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Viser resultat for 'Anchee Min'

    The last empress

    The last empress

    Anchee Min

    At the end of the nineteenth century, China is rocked by humiliating foreign attacks and local rebellions. The only constant is the power wielded by one woman: the resilient, ever-resourceful Tzu Hsi, also known as Empress Orchid. Moving from the intimacy of the concubine quarters into the spotlight of the world stage, Orchid makes a dramatic metamorphosis from a strong-willed young woman to a wise political leader, who must not only face the perilous condition of her fading empire but also a series of devastating personal losses. Yearning to step aside yet growing constantly into her role, only she can hold the nation's rival factions together. In this sequel to the bestselling novel "Empress Orchid", Anchee Min brings to life one of the most important figures in Chinese history, a very human leader who assumes power reluctantly, and who sacrifices all she has to protect both those she loves and her doomed empire.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2008



    Pocket · 2008



    Andre utgaver · 3


    Rød Aselia

    Rød Aselia

    Anchee Min

    Shanghai 1963, ved begynnelsen av kulturrevolusjonen. En lidenskapelig og lavmelt roman om kampen for å finne seg en plass som individ i kollektivet.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1993

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89

    Rød asalea

    Rød asalea

    Anchee Min

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1998

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Pocket · 1995

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 59

    Rød Asalea

    Rød Asalea : En roman fra Kina

    Anchee Min

    Omhandler ei ung jente i Shanghai i 1963 i begynnelsen av kulturrevolusjonen. Jenta er fem år og har ansvaret for tre småsøsken. Hun hever seg over skammen ved fattigdom, og satser på skole og lærer seg demrede bok utenat. Hun blir utkommandert til en arbeidsleir som 17 år gammel, og det blir tre år med blodslit og ydmykelser. Etterhvert blir jenta plukket ut til å være med i kampen om en hovedrolle i filmen Rød Asalea. Denne boken er en lidenskapelig og lavmælt roman om kampen for å finne seg en olass som individ i kollektivet.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1994

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Innbundet · 1994

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 59

    Røde azalea

    Røde azalea

    Anchee Min

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1994



    Becoming madame Mao

    Becoming madame Mao: a novel

    Anchee Min

    Yunhe er fire år og skal få de små føttene sine bundet, og barnet som en dag skal bli Mao Zedongs hustru gjør opprør for første gang. Med økende bevissthet protesterer hun mot de fleste konvensjoner som omgir en kvinne. Hun gifter seg med Mao i 1938 og hun får navnet Jiang Quing. Ekteskapet formørkes snart av intrigene omkring Formannen. Jiang Quing blir selv en mester i å tilrane seg oppmerksomhet og makt. Med heroisme og ideologisk overbevisning kjemper hun ved sin manns side mot kommunismens fiender. Etter Maos død i 1976 blir hun innblandet i kuppforsøk og nye intriger, i solid samarbeid med de øvrige i Firerbanden. Til sist blir hun fengslet og dømt til døden. Hun ender med å ta sitt eget liv i 1999.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2001


    kr 45
    kr 45

    Red Azalea

    Red Azalea

    Anchee Min

    Born into a devoutly Maoist family in 1950s Shanghai and forced to work on a communal farm from the age of seventeen, Anchee Min found herself in an alienating and hostile political climate, where her only friendships were perilous and intense. Both candid and touching, this compelling memoir documents her isolation and illicit love against the backdrop of China's Cultural Revolution. From her coming of age in the Red Guard to her recruitment into Madame Mao's burgeoning industry of propaganda movies, Red Azalea explores the secret sensuality of a repressive society with elegance and honesty.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009



    Pocket · 2000



    Wild ginger

    Wild ginger

    Anchee Min

    Maple sees her friend Wild Ginger become the star of the Little Red Guards. In a time where sexual relations are not allowed, Wild Ginger denies her desire for Evergreen. When Maple and Evergreen plan to leave Shanghai, Maple underestimates Wild Ginger's feelings and her power to stop them.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2002



    Pearl of China

    Pearl of China

    Anchee Min

    In the small southern town of Chin-kiang, two young girls from very different worlds collide and become inseparable companions. Willow is hardened by poverty and fearful for her future; Pearl is the daughter of a Christian missionary who desperately wishes she was Chinese too. Neither could have foreseen the transformation of the little American girl embarrassed by her blonde hair into the Nobel Prize-winning writer and one of China's modern heroines, Pearl S. Buck. When the country erupts in civil war between the Nationalists and the Communists, Pearl and Willow are brutally reminded of their differences. Pearl's family is forced to flee the country and Willow is punished for her loyalty to her `cultural imperialist' friend. And yet, in the face of everything that threatens to tear them apart, the paths of these two women remain intimately entwined.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011



    Pocket · 2010



    Madame Mao

    Madame Mao

    Anchee Min

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2001

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Farväl till Shanghai

    Farväl till Shanghai

    Anchee Min

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1996



    Rød Asalea

    Rød Asalea

    Anchee Min

    Omhandler ei ung jente i Shanghai i 1963 i begynnelsen av kulturrevolusjonen. Jenta er fem år og har ansvaret for tre småsøsken. Hun hever seg over skammen ved fattigdom, og satser på skole og lærer seg demrede bok utenat. Hun blir utkommandert til en arbeidsleir som 17 år gammel, og det blir tre år med blodslit og ydmykelser. Etterhvert blir jenta plukket ut til å være med i kampen om en hovedrolle i filmen Rød Asalea. Denne boken er en lidenskapelig og lavmælt roman om kampen for å finne seg en olass som individ i kollektivet.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1994

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    The Cooked Seed

    The Cooked Seed

    Anchee Min

    In 1994, Anchee Min published Red Azalea, a memoir of growing up during the violent trauma of the Cultural Revolution. It became an international bestseller. Twenty years later, Min returns to give us the next chapter, as she moves from the shocking deprivations of her homeland to the sudden bounty of the promised land of America, without language, money or a clear path.With the help of actress Joan Chen, Anchee applies to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She shows a portfolio of her self-taught brush paintings at the US consulate and is granted an entry visa, but once in America, Anchee finds she is on her own, forced to survive by her wits and indomitable spirit. She teaches herself English by watching Sesame Street, has five jobs at once sleeps in unheated rooms in desolate neighbourhoods. As well as her struggle to understand her new country - the food, the warm showers - Anchee suffers rape, collapses from exhaustion, marries poorly and divorces after giving birth to her daughter, Lauryann. Despite her tough, lonely journey, Anchee finds that it is Lauryann who will save her and root her, finally, in America.As a child, Anchee understood herself as a mere `bolt on the great machine that was Communism'; in America she learns how to succeed in a radically different culture despite bitter hardships and countless setbacks. The Cooked Seed is an unforgettable story.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    Empress Orchid

    Empress Orchid

    Anchee Min

    Based on a true story of China’s last Empress, a charismatic woman from an impoverished aristocratic family, who comes to life in this fascinating novel. (Image).

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2005


    kr 59
    kr 59

    Djevelen utenfra

    Djevelen utenfra

    Anchee Min

    Katherine kommer fra USA til Kina for å undervise i engelsk. Mao har vært død i seks år, og landet har såvidt åpnet dørene for fremmede. Men hos Katherines studenter sitter fordommer og indoktrinering så dypt at møtet med denne typsik vestlige kvinnen skaper sjokk. Bekymringsløst pirrer hun de unges undertrykte lidenskaper og uprøvde lyster, først hemmelig og ufarlig, snart eksplosivt og med tragiske følger. Lederne må få denne "djevelen utenfra" uskadeliggjort og fjernet. Men jakten på Katherine får større dimensjoner og trekker med seg flere mennesker enn forfølgerne kunne forutse.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1996

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69

    Innbundet · 1996

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 69

    Chinese propaganda posters

    Chinese propaganda posters

    Anchee Min, Duo Duo, Stefan Landsberger

    This is a selection of colorful propaganda artworks and cultural artifacts from photographer Michael Wolf's vast collection of Chinese propaganda posters. With his smooth, warm, red face which radiated light in all directions, Chairman Mao Zedong was a fixture in Chinese propaganda posters produced between the birth of the People's Republic in 1949 and the early 1980s. These infamous posters were, in turn, central fixtures in Chinese homes, railway stations, schools, journals, magazines, and just about anywhere else where people were likely to see them. Chairman Mao, portrayed as a stoic superhero (a.k.a. the Great Teacher, the Great Leader, the Great Helmsman, the Supreme Commander), appeared in all kinds of situations (inspecting factories, smoking a cigarette with peasant workers, standing by the Yangzi River in a bathrobe, presiding over the bow of a ship, or floating over a sea of red flags), flanked by strong, healthy, ageless men and "masculinized" women and children wearing baggy, sexless, drab clothing. The goal of each poster was to show the Chinese people what sort of behavior was considered morally correct and how great the future of Communist China would be if everyone followed the same path toward utopia by uniting together. Combining fact and fiction in a way typical of propaganda art, these posters exuded positive vibes and seemed to suggest that Mao was an omnipresent force that would accompany China to happiness and greatness. This book brings together a selection of colorful propaganda artworks and cultural artifacts from photographer Michael Wolf's vast collection of Chinese propaganda posters, many of which are now extremely rare. Michael Wolf has lived in Hong Kong for eight years and works as a photographer for Stern. He collects posters and photographs from the period of the Cultural Revolution till today.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2011



    Pocket · 2008



    Il Mio Libro a Copertina Morbida

    Il Mio Libro a Copertina Morbida


    Questo non e un libro di medicina per la guarigione delle malattie fisiche, ma piuttosto un un manuale per la guarigione spirituale. L'autore mette in evidenza, in maniera semplice e sintetica, le antiche rivelazioni sapienziali, nonche le ricerche scientifiche moderne sui benefici che le pratiche spirituali comportano a livello mentale e fisico per chi le pratica. Avendo per lungo tempo studiato e fatto esperienza, l'autore desidera fare conoscere ad altri la ricchezza e la bellezza che si cela dietro le grandi e autentiche religioni, la cui grande opera era ed e quella della guarigione olistica e del risveglio spirituale o illuminazione, che significa anche salvezza. "Anche una minuscola parte di questo dharma (pratica spirituale) protegge l'uomo dalla grande paura" (La Bhagavad Gita, Ves. 40). "...Imparate da me, perche io sono mansueto e umile di cuore, e voi troverete riposo alle Anime vostre, perche il mio giogo e DOLCE e il mio carico e LEGGERO" (Vangelo di Gesu, Matt. 11/28-30).

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



    Messaggero Di Riconciliazione: Lo Storico Viaggio Di Benedetto XVI in Terra Santa

    Messaggero Di Riconciliazione: Lo Storico Viaggio Di Benedetto XVI in Terra Santa

    Carlo Giorgi

    Fin dall'inizio del suo pontificato, papa Benedetto XVI aveva manifestato il desiderio di recarsi in Terra Santa. Un viaggio ritardato dalle sanguinose vicende del conflitto arabo-israeliano e finalmente realizzato nel maggio 2009. Un pellegrinaggio storico, il terzo di un pontefice nella terra di Gesu. Questo libro e un racconto accurato del viaggio del Papa, pieno di significati e di frutti di speranza per il futuro. Nei giorni trascorsi in Giordania, Israele e Territori Palestinesi, Ratzinger e stato uomo della diplomazia con i governanti, incoraggiandoli a politiche di pace; pellegrino tra i pellegrini; pastore rassicurante tra i cristiani di Terra Santa, gregge minoritario, spesso spaventato, da incoraggiare. E anche uomo del dialogo, che indica la via della possibile convivenza tra cristiani, ebrei e musulmani. La scelta di raccontare il viaggio del Papa privilegiando le parole e i sentimenti della gente comune costituisce una delle particolarita del libro, che raccoglie la cronaca dei giorni della visita, i principali interventi del Papa, le interviste, le testimonianze e i punti di vista degli altri protagonisti. Il volume cerca di dar voce anche a quella maggioranza silenziosa che in occasione di questi grandi eventi fa spesso solo da colorato sfondo.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009



    Alexandros - il figlio del sogno

    Alexandros - il figlio del sogno

    Valerio Massimo Manfredi

    La bellezza del suo viso - i lineamenti delicati incorniciati dalle folte ciocche di capelli - ci è stata tramandata dallo scultore Lisippo. Le sue imprese le ha raccontate la Storia: un impero sconfinato, dal Danubio all'Indo, difficile da immaginare, impossibile da credere. Ma chi era davvero Alessandro, il giovane re macedone che, nel IV secolo a.C., concepì il disegno della conquista del mondo intero, per poi morire, come Cristo, all'età di trentatré anni? "Il figlio del sogno", primo capitolo di una saga esaltante e avvincente, ci narra di un uomo che fu considerato un dio, dei suoi sogni ardenti, delle passioni violente che lo consumarono fino a distruggerlo. E ci svela anche una Grecia mai vista, una civiltà che, pur nota, ci appare oggi sconosciuta e affascinante. Poteva essere descritta così solo da uno studioso che, dopo averla indagata in ogni minimo particolare, ha voluto gettarsi alle spalle ogni sapere per restituirci la vita degli uomini. E capire un mondo.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2002


    kr 69
    kr 69

    Advances in intelligent data analysis : 4th international conference, IDA 2001, Cascais, Portugal, September 13-15, 2001 : proceedings

    Advances in intelligent data analysis : 4th international conference, IDA 2001, Cascais, Portugal, September 13-15, 2001 : proceedings

    ThesearetheproceedingsofthefourthbiennialconferenceintheIntelligentData Analysisseries. TheconferencetookplaceinCascais,Portugal,13-15September 2001. Thethemeofthisconferenceseriesistheuseofcomputersinintelligent waysindataanalysis,includingtheexplorationofintelligentprogramsfordata analysis. Dataanalytictoolscontinuetodevelop,drivenbythecomputerrevo- tion. Methodswhichwouldhaverequiredunimaginableamountsofcomputing power,andwhichwouldhavetakenyearstoreachaconclusion,cannowbe appliedwitheaseandvirtuallyinstantly. Suchmethodsarebeingdevelopedby avarietyofintellectualcommunities,includingstatistics,arti?cialintelligence, neuralnetworks,machinelearning,datamining,andinteractivedynamicdata visualization. Thisconferenceseriesseekstobringtogetherresearchersstudying theuseofintelligentdataanalysisinthesevariousdisciplines,tostimulate- teractionsothateachdisciplinemaylearnfromtheothers. Soastoencourage suchinteraction,wedeliberatelykepttheconferencetoasingletrackmeeting. Thismeantthat,ofthealmost150submissionswereceived,wewereableto selectonly23fororalpresentationand16forposterpresentation.Inaddition tothesecontributedpapers,therewasakeynoteaddressfromDarylPregibon, invitedpresentationsfromKatharinaMorik,RolfBackhofen,andSunilRao,and aspecial'datachallenge'session,whereresearchersdescribedtheirattemptsto analyseachallengingdatasetprovidedbyPaulCohen. Thisacceptancerate enabledustoensureahighqualityconference,whilealsopermittingustop- videgoodcoverageofthevarioustopicssubsumedwithinthegeneralheading ofintelligentdataanalysis. Wewouldliketoexpressourthanksandappreciationtoeveryoneinvolved intheorganizationofthemeetingandtheselectionofthepapers. Itisthe behind-the-scenese?ortswhichensurethesmoothrunningandsuccessofany conference. Wewouldalsoliketoexpressourgratitudetothesponsors:Fundac" ,ao paraaCienciaeaTecnologia,Minist'eriodaCienciaedaTecnologia,Faculdade deCienciaseTecnologia,UniversidadeNovadeLisboa,Funda,c"aoCalousteG- benkianandIPEInvestimentoseParticipac" ,oesEmpresariais,S. A. September2001 FrankHo?mann DavidJ. Hand NiallAdams GabrielaGuimaraes DougFisher Organization IDA2001wasorganizedbythedepartmentofComputerScience,NewUniversity ofLisbon. ConferenceCommittee GeneralChair: DouglasFisher(VanderbiltUniversity,USA) ProgramChairs: DavidJ.Hand(ImperialCollege,UK) NiallAdams(ImperialCollege,UK) ConferenceChair: GabrielaGuimaraes(NewUniversityofLisbon,Portugal) PublicityChair: FrankHoppner(Univ. ofAppl. SciencesEmden,Germany) PublicationChair: FrankHo?mann(RoyalInstituteofTechnology,Sweden) LocalChair: FernandoMoura-Pires(UniversityofEvora,Portugal) AreaChairs: RobertaSiciliano(UniversityofNaples,Italy) ArnoSiebes(CWI,TheNetherlands) PavelBrazdil(UniversityofPorto,Portugal) ProgramCommittee NiallAdams(ImperialCollege,UK) PieterAdriaans(Syllogic,TheNetherlands) RussellAlmond(EducationalTestingService,USA) ThomasBack(InformatikCentrumDortmund,Germany) RiccardoBellazzi(UniversityofPavia,Italy) MichaelBerthold(Tripos,USA) LiuBing(NationalUniversityofSingapore) PaulCohen(UniversityofMassachusetts,USA) PaulDarius(LeuvenUniversity,Belgium) FazelFamili(NationalResearchCouncil,Canada) DouglasFisher(VanderbiltUniversity,USA) KarlFroeschl(UniversityofVienna,Austria) AlexGammerman(RoyalHolloway,UK) AdolfGrauel(UniversityofPaderborn,Germany) GabrielaGuimaraes(NewUniversityofLisbon,Portugal) LawrenceO. Hall(UniversityofSouthFlorida,USA) FrankHo?mann(RoyalInstituteofTechnology,Sweden) AdeleHowe(ColoradoStateUniversity,USA) Klaus-PeterHuber(SASInstitute,Germany) DavidJensen(UniversityofMassachusetts,USA) JoostKok(LeidenUniversity,TheNetherlands) RudolfKruse(UniversityofMagdeburg,Germany) FrankKlawonn(UniversityofAppliedSciencesEmden,Germany) VIII Organization HansLenz(FreeUniversityofBerlin,Germany) DavidMadigan(Soliloquy,USA) RainerMalaka(EuropeanMediaLaboratory,Germany) HeikkiMannila(Nokia,Finland) FernandoMouraPires(UniversityofEvora,Portugal) SusanaNascimento(UniversityofLisbon,Portugal) WayneOldford(UniversityofWaterloo,Canada) AlbertPrat(TechnicalUniversityofCatalunya,Spain) PeterProtzel(TechnicalUniversityChemnitz,Germany) GiacomodellaRiccia(UniversityofUdine,Italy) RosannaSchiavo(UniversityofVenice,Italy) KaisaSere(AboAkademiUniversity,Finland) RobertaSiciliano(UniversityofNaples,Italy) RosariaSilipo(Nuance,USA) FloorVerdenius(ATO-DLO,TheNetherlands) StefanWrobel(UniversityofMagdeburg,Germany) HuiXiaoLiu(BrunelUniversity,UK) NevinZhang(HongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology,HongKong) SponsoringInstitutions Fundac" ,aoparaaCienciaeaTecnologia,Minist'eriodaCienciaedaTecnologia FaculdadedeCienciaseTecnologia,UniversidadeNovadeLisboa Fundac" ,aoCalousteGulbenkian IPEInvestimentoseParticipac" ,15September 2001.Thethemeofthisconferenceseriesistheuseofcomputersinintelligent waysindataanalysis,includingtheexplorationofintelligentprogramsfordata analysis. Dataanalytictoolscontinuetodevelop,drivenbythecomputerrevo- tion. Methodswhichwouldhaverequiredunimaginableamountsofcomputing power,andwhichwouldhavetakenyearstoreachaconclusion,cannowbe appliedwitheaseandvirtuallyinstantly. Suchmethodsarebeingdevelopedby avarietyofintellectualcommunities,includingstatistics,arti?cialintelligence, neuralnetworks,machinelearning,datamining,andinteractivedynamicdata visualization. Thisconferenceseriesseekstobringtogetherresearchersstudying theuseofintelligentdataanalysisinthesevariousdisciplines,tostimulate- teractionsothateachdisciplinemaylearnfromtheothers. Soastoencourage suchinteraction,wedeliberatelykepttheconferencetoasingletrackmeeting. Thismeantthat,ofthealmost150submissionswereceived,wewereableto selectonly23fororalpresentationand16forposterpresentation.Inaddition tothesecontributedpapers,therewasakeynoteaddressfromDarylPregibon, invitedpresentationsfromKatharinaMorik,RolfBackhofen,andSunilRao,and aspecial'datachallenge'session,whereresearchersdescribedtheirattemptsto analyseachallengingdatasetprovidedbyPaulCohen. Thisacceptancerate enabledustoensureahighqualityconference,whilealsopermittingustop- videgoodcoverageofthevarioustopicssubsumedwithinthegeneralheading ofintelligentdataanalysis. Wewouldliketoexpressourthanksandappreciationtoeveryoneinvolved intheorganizationofthemeetingandtheselectionofthepapers. Itisthe behind-the-scenese?ortswhichensurethesmoothrunningandsuccessofany conference. Wewouldalsoliketoexpressourgratitudetothesponsors:Fundac" cao paraaCienciaeaTecnologia,Minist'eriodaCienciaedaTecnologia,Faculdade deCienciaseTecnologia,UniversidadeNovadeLisboa,Fundacc"aoCalousteG- benkianandIPEInvestimentoseParticipac" coesEmpresariais,S. A. September2001 FrankHo?mann DavidJ. Hand NiallAdams GabrielaGuimaraes DougFisher Organization IDA2001wasorganizedbythedepartmentofComputerScience,NewUniversity ofLisbon. ConferenceCommittee GeneralChair: DouglasFisher(VanderbiltUniversity,USA) ProgramChairs: DavidJ.Hand(ImperialCollege,UK) NiallAdams(ImperialCollege,UK) ConferenceChair: GabrielaGuimaraes(NewUniversityofLisbon,Portugal) PublicityChair: FrankHoppner(Univ. ofAppl. SciencesEmden,Germany) PublicationChair: FrankHo?mann(RoyalInstituteofTechnology,Sweden) LocalChair: FernandoMoura-Pires(UniversityofEvora,Portugal) AreaChairs: RobertaSiciliano(UniversityofNaples,Italy) ArnoSiebes(CWI,TheNetherlands) PavelBrazdil(UniversityofPorto,Portugal) ProgramCommittee NiallAdams(ImperialCollege,UK) PieterAdriaans(Syllogic,TheNetherlands) RussellAlmond(EducationalTestingService,USA) ThomasBack(InformatikCentrumDortmund,Germany) RiccardoBellazzi(UniversityofPavia,Italy) MichaelBerthold(Tripos,USA) LiuBing(NationalUniversityofSingapore) PaulCohen(UniversityofMassachusetts,USA) PaulDarius(LeuvenUniversity,Belgium) FazelFamili(NationalResearchCouncil,Canada) DouglasFisher(VanderbiltUniversity,USA) KarlFroeschl(UniversityofVienna,Austria) AlexGammerman(RoyalHolloway,UK) AdolfGrauel(UniversityofPaderborn,Germany) GabrielaGuimaraes(NewUniversityofLisbon,Portugal) LawrenceO. Hall(UniversityofSouthFlorida,USA) FrankHo?mann(RoyalInstituteofTechnology,Sweden) AdeleHowe(ColoradoStateUniversity,USA) Klaus-PeterHuber(SASInstitute,Germany) DavidJensen(UniversityofMassachusetts,USA) JoostKok(LeidenUniversity,TheNetherlands) RudolfKruse(UniversityofMagdeburg,Germany) FrankKlawonn(UniversityofAppliedSciencesEmden,Germany) VIII Organization HansLenz(FreeUniversityofBerlin,Germany) DavidMadigan(Soliloquy,USA) RainerMalaka(EuropeanMediaLaboratory,Germany) HeikkiMannila(Nokia,Finland) FernandoMouraPires(UniversityofEvora,Portugal) SusanaNascimento(UniversityofLisbon,Portugal) WayneOldford(UniversityofWaterloo,Canada) AlbertPrat(TechnicalUniversityofCatalunya,Spain) PeterProtzel(TechnicalUniversityChemnitz,Germany) GiacomodellaRiccia(UniversityofUdine,Italy) RosannaSchiavo(UniversityofVenice,Italy) KaisaSere(AboAkademiUniversity,Finland) RobertaSiciliano(UniversityofNaples,Italy) RosariaSilipo(Nuance,USA) FloorVerdenius(ATO-DLO,TheNetherlands) StefanWrobel(UniversityofMagdeburg,Germany) HuiXiaoLiu(BrunelUniversity,UK) NevinZhang(HongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology,HongKong) SponsoringInstitutions Fundac" caoparaaCienciaeaTecnologia,Minist'eriodaCienciaedaTecnologia FaculdadedeCienciaseTecnologia,UniversidadeNovadeLisboa Fundac" caoCalousteGulbenkian IPEInvestimentoseParticipac" coesEmpresariais,S.A. TableofContents TheFourthInternationalSymposiumonIntelligentData Analysis FeatureCharacterizationinScienti?cDatasets...1 ElizabethBradley(UniversityofColorado),NancyCollins(University ofColorado),W. PhilipKegelmeyer(SandiaNationalLaboratories) RelevanceFeedbackintheBayesianNetworkRetrievalModel: AnApproachBasedonTermInstantiation...13 LuisM. deCampos(UniversityofGranada),JuanM. Fernan ' dez-Luna (UniversityofJa'en),JuanF. Huete(UniversityofGranada) GeneratingFuzzySummariesfromFuzzyMultidimensionalDatabases...24 AnneLaurent(Universit'ePierreetMarieCurie) AMixture-of-ExpertsFrameworkforLearningfromImbalancedData Sets...34 AndrewEstabrooks(IBM),NathalieJapkowicz(UniversityofOttawa) PredictingTime-VaryingFunctionswithLocalModels...44 AchimLewandowski(ChemnitzUniversity),PeterProtzel(Chemnitz University) BuildingModelsofEcologicalDynamicsUsingHMMBasedTemporal DataClustering-APreliminaryStudy...53 CenLi(TennesseeStateUniversity),GautamBiswas(Vanderbilt University),MikeDale(Gri?thUniversity),PatDale(Gri?th University) TaggingwithSmallTrainingCorpora...63 NunoC. Marques(UniversidadeAberta),GabrielPereiraLopes (Centria) ASearchEngineforMorphologicallyComplexLanguages...73 UdoHahn(UniversitatFreiburg),MartinHoneck(Universitat sklinikum Freiburg),StefanSchulz(Universitat oppner(Univ. ofAppl. SciencesEmden,Germany) PublicationChair: FrankHo?mann(RoyalInstituteofTechnology,Sweden) LocalChair: FernandoMoura-Pires(UniversityofEvora,Portugal) AreaChairs: RobertaSiciliano(UniversityofNaples,Italy) ArnoSiebes(CWI,TheNetherlands) PavelBrazdil(UniversityofPorto,Portugal) ProgramCommittee NiallAdams(ImperialCollege,UK) PieterAdriaans(Syllogic,TheNetherlands) RussellAlmond(EducationalTestingService,USA) ThomasBack(InformatikCentrumDortmund,Germany) RiccardoBellazzi(UniversityofPavia,Italy) MichaelBerthold(Tripos,USA) LiuBing(NationalUniversityofSingapore) PaulCohen(UniversityofMassachusetts,USA) PaulDarius(LeuvenUniversity,Belgium) FazelFamili(NationalResearchCouncil,Canada) DouglasFisher(VanderbiltUniversity,USA) KarlFroeschl(UniversityofVienna,Austria) AlexGammerman(RoyalHolloway,UK) AdolfGrauel(UniversityofPaderborn,Germany) GabrielaGuimaraes(NewUniversityofLisbon,Portugal) LawrenceO. Hall(UniversityofSouthFlorida,USA) FrankHo?mann(RoyalInstituteofTechnology,Sweden) AdeleHowe(ColoradoStateUniversity,USA) Klaus-PeterHuber(SASInstitute,Germany) DavidJensen(UniversityofMassachusetts,USA) JoostKok(LeidenUniversity,TheNetherlands) RudolfKruse(UniversityofMagdeburg,Germany) FrankKlawonn(UniversityofAppliedSciencesEmden,Germany) VIII Organization HansLenz(FreeUniversityofBerlin,Germany) DavidMadigan(Soliloquy,USA) RainerMalaka(EuropeanMediaLaboratory,Germany) HeikkiMannila(Nokia,Finland) FernandoMouraPires(UniversityofEvora,Portugal) SusanaNascimento(UniversityofLisbon,Portugal) WayneOldford(UniversityofWaterloo,Canada) AlbertPrat(TechnicalUniversityofCatalunya,Spain) PeterProtzel(TechnicalUniversityChemnitz,Germany) GiacomodellaRiccia(UniversityofUdine,Italy) RosannaSchiavo(UniversityofVenice,Italy) KaisaSere(AboAkademiUniversity,Finland) RobertaSiciliano(UniversityofNaples,Italy) RosariaSilipo(Nuance,USA) FloorVerdenius(ATO-DLO,TheNetherlands) StefanWrobel(UniversityofMagdeburg,Germany) HuiXiaoLiu(BrunelUniversity,UK) NevinZhang(HongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology,HongKong) SponsoringInstitutions Fundac" caoparaaCienciaeaTecnologia,Minist'eriodaCienciaedaTecnologia FaculdadedeCienciaseTecnologia,UniversidadeNovadeLisboa Fundac" caoCalousteGulbenkian IPEInvestimentoseParticipac" coesEmpresariais,S.A. TableofContents TheFourthInternationalSymposiumonIntelligentData Analysis FeatureCharacterizationinScienti?cDatasets...1 ElizabethBradley(UniversityofColorado),NancyCollins(University ofColorado),W. PhilipKegelmeyer(SandiaNationalLaboratories) RelevanceFeedbackintheBayesianNetworkRetrievalModel: AnApproachBasedonTermInstantiation...13 LuisM. deCampos(UniversityofGranada),JuanM. Fernan ' dez-Luna (UniversityofJa'en),JuanF. Huete(UniversityofGranada) GeneratingFuzzySummariesfromFuzzyMultidimensionalDatabases...24 AnneLaurent(Universit'ePierreetMarieCurie) AMixture-of-ExpertsFrameworkforLearningfromImbalancedData Sets...34 AndrewEstabrooks(IBM),NathalieJapkowicz(UniversityofOttawa) PredictingTime-VaryingFunctionswithLocalModels...44 AchimLewandowski(ChemnitzUniversity),PeterProtzel(Chemnitz University) BuildingModelsofEcologicalDynamicsUsingHMMBasedTemporal DataClustering-APreliminaryStudy...53 CenLi(TennesseeStateUniversity),GautamBiswas(Vanderbilt University),MikeDale(Gri?thUniversity),PatDale(Gri?th University) TaggingwithSmallTrainingCorpora...63 NunoC. Marques(UniversidadeAberta),GabrielPereiraLopes (Centria) ASearchEngineforMorphologicallyComplexLanguages...73 UdoHahn(UniversitatFreiburg),MartinHoneck(Universitat sklinikum Freiburg),StefanSchulz(Universitat sklinikumFreiburg) ErrorsDetectionandCorrectioninLargeScaleDataCollecting...84 RenatoBruni(Universit'adiRoma),AntonioSassano(Universit'adi Roma) X TableofContents ANewFrameworktoAssessAssociationRules ...95 FernandoBerzal(UniversityofGranada),IgnacioBlanco(University ofGranada),DanielS'anchez(UniversityofGranada), Mar'?a-AmparoVila(UniversityofGranada) CommunitiesofInterest ...105 CorinnaCortes(AT&TShannonResearchLabs),DarylPregibon (AT&TShannonResearchLabs),ChrisVolinsky(AT&TShannon ResearchLabs) AnEvaluationofGradingClassi?ers ...115 AlexanderK. Seewald(AustrianResearchInstituteforArti?cial Intelligence),JohannesFur nkranz(AustrianResearchInstitutefor Arti?cialIntelligence) FindingInformativeRulesinIntervalSequences ...125 FrankHoppner(UniversityofAppliedSciencesEmden), FrankKlawonn(UniversityofAppliedSciencesEmden) Correlation-BasedandContextualMerit-BasedEnsembleFeature Selection...135 SeppoPuuronen(UniversityofJyvaskyla),AlexeyTsymbal(University ofJyvaskyla),IrynaSkrypnyk(UniversityofJyvas kyla) NonmetricMultidimensionalScalingwithNeuralNetworks...145 MichielC. vanWezel(UniversiteitLeiden),WalterA.Kosters (UniversiteitLeiden),PetervanderPutten(UniversiteitLeiden), JoostN. Kok(UniversiteitLeiden) FunctionalTreesforRegression...156 Joao " Gama(UniversityofPorto) DataMiningwithProductsofTrees...167 Jos'eTom'eA. S. Ferreira(ImperialCollege),DavidG. T. Denison (ImperialCollege),DavidJ. Hand(ImperialCollege) 3 SBagging:FastClassi?erInductionMethodwithSubsamplingand Bagging ...177 MasahiroTerabe(MitshibishiResearchInstitute,Inc. ),TakashiWashio (I. S. I. R. ,OsakaUniversity),HiroshiMotoda(I. S. I. R.

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