years experience in senior level HR roles at global companies such as Gap, Quintiles, Honeywell and Merlin Entertainments. She shares the practical tools and case studies that can kickstart your employee engagement plan, bringing her own pragmatic and engaging style to each situation.
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Golden Stripes
Although merchant ships carry 90% of the world's trade, the mariners who run them have little guidance on leadership. This can result in disasters such as the Titanic, Costa Concordia, the Exxon Valdez, and the recent El Faro. With modern ships being worth several million dollars, seafarers need leadership advice at every level of their career. Golden Stripes, Leadership on the High Seas provides this guidance, and much more. Captain Parani weaves together his rich experience, cutting-edge insights and real-life stories in this book which has already garnered international acclaim. The reader will discover how to run a tight ship; enhance expertise; lead and communicate with a team; implement safety leadership; decide effectively in high-stake situations and be inspired by legendary sailors. It is a practical leadership action plan which can be applied at sea, or in any other workplace, anywhere. Golden Stripes is the first leadership book of its kind, written by a mariner specifically for commercial shipping. The author's experience both on board and from his corporate roles gives him a unique perspective on why, when and how sailors fail or succeed. Important messages are woven around engaging stories, quotes and practical leadership models, making this an indispensable read for all leaders. Acclaim for Golden Stripes ... has identified a gap in the maritime education and training of seafarers and it may not be one that can be filled by adding a course in first year programs. It needs to be embedded in all maritime education and also the focus of lifelong learning. Glenn Blackwood, Chairman, International Association of Maritime Universities and Board Member, World Maritime University ...The ideas that you will get from this book, based on years of experience at sea, will inspire, stimulate, encourage and teach you the things that GREAT LEADERS DO. Best-selling author Steven Shallenberger
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Disorder in the Court
The first book-length rhetorical history and analysis of the insanity defense.The insanity defense is considered one of the most controversial, most misunderstood, and least straightforward subjects in the American legal system. Disorder in the Court: Morality, Myth, and the Insanity Defense traces the US legal standards for the insanity defense as they have evolved from 1843, when they were first codified in England, to 1984, when the US government attempted to revise them through the Insanity Defense Reform Act. Throughout this period "insanity" existed primarily as a legal term rather than a medical one; yet the testimony of psychiatric experts is required in cases in which an insanity defense is raised.The adjudication of such cases by courtroom practice is caught between two different but overlapping discourses, the legal and the medical, both of which have historically sought to assert and maintain firm disciplinary boundaries. Both expert and lay audiences have struggled to understand and apply commonplace definitions of sanity, and the portrayal of the insanity defense in popular culture has only served to further frustrate such understandings.Andrea L. Alden argues that the problems with understanding the insanity defense are, at their foundation, rhetorical. The legal concept of what constitutes insanity and, therefore, an abdication of responsibility for one's actions does not map neatly onto the mental health professions' understandings of mental illness and how that affects an individual's ability to understand or control his or her actions. Additionally, there are multiple layers of persuasion involved in any effort to convince a judge, jury-or a public, for that matter-that a defendant is or is not responsible for his or her actions at a particular moment in time.Alden examines landmark court cases such as the trial of Daniel McNaughtan, Durham v. United States, and the trial of John Hinckley Jr. that signal the major shifts in the legal definitions of the insanity defense. Combining archival, textual, and rhetorical analysis, Alden offers a close reading of texts including trial transcripts, appellate court opinions, and relevant medical literature from the time period. She contextualizes these analyses through popular texts-for example, newspaper articles and editorials-showing that while all societies have maintained some version of mental illness as a mitigating factor in their penal systems, the insanity defense has always been fraught with controversy.
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X & Y Chromosomal Variations
This is the first book on X and Y chromosomal disorders to address these common but rarely diagnosed conditions. This book seeks to present the latest in research and clinical care addressing neuroimaging, the interaction between hormones, brain development, and neurodevelopmental progression. This book will primarily focus on 47, XXY (Klinefelter syndrome, or KS), 47, XYY (Jacobs' syndrome), and 47, XXX (Triple X). More variant disorders such as 48, XXXX, 48, XXXY and 49, XXXXY will be discussed. Topics of interest include neurological functioning, neuroimaging, social language, and the evolving perspectives of these XY chromosomal disorders. The effects of testosterone supplementation in males with 47, XXY will also be examined.
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Faculty Development in the Age of Evidence
The first decade of the 21st century brought major challenges to higher education, all of which have implications for and impact the future of faculty professional development. This volume provides the field with an important snapshot of faculty development structures, priorities and practices in a period of change, and uses the collective wisdom of those engaged with teaching, learning, and faculty development centers and programs to identify important new directions for practice.Building on their previous study of a decade ago, published under the title of Creating the Future of Faculty Development, the authors explore questions of professional preparation and pathways, programmatic priorities, collaboration, and assessment. Since the publication of this earlier study, the pressures on faculty development have only escalated-demands for greater accountability from regional and disciplinary accreditors, fiscal constraints, increasing diversity in types of faculty appointments, and expansion of new technologies for research and teaching. Centers have been asked to address a wider range of institutional issues and priorities based on these challenges. How have they responded and what strategies should centers be considering? These are the questions this book addresses.For this new study the authors re-surveyed faculty developers on perceived priorities for the field as well as practices and services offered. They also examined more deeply than the earlier study the organization of faculty development, including characteristics of directors; operating budgets and staffing levels of centers; and patterns of collaboration, re-organization and consolidation. In doing so they elicited information on centers' "signature programs," and the ways that they assess the impact of their programs on teaching and learning and other key outcomes.What emerges from the findings are what the authors term a new Age of Evidence, influenced by heightened stakeholder interest in the outcomes of undergraduate education and characterized by a focus on assessing the impact of instruction on student learning, of academic programs on student success, and of faculty development in institutional mission priorities. Faculty developers are responding to institutional needs for assessment, at the same time they are being asked to address a wider range of institutional priorities in areas such as blended and online teaching, diversity, and the scale-up of evidence-based practices. They face the need to broaden their audiences, and address the needs of part-time, non-tenure-track, and graduate student instructors as well as of pre-tenure and post-tenure faculty. They are also feeling increased pressure to demonstrate the "return on investment" of their programs.This book describes how these faculty development and institutional needs and priorities are being addressed through linkages, collaborations, and networks across institutional units, and highlights the increasing role of faculty development professionals as organizational "change agents" at the department and institutional levels, serving as experts on the needs of faculty in larger organizational discussions.
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Wild by Nature
From the time Europeans first came to the New World until the closing of the frontier, the benefits of abundant wild animals-from beavers and wolves to fish, deer, and bison-appeared as a recurring theme in colonizing discourses. Explorers, travelers, surveyors, naturalists, and other promoters routinely advertised the richness of the American faunal environment and speculated about the ways in which animals could be made to serve their colonial projects. In practice, however, American animals proved far less malleable to colonizers' designs. Their behaviors constrained an English colonial vision of a reinvented and rationalized American landscape. In Wild by Nature, Andrea L. Smalley argues that Anglo-American authorities' unceasing efforts to convert indigenous beasts into colonized creatures frequently produced unsettling results that threatened colonizers' control over the land and the people. Not simply acted upon by being commodified, harvested, and exterminated, wild animals were active subjects in the colonial story, altering its outcome in unanticipated ways. These creatures became legal actors-subjects of statutes, issues in court cases, and parties to treaties-in a centuries-long colonizing process that was reenacted on successive wild animal frontiers. Following a trail of human-animal encounters from the seventeenth-century Chesapeake to the Civil War-era southern plains, Smalley shows how wild beasts and their human pursuers repeatedly transgressed the lines lawmakers drew to demarcate colonial sovereignty and control, confounding attempts to enclose both people and animals inside a legal frame. She also explores how, to possess the land, colonizers had to find new ways to contain animals without destroying the wildness that made those creatures valuable to English settler societies in the first place. Offering fresh perspectives on colonial, legal, environmental, and Native American history, Wild by Nature reenvisions the familiar stories of early America as animal tales.
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Singular Dedications
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Chimeras, Hybrids, and Interspecies Research : Politics and Policymaking
In his 2006 State of the Union speech, President George W. Bush asked the U.S. Congress to prohibit the ""most egregious abuses of medical research,"" such as the ""creation of animal-human hybrids."" The president's message echoed that of a 2004 report by the President's Council on Bioethics, which recommended that hybrid human-animal embryos be banned by Congress.Discussions of early interspecies research, in which cells or DNA are interchanged between humans and nonhumans at early stages of development, can often devolve into sweeping statements, colorful imagery, and confusing policy. Alth
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Norsk Bokmål
Italian American Women, Food, and Identity
This book is about Italian American women, food, identity, and our stories at the table. This mother-daughter research team explores how Italian American working-class women from Syracuse, New York use food as a symbol and vehicle which carries multiple meanings. In these narratives, food represents home, loss, and longing. Food also stands in for race, class, gender, sexuality, immigration, region, place, and space. The authors highlight how food is about family and tradition, as well as choice and change. These women's narratives reveal that food is related to celebration, love, power, and shame. As this study centers on the intergenerational transmission of culture, the authors' relationship mirrors these questions as they contend with their similar and disparate experiences and relationships with Italian American identity and food. The authors use the "recipe" as a conversational bridge to elicit narratives about identity and the self. They also encourage readers to listen closely to the stories at their own tables to consider how recipes and food are a way for us to claim who we are, who we think we are, who we want to be, and who we are not.
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Fulfilling the Needs of Teachers
Fulfilling the Needs of Teachers gives teacher educators the power to reach a teacher's mind and soul. This book guides educators through a five-step process for creating design tasks. Design tasks are multi-dimensional professional learning activities that develop teachers' understandings, skills, and abilities by presenting knowledge in a context that affects his or her beliefs, attitudes, and emotions.
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"This Is Jerusalem Calling"
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Rebuilding Shattered Worlds
Rebuilding Shattered Worlds explores the ways a demolished neighborhood in Easton, Pennsylvania, still resonates in the imaginations of displaced residents. Drawing on six years of ethnographic research, the authors highlight the intersecting languages of blight, race, and place as elderly interlocutors attempt to make sense of the world they lost when urban renewal initiatives razed "Syrian Town"-a densely packed neighborhood of Lebanese American, Italian American, and African American residents. This ethnography of remembering shows how former residents engage collective memory-making through their shared place, language, and class position within the larger cityscape. Demonstrating the creative power of linguistic resources, material traces, and absent spaces, Rebuilding Shattered Worlds brings together insights from linguistic anthropology and material studies, foregrounding the role language plays in signaling "pastness."
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