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Viser resultat for 'American Motors, Parts and Service Division '

    Jeep Cherokee Wagoneer 4x4 Owner’s Manual

    Jeep Cherokee Wagoneer 4x4 Owner’s Manual

    American Motors, Parts and Service Division

    Instruksjonsbok trykket 12.86 (1987-modell) 225 sider. Biltypen gikk mellom 1984 og 2001 (XJ), tror således boken dekker disse årsmodeller (litt usikker på om det ble gjort tekniske endringer over denne perioden).

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1987


    kr 299
    kr 299

    Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing

    Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing

    Welcome to the proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2004) which was held in Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Japan, 25-27 August 2004. Embedded and ubiquitous computing are emerging rapidly as exciting new paradigms and disciplines to provide computing and communication services all the time, everywhere. Its systems are now invading every aspect of life to the point that they are disappearing inside all sorts of appliances or can be worn unobtrusively as part of clothing and jewelry, etc. This emergence is a natural outcome of research and technological advances in embedded systems, pervasive computing and communications, wireless networks, mobile computing, distri- ted computing and agent technologies, etc. Its explosive impact on academia, industry, government and daily life can be compared to that of electric motors over the past century but promises to revolutionize life much more profoundly than elevators, electric motors or even personal computer evolution ever did.The EUC 2004 conference provided a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to address all the resulting profound ch- lenges including technical, safety, social, legal, political, and economic issues, and to present and discuss their ideas, results, work in progress and experience on all aspects of embedded and ubiquitous computing. There was a very large number of paper submissions (260) from more than 20countriesandregions,includingnotonlyAsiaandthePaci?c,butalsoEurope and North America. All submissions were reviewed by at least three program or technical committee members or external reviewers.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2004



    Karagiozis : culture and comedy in Greek puppet theater

    Karagiozis : culture and comedy in Greek puppet theater

    Linda S. Myrsiades

    David Stockman, Ronald Reagan's budget director, proclaimed the Small Business Administration a "billion-dollar waste -- a rathole," and set out to abolish the agency. His scathing critique was but the latest attack on an agency better known as the "Small Scandal Administration." Loans to criminals, government contracts for minority "fronts," the classification of American Motors as a small business, Whitewater, and other scandals -- the Small Business Administration has lurched from one embarrassment to another. Despite the scandals and the policy failures, the SBA thrives and small business remains a sacred cow in American politics. Part of this sacredness comes from the agency's longstanding record of pioneering affirmative action. Jonathan Bean reveals that even before the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the SBA promoted African American businesses, encouraged the hiring of minorities, and monitored the employment practices of loan recipients. Under Nixon, the agency expanded racial preferences. During the Reagan administration, politicians wrapped themselves in the mantle of minority enterprise even as they denounced quotas elsewhere. Created by Congress in 1953, the SBA does not conform to traditional interpretations of interest-group democracy. Even though the public -- and Congress -- favors small enterprise, there has never been a unified group of small business owners requesting the government's help. Indeed, the SBA often has failed to address the real problems of "Mom and Pop" shop owners, fueling the ongoing debate about the agency's viability.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1992

    Norsk Bokmål


    Morris Minor

    Morris Minor

    Gillian Bardsley

    At its launch in 1948 the Morris Minor was an exciting and fresh concept, with radical engineering and daring `American' styling.Morris Motors had given a young engineer named Alec Issigonis his first chance to head up a design team and, though he would become most famous for the Mini ten years later, the Morris Minor was just as innovative in its time. Manufactured for twenty-three years, some 1.6 million would be made before production ended in 1972. Behind the Minor's success as the first British car to reach 1 million sold, however, there was a fierce battle to get it into production in the face of opposition from the company's founder and chairman, Lord Nuffield.Sold as an estate car, a convertible and a van, and used in motor racing and rallying, the versatile Morris Minor was much loved as a production car and has retained its popularity as a classic, with many clubs devoted to keeping it on the road. Using period illustrations from the BMC archive, Gillian Bardsley tells the story of this iconic British car.This book is part of the Britain's Heritage series, which provides definitive introductions to the riches of Britain's past, and is the perfect way to get acquainted with the Morris Minor in all its variety.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Ethical Issues in Journalism and the Media

    Ethical Issues in Journalism and the Media

    Ethical principles in modern day media and journalism are complicated and incorporate any number of situations going beyond simple corruption, or historical concepts of ethics. This book seeks to address the most pertinent ethical issues facing journalism and media and communications in general.For manifold reasons, including political or economic pressure from without, or corruption of management from within, media institutions do not necessarily adhere to accepted standards of ethics in publishing (or not publishing) certain subjects. Journalists, too, are not immune to corruption. There are larger questions that have been raised with the spread of globalization - is the news Western-centric? Is this ethical to superimpose the Western worldview on non-Western audiences? Certain types of situations or industries face wider scrutiny, particularly healthcare journalism and any reporting that concerns human rights - conflict, prisons, children. The proliferation (and manipulation) of images thanks to digital photography is particularly sensitive and subject to ethical standards. Another area of public life that has been touched by ethics over copyright issues is museums - should art belong to the public domain and freely accessible?This book will open with a discussion of the hegemonic influence of Western media; "Islamic and Western Perspectives on Applied Media Ethics" investigates whether ethical standards of Western journalism are fundamentally different from those of Islamic journalism. "Journalistic Ethics and Standards" delves into how journalism students believe the ethics of journalism as an institution to be compromised due to corporate and political pressure on media companies; their perception is that they are forced to renounce their ethical standards to conform to their bosses' "unscrupulous' demands." Continuing this theme is an editorial on "Propaganda, Ethics, and Media" in which the editor points out that these external influences and their selective divulgence or suppression of information have severely damaged the credibility of traditional media. Financial motivations for the publication of certain stories has long been an undercurrent of journalism that defies ethical principles. "Controversies on the Publishing of the Newspaper `Curentul'" provides a Romanian case study demonstrating the murky antecedents of a local journal. One of the most corrupt ways in which journalists' ethics can be compromised is in the receipt of money or gifts. "Journalism Ethics and Acceptance of Gifts" approaches this topic from the journalist's point of view, finding that acceptance of gifts is actually quite rare. We will also examine how audiences are swayed by incorrect information, supplied by the government or organizations to the media to be related to the wider public. The widely criticized U.S. invasion of Iraq was approved in large part because of the "lies" that the American government fed to the press - an entirely unethical situation. "Free Speech, Freedom of the Press, and the Tapestry of Lies" reveals the extent to which the journalistic principles of ethics were compromised. Some stories that feature prominently in news cycles can be "distorted" by journalists' (or news organizations') preconceptions- this raises the question as to how biased journalists are in covering the story. "The Times and General Motors" provides an in-depth case study into how these preconceptions can inaccurately portray events in an unethical way, shaping audience understanding.Another issue that arises that compromises the ethical standards of journalism is the tendency to sensationalize or otherwise influence news in a biased way. "Quality Popular Newspapers" analyzes twenty-four Brazilian newspapers for evidence of these systemic problems. Increasingly, the Internet is used as a news or information outlet, opening a whole new avenue of ethical problems. Social and digital media have provided new conduits for organizations, individuals, and corporations to communicate with the public, but it comes at a price. Historically, "Ethics in Old and New Journalism Structures" posits, news and newspapers served to report on politics. As the scope of journalism has increased, so the system of the ethics of reporting have had to expand. It follows that there will be a paradigmatic shift in ethics as the medium continues to evolve, most notably into the digital sphere. One positive outcome of the florescence of social media has been to reduce this "contamination," or corporate/political influence on the media, thereby reducing questionable ethical policies. "Does social media reduce `corporate media influence' on journalism?" looks at this phenomenon from a Turkish perspective. The publication of images in the news media is a subject particularly sensitive to ethical debate. Before the digital revolution, the point of contention lay solely in what it is ethical to show - dead bodies, people photographed without consent - the debate has expanded to include digital manipulation of photographs. "Manipulation, Professional Practices and Deontology in Informational Photography" discusses this. The authors of "Freedom of Photography" believe that freedom of photography should be governed, not only by institutional bodies, but also by ethical principles. It is a fraught subject in Malaysia, where their case study takes place, as press freedom has historically been curtailed. Hate speech is an unfortunate but very real by-product of press freedom. While freedom of speech does allow hate speech, is it ethical to allow it in journalism? During Kenya's election cycles, ethnic hatred erupts, into the news. Digital media facilitates hate speech further. "Digitized Ethnic Hate Speech" presents this case study as an example of the dark side of press freedom. Digital collections of hitherto closely guarded museum images are being made available online to a wider public, leading to a "democratization" of museums. The ethics of releasing these collections are still up for debate, as "Digital Museum Collections and Social Media" and "The Public Domain vs. the Museum" show. Is it ethical to retain copyright of important works of art? Or do these works truly belong to the public? As evidenced by "The Ethical Crossroads in the Age of the `New Media,'" journalists are faced with new challenges, amongst them ethical dilemmas, as a result of this transition to digital journalism. Ethical reportage of healthcare and medical treatments is an issue. It can happen that potential dangers and drawbacks of new treatments are glossed over by hyperbolic enthusiasm. Or, that an illness' severity can be grossly exaggerated by the media. "Deep Brain Stimulation in the Media" offers a solution to this dilemma - involve journalists and scientists in ethical debates over new treatments to avoid misunderstanding. Another solution to this problem would be to educate journalists specifically in global public health reporting, as the research study in "Integrating Journalism and Public Health to Promote Training and Education on Global Health Reporting" demonstrates.The digital world has enabled organizations to communicate directly with audiences, bypassing the traditional journalist-organization relationship. Healthcare is perhaps faced with more ethical issues than most industries - relating patient stories and images is a sensitive subject, but it can be incredibly useful for the wider public as well as the medical community. "First Do No Harm" explores this in depth. Finally, we will conclude this book with a discussion of how the standards of ethics in journalism could be set and maintained in a global context, by peering at the concept through the lens of historicity, in "Global Journalism Ethics."

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    Pocket · 2013



    The Chinese and Indian Corporate Economies

    The Chinese and Indian Corporate Economies

    Raj Brown

    This is a compelling analysis of the corporate economies of China and India, which are having a huge impact not just on the international economy, but also in the geopolitical and international strategy sphere as a result of an accelerated globalisation by these two countries, which is unleashing powerful economic challenges to corporate structures, economic institutions and law worldwide. The big question is how after centuries of underdevelopment China and now India are emerging powerfully and pulling ahead of Western European economies. Analysing the role of the state and the adroit use of law, and their impact on the corporate evolution of both China and India, provides greater clarity and insight into why China has evolved as a manufacturing nation utilizing cheap abundant labour while India has not exploited such advantages but instead focused on IT and higher value industries, even abroad as Tata has demonstrated in the motor industry in Europe. Again while Chinese corporations have expanded abroad as an arm of the state into Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe, Latin America and parts of the southern states of the USA, India has pushed principally into Europe through the efforts of powerful minority capitalists of Parsi and Gujerati background, overcoming technological gaps and differences through acquisitions and absorptions of existing corporations in particular industries, especially in steel, automobiles and textiles. In China, state owned corporations have been dominant. In India, though state owned enterprises have been powerful since 1951, it has been private capitalists with an established stronghold since the colonial period and even under the Socialist period from 1951-1991 who have been the more productive main actors both in India and abroad.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Jane Eyre

    Jane Eyre

    Charlotte Brontë

    "Jane Eyre" - romanen om den store kjærligheten - er kanskje den mest leste engelskspråklige romanen gjennom tidene. Da den utkom i 1847, ble den straks omfavnet av leserne, og har alltid siden beholdt sin popularitet. "Jane Eyre" er en utviklingsroman og en kjærlighetsroman. Foreldreløse Jane vokser opp hos en følelseskald tante. Hun blir plassert på fattigskolen Lowood, der en nådeløs religiøs disiplin råder. Men Jane lar seg ikke knekke, og da hun får stillingen som guvernante på herregården Thornfield Hall, ser det ut til at lykken smiler til henne. I Mr. Rochester, herregårdens eier, møter hun den store kjærligheten. Det skal likevel vise seg at Thornfield Hall rommer mørke hemmeligheter.

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 79

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 89

    Andre utgaver · 57

    kr 79

    PE Metrics

    PE Metrics

    SHAPE America - Society of Health and Physical Educators

    If you are looking for the definitive resource to help you measure your students' achievement, your search is over. PE Metrics: Assessing Student Performance Using the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education, Third Edition, aligns with SHAPE America's National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education, was created by SHAPE America and its writing team, and was reviewed by researchers and teachers with expertise in assessment. The result is a text that you can use with confidence as you help develop physical literacy in your students. Written for physical educators, administrators, and curriculum writers (and for physical education majors and minors), this latest edition offers the following: - 130 ready-to-use assessments for kindergarten through grade 12 (65 elementary, 43 middle school, and 22 high school) - Worksheets, checklists, and rubrics that support the assessments - Guidance on creating your own assessments for any lesson or unit These assessments are aligned with the three SHAPE America lesson planning books for elementary, middle, and secondary school and dovetail with SHAPE America's The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education. The assessments can be used as they are, or you can modify them or use them as samples in creating assessments that are best suited to your needs. PE Metrics, now in a four-color design, is organized into four main parts: Part I introduces the purpose and uses of assessment, how to develop an assessment plan, and the various types of assessments and tools you can use. Part II contains sample assessments for students in grades K-5, focusing on fundamental motor skills; as such, the elementary-level assessments center heavily on Standard 1. In part III, the emphasis shifts to middle school assessments, with a concentration on Standard 2 and on the categories of dance and rhythms, invasion games, net/wall games, fielding/striking games, outdoor pursuits, aquatics, and individual-performance activities. Part IV offers sample assessments for high school students, with a priority on providing evidence of the knowledge and skills students will need to remain active and fit after they leave high school. This resource provides a comprehensive, performance-based assessment system that enables you to incorporate assessment into every facet of your teaching, create assessments that are unique to your program, and measure your students' performance against the grade-level outcomes. The assessments are process focused and are designed to measure multiple constructs as well as provide meaningful feedback to students--ultimately helping them to develop holistically across all three learning domains (psychomotor, cognitive, and affective). PE Metrics will help you instill in students the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Healing with Herbs and Rituals : A Mexican Tradition

    Healing with Herbs and Rituals : A Mexican Tradition

    Eliseo "Cheo". Torres

    Healing with Herbs and Rituals is an herbal remedy-based understanding of curanderismo and the practice of yerberas, or herbalists, as found in the American Southwest and northern Mexico. Part One, ""Folk Healers and Folk Healing,"" focuses on individual healers and their procedures. Part Two, ""Green Medicine: Traditional Mexican-American Herbs and Remedies,"" details traditional Mexican-American herbs and cures. These remedies are the product of centuries of experience in Mexico, heavily influenced by the Moors, Judeo-Christians, and Aztecs, and include everyday items such as lemon, egg,

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    Roy D. Chapin : The Man Behind the Hudson Motor Car Company

    Roy D. Chapin : The Man Behind the Hudson Motor Car Company

    J.C. Long

    John Cuthbert Long's Roy D. Chapin is a thorough and detailed biography of a remarkable, but little-known Detroit automobile industry pioneer. Historians should include Roy Dikeman Chapin (February 23, 1880-February 16, 1936) in any listing of significant American auto industry pioneers, along with the Duryea brothers, Ransom E. Olds, Henry Leland, Henry Ford, William C. Durant, and the Dodge brothers. Outside the cloister of automotive historians, Roy Chapin is an unknown. This is in part because no company or car bore his name. Unlike many contemporary auto pioneers, Roy Chapin was a modest man who did not promote himself. Even Long's superb biography of Chapin is not well-known because it was privately printed in 1945 with a small press run. In reprinting this volume, Wayne State University Press is making an important contribution to automotive history.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2004



    Articulation and Phonology in Speech Sound Disorders

    Articulation and Phonology in Speech Sound Disorders

    Jacqueline Bauman-Waengler

    Help students bridge the gap between the theoretical issues in speech-language pathology and their clinical application Articulation and Phonology in Speech Sounds Disorders illustrates what works in practice and explains why it works. Every chapter focuses on suggestions for clinical practice as well as clinical examples and clinical applications. This approach will assist the reader in developing an understanding of how basic concepts and theoretical knowledge form the core for clinical decision making in the assessment and remediation of speech disorders. The 6th Edition continues to help readers link academic foundations with clinical application. It incorporates the American Speech-Language Hearing Association's position statements, definitions, and practice policies to aid students as they transition into competent clinicians. Also included is an overview of anatomy and physiology; a new section on the principles of motor learning; more user-friendly phonetic descriptors; the Dodd (2013) diagnostic classification system of speech sound disorders; updated diagnostic protocols; and new clinical exercises. Also available with the Enhanced Pearson eText* The Enhanced Pearson eText is: Engaging. The new interactive, multimedia learning features were developed by the authors and other subject-matter experts to deepen and enrich the learning experience. Convenient. Enjoy instant online access from your computer or download the Pearson eText App to read on or offline on your iPad(R) and Android(R) tablet.** Affordable. Experience the advantages of the Enhanced Pearson eText along with all the benefits of print for 40% to 50% less than a print bound book. *The Enhanced eText features are only available in the Pearson eText format. They are not available in third-party eTexts or downloads. **The Pearson eText App is available on Google Play and in the App Store. It requires Android OS 3.1-4, a 7" or 10" tablet, or iPad iOS 5.0 or later. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; the Enhanced Pearson eText does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with the Enhanced Pearson eText, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and Enhanced Pearson eText search for: 013499048X / 9780134990484 Articulation and Phonology in Speech Sound Disorders: A Clinical Focus Package consists of: 0134990579 / 9780134990576 Articulation and Phonology in Speech Sound Disorders: A Clinical Focus 0135184983 / 9780135184981 Articulation and Phonology in Speech Sound Disorders: A Clinical Focus, Pearson eText -- Access Card

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Innbundet · 2015


    Ghostly Ruins : America's Forgotten Architecture

    Ghostly Ruins : America's Forgotten Architecture

    Harry. Skrdla

    We've all seen them but might have been too scared to enter: the house on the hill with its boarded-up windows; the darkened factory on the outskirts of town; the old amusement park with its rickety skeleton of a rollercoaster. These are the ruins of America, filled with the echoes of the voices and footfalls of our grandparents, or their parents, or our own youth. Where once these structures were teeming with lifecommuters, workers, vacationersnow they are disused and dilapidated. Ghostly Ruins shows the life and death of thirty such structures, from transportation depots, factories, and jails to amusement parks, mansions, hotels, and entire towns. Author Harry Skrdla gives a guided tour of these marvelous structures at their peak of popularity juxtaposed with their current state of haunted decrepitude. Like a seasoned teller of ghost stories, Skrdla's words and images reveal what lies beyond the gates and beneath the floorboards. There are the infamous Eastern State Penitentiaryand Bethlehem Steel factory in Pennsylvania, the Packard Motors Plant and Book-Cadillac Hotel in Detroit, and Philip Johnson's New York State Pavilion from the 1964/65 World's Fair. There is the entire town of Centralia, Pennsylvania, where a trash fire set inside an old mine in 1962 morphed into an underground inferno that incinerated the town from underneath; more than forty years later, the subterranean fire still rages. The town is empty now, just as the many other abandoned places in this chronicle. Ghostly Ruins is a record of the souls of yesteryear and a chronicle of America's haunted past.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2006

    Norsk Bokmål


    The Maker Movement Manifesto: Rules for Innovation in the New World of Crafters, Hackers, and Tinkerers

    The Maker Movement Manifesto: Rules for Innovation in the New World of Crafters, Hackers, and Tinkerers

    Mark Hatch

    You can create the next breakthrough innovation. A revolution is under way. But it's not about tearing down the old guard. It's about building, it's about creating, it's about breathing life into groundbreaking new ideas. It's called the Maker Movement, and it's changing the world. Mark Hatch has been at the forefront of the Maker Movement since it began. A cofounder of TechShop - the first, largest, and most popular maker space - Hatch has seen it all. Average people pay a small fee for access to advanced tools - everything from laser cutters and milling machines to 3D printers and AutoCAD software. All they have to bring is their creativity and some positive energy. Prototypes of new products that would have cost $100,000 in the past have been made in his shop for $1,000. The Maker Movement is where all the next great inventions and innovations are happening - and you can play a part in it. The Maker Movement Manifesto takes you deep into the movement. Hatch describes the remarkable technologies and tools now accessible to you and shares stories of how ordinary people have devised extraordinary products, giving rise to successful new business ventures.He explains how economic upheavals are paving the way for individuals to create, innovate, make a fortune - and even drive positive societal change - with nothing more than their own creativity and some hard work. It's all occurring right now, all around the world - and possibly in your own neighborhood. The creative spirit lives inside every human being. We are all makers. Whether you're a banker, lawyer, teacher, tradesman, or politician, you can play an important role in the Maker society. So fire up your imagination, read The Maker Movement Manifesto - and start creating! Praise for The Maker Movement Manifesto: "It's the same revolutionary innovation model, but now applied to one of the biggest industries in the world-manufacturing." (Chris Anderson, CEO, 3D Robotics, and former Editor-in-Chief, Wired). "He (Henry Ford) probably would have started in TechShop." (Bill Ford, Executive Chairman, Ford Motor Company, and great-grandson of Henry Ford). "We are heading into a new age of manufacturing...Hatch has a front-row seat and has written the must-follow guide to democratize this new age. This is the book I wish every American would use.It contains the keys to the future of work and joy for everyone." (Robert Scoble, Startup Liaison Officer, Rackspace). "TechShop is the garage that Thomas Edison wished he had, and thanks to Mark Hatch, it's open it to the public. This book is a lifeline to a country with a skills gap that threatens to swallow us all. For aspiring inventors and entrepreneurs, The Maker Movement Manifesto is a 'celebration in the making' - even if the only thing you make is a mess." (Mike Rowe, Dirty Jobs). "Mark's book is pitch-perfect on why the Maker Movement is so important for our collective future." (Beth Comstock, CMO and SVP, GE).

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2013



    The Detroit Wolverines

    The Detroit Wolverines

    Brian Martin

    The Detroit Tigers were founding members of the American League and have been the Motor City's team for more than a century. But the Wolverines were the city's first major league club, playing in the National League beginning in 1881 and capturing the pennant in 1887. Playing in what was then one of the best ballparks in America, during an era when Detroit was known as the ""Paris of the West,"" the team battled hostile National League owners and struggled with a fickle fan base to become world champions, before financial woes led to their being disbanded in 1888. This first ever history of the Wolverines covers the team's rise and abrupt fall and the powerful men behind it.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Red Teaming

    Red Teaming

    Bryce G. Hoffman

    THE GAME-CHANGING APPROACH TO STRATEGY AND PLANNING THAT WILL KEEP YOUR BUSINESS AHEAD OF THE COMPETITION'American Icon was one of the most significant business books ever written and Red Teaming is further proof that Bryce Hoffman is one of the great business writers and thinkers of our time. This is a book that every business and team needs to read NOW! - Jon Gordon, bestselling author of The Energy Bus and You Win in the Locker Room First 'Another home run for Bryce Hoffman. Red teaming methods can correct overconfidence and impulsive decision making - just what we need today' - Gary Klein, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, MacroCognition LLC, and author of Sources of Power 'Red Teaming provides the specific tools and a reliable process to continuously improve your management system and business plan to adapt and thrive in our rapidly changing world' - Alan Mulally, Retired President and CEO of The Ford Motor Company and Boeing Commercial Airplanes Developed by the military and intelligence agencies, red teaming is a revolutionary way to stress-test strategies, flush out unseen threats and missed opportunities and execute more successfully in an increasingly uncertain world. Red teaming can help any company plan better, anticipate emerging threats and avoid potentially disastrous mistakes - from mistimed product launches to ill-conceived acquisitions. Drawing on the latest research in cognitive psychology, red teaming is specifically designed to overcome the mental blind spots and biases companies and individuals fall victim to when making big decisions or trying to solve complex problems. Red teaming makes critical and contrarian thinking part of the planning process, forcing companies to take a hard look their assumptions, examine the ways in which plans could fail, and carefully consider alternative explanations and perspectives. It enables organizations to make smarter choices and turn disruptive events into opportunities.Many of these same approaches have been organically incorporated into the decision-making processes of today's most sucecssful companies, from Amazon and Google to Ford and Toyota. As the first civilian to graduate from the US Army's elite red team leaders course, Bryce Hoffman is uniquely placed to reveal a clear set of tools and techniques that will enable every company, department, team and organization to adopt this game-changing method into their business too. By embracing red teaming, managers, leaders and aspiring leaders in companies of every size and in every industry will be able to plan better, compete more effectively, innovate more proactively, and make their businesses one of the disruptors in the marketplace, rather than one of the disrupted. Don't get left behind.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    Pocket · 2017


    Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Business

    Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Business

    Bharat Kolluri, Michael J. Panik, Rao N. Singamsetti

    A well-balanced and accessible introduction to the elementary quantitative methods and Microsoft(R) Office Excel(R) applications used to guide business decision making Featuring quantitative techniques essential for modeling modern business situations, Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Business: With Applications Using Microsoft(R) Office Excel(R) provides guidance to assessing real-world data sets using Excel. The book presents a balanced approach to the mathematical tools and techniques with applications used in the areas of business, finance, economics, marketing, and operations. The authors begin by establishing a solid foundation of basic mathematics and statistics before moving on to more advanced concepts. The first part of the book starts by developing basic quantitative techniques such as arithmetic operations, functions and graphs, and elementary differentiations (rates of change), and integration. After a review of these techniques, the second part details both linear and nonlinear models of business activity.Extensively classroom-tested, Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Business: With Applications Using Microsoft(R) Office Excel(R) also includes: * Numerous examples and practice problems that emphasize real-world business quantitative techniques and applications * Excel-based computer software routines that explore calculations for an assortment of tasks, including graphing, formula usage, solving equations, and data analysis * End-of-chapter sections detailing the Excel applications and techniques used to address data and solutions using large data sets * A companion website that includes chapter summaries, Excel data sets, sample exams and quizzes, lecture slides, and an Instructors Solutions Manual Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Business: With Applications Using Microsoft(R) Office Excel(R) is an excellent textbook for undergraduate-level courses on quantitative methods in business, economics, finance, marketing, operations, and statistics. The book is also an ideal reference for readers with little or no quantitative background who require a better understanding of basic mathematical and statistical concepts used in economics and business. Bharat Kolluri, Ph.D., is Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics, Finance, and Insurance at the University of Hartford.A member of the American Economics Association, his research interests include econometrics, business statistics, quantitative decision making, applied macroeconomics, applied microeconomics, and corporate finance. Michael J. Panik, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Economics, Finance, and Insurance at the University of Hartford. He has served as a consultant to the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles as well as to a variety of health care organizations. In addition, Dr. Panik is the author of numerous books, including Growth Curve Modeling: Theory and Applications and Statistical Inference: A Short Course, both published by Wiley. Rao N. Singamsetti, Ph.D., is Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, Finance, and Insurance at the University of Hartford. A member of the American Economics Association, his research interests include the status of war on poverty in the United States since the 1960s and forecasting foreign exchange rates using econometric methods.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    Innbundet · 2016


    The Shelburne Escape Line

    The Shelburne Escape Line

    Reanne Hemingway-Douglass, Don Douglass

    Six decades after the end of World War II, new stories about the conflict continue to emerge. One of these is the subject of this book. Written by an American, Reanne Hemingway-Douglass, and published in the UK by Pen & Sword, it has all the elements of a classic covert adventure tale. As the book explains, the Shelburne was one of the later escape lines that operated within Nazi-occupied Europe. It was established at the end of 1943 by two agents who worked for MI-9, the London-based military intelligence agency responsible for providing assistance to Allied servicemen stranded behind enemy lines. Working with the French Resistance, these agents arranged for groups of Allied airmen to be taken from "safe houses" in Paris to Brittany, where a Royal Navy motor gunboat picked them up from a secluded beach and delivered them back to England. Eight audacious evacuation operations were conducted between January and August, 1944, without the Shelburne Line ever being infiltrated by the Gestapo. Aspects of the Shelburne story have been told previously in memoirs by several of the participants, including the late MP Airey Neave, who was an MI-9 operative.However, Hemingway-Douglass expands the story to include recollections of some of the local Breton people who were involved with the Line.The second half of the book comprises personal stories of airmen and other individuals who were affiliated with the Shelburne Line or were otherwise caught up in the war in France. A lifelong Francophile, Hemingway-Douglass took eight years to research and write the book. She describes it as a "labor of love that pays tribute to the heroism and courage of 'ordinary' people, while reinforcing the fact that war touches everybody."

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    Innbundet · 2015


    Ford Foundation

    Ford Foundation

    Dwight MacDonald

    Thirty years since it was first published, Macdonald's masterful book on the Ford Foundation remains the only book-length account of this institution that has been published. Despite the calls for a book carrying on the story from 1956 on the part of Richard Magat and McGeorge Bundy, that book has yet to be written. In his stimulating introduction to this new edition, Francis Sutton suggests why this is so. The Foundation, he observes, has never again aroused as much public interest as it did in the years Macdonald's describes. The announcement that a new program would be launched with the riches that 90 percent of the Ford Motor Company's stock would bring captured the attention of the media all across the country. Its sheer size was astounding; in 1954 the Ford Foundation spent four times as much as the Rockefeller Foundation and ten times as much as the Carnegie Corporation. Its expenditures were very large in relation to the budgets of the institutions that looked to it for help. Consequently, the American public waited expectantly to see what this huge foundation would do. But the Ford Foundation was not only big; it was controversial in those years, and inspired activism in the media, Congressional investigations, and political wrath. Macdonald nicely captures the American ambivalence toward large bureacratic organizations, which the Ford Foundation epitomizes, with its own language and, one might argue, its own values. Sutton points out that Macdonald's writing also sets a model for foundation history and indeed philanthropic history, with a poised, ironic detachment that has remained rare. His introduction points out the main themes of Macdonald's book and examines the extent to which they continue to illumine the foundation in the years since this book was first published. It looks at how well the Foundation has addressed the objectives it set for itself, and nicely captures the giant changes that this giant foundation has experienced through the 1960s and 1970s, to the present day.

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    Innbundet · 2017




    Nick Brodie

    Australia's highest mountain, Mount Kosciuszko, is a dangerous place. Evan Hayes was an ordinary Australian battler. Hardworking, likable. Laurie Seaman was a world-wise American. Adventurous, affluent. When this athletic pair of cross-country skiers disappeared into the wilds of Kosciuszko they left a mystery, and became a sensation. Following their trail, Kosciuszko reveals the story of a young Australia between wars told by one of Australia's leading historical voices. When Evan and Laurie went missing in August 1928, Australia's Snowy Mountains were remote. Traversing the globe from New York's Long Island to Siberia to Sydney and beyond Charlotte Pass, with shipboard romance and industrial strife along the way, this is the story of two very different people growing to manhood in a world of change. Accompanied by a diverse cast including motor car enthusiasts and aviators, bushmen and horsemen, trackers and journalists, this is the true story of a meeting of peoples and nations. This is history in a land of legend. From the world-famous to the nearly-forgotten, Kosciuszko is more than a mountain, it is a collective heritage, part of Australia's sense of self. Evan and Laurie are guides to this vantage point, to a time and place that deserves to be better known. At Kosciuszko, Australians came together in peacetime. And they did so simply because two mates vanished.

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    Pocket · 2019


    Hobbo : Motor-Racer, Motor Mouth

    Hobbo : Motor-Racer, Motor Mouth

    David Hobbs

    Englishman David Hobbs--'Hobbo' to his friends and fans--is one of motor racing's most remarkable all-rounders. In a 31-year driving career he raced in almost every imaginable category: endurance sports racers, touring cars, Formula 1, Formula 5000, Indycars, IMSA, Trans-Am, Can-Am and even NASCAR--he has done the lot. And on top of that he has been a television commentator in America for nearly 40 years, bringing wit and wisdom to the screen, latterly as part of NBC's Formula 1 team. Now, at last, this very popular racer has put down all his experiences in this highly readable memoir that will be welcomed by racing enthusiasts on both sides of the Atlantic.

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    Innbundet · 2018


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