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Viser resultat for 'Alison Morris'

    Godnatthistorier for jenter

    Godnatthistorier for jenter

    Derek Hall, Alison Morris, Louisa Somerville

    Boken inneholder kjente eventyr og nyere fortellinger, blant annet Rapunsel, Gullhår og de tre bjørnene, Snøhvit, Tornerose, Fru Mus drar på ferie, Den røde påskeliljen, Det magiske treet og Du er ikke min beste venn.

    4.8 av 5

    Innbundet · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20

    Guttenes godnatthistorier

    Guttenes godnatthistorier

    Derek Hall, Alison Morris, Louisa Somerville

    Boken inneholder klassikere som Katten med støvlene, De tre små griser og Rødhette, samt nyere fortellinger om blant annet Pyjamaskatten, kongen som spiste for mye, den syngende bjørnen og Petter som møter en drage.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2009

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20

    Godnatthistorier for gutter

    Godnatthistorier for gutter

    Derek Hall, Alison Morris, Louisa Somerville

    Boken inneholder klassikere som Katten med støvlene, De tre små griser og Rødhette, samt nyere fortellinger om blant annet Pyjamaskatten, kongen som spiste for mye, den syngende bjørnen og Petter som møter en drage.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20



    Alison Morrison-Low

    In this souvenir book of the exhibition of the same name (National Museums Scotland 19 June - 22 November) you will meet the pioneers of photography and discover how the Victorian craze for the photograph transformed the way we capture images today and mirrors our own modern-day fascination for recording the world around us.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Guttenes Godnatthistorier

    Guttenes Godnatthistorier

    Derek Hall, Alison Morris, Louisa Somerville

    I denne boka finner du både kjente og ukjente eventyr og nyskrevne, moderne fortellinger. Alle egner seg godt til lesing på sengekanten. Drager, elektriske tog og valper er blandet med eventyr og magi og gjør boka ekstra populær for gutter.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 30
    kr 30

    Jentenes godnatthistorier

    Jentenes godnatthistorier

    Derek Hall, Alison Morris, Louisa Somerville

    Boken inneholder kjente eventyr og nyere fortellinger, blant annet Rapunsel, Gullhår og de tre bjørnene, Snøhvit, Tornerose, Fru Mus drar på ferie, Den røde påskeliljen, Det magiske treet og Du er ikke min beste venn.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2009

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20

    Eventyr for jenter

    Eventyr for jenter

    Laurence Burden, Gaby Goldsack, Patrice Lawrence, Sue McMillan, Alison Morris, Louise Rooney, Linda Watters

    Boken inneholder eventyr og fortellinger. Blant eventyrene finner du blant annet Tommelise, Gullgåsa, Snøhvit og Rosenrød og Den lille havfruen.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål


    John Pawson

    John Pawson

    John Pawson

    John Pawson (b.1949) is an architect and designer whose exceptional work combines an essential simplicity with a keen attention to the details of everyday life and human experience. In the last decade, the scope of his designs has broadened from objects and interiors to include houses, monasteries, pavilions and boats. This change in scale has given his office the opportunity to refine its minimalist aesthetic and further develop its ideas of a fundamental architecture based on the qualities of space, proportion, light and materials. In Plain Space, author Alison Morris presents both this recent body of work and earlier projects from the perspective of someone who has had unique access to the work and archives of the office. In thematic essays and narrative project descriptions she examines the firm's working processes, relationship with clients, and approach to design. Filled with exquisite photographs and detailed drawings, Plain Space will be the next must-have book for fans of John Pawson and a perfect introduction to his work for anyone interested in the absolute best of contemporary design.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010



    Cambridge Companions to Literature

    Cambridge Companions to Literature

    The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Travel Writing offers readers an insight into the scope and range of perspectives that one encounters in this field of writing. Encompassing a diverse range of texts and styles, performances and forms, postcolonial travel writing recounts journeys undertaken through places, cultures, and communities that are simultaneously living within, through, and after colonialism in its various guises. The Companion is organized into three parts. Part I, 'Departures', addresses key theoretical issues, topics, and themes. Part II, 'Performances', examines a range of conventional and emerging travel performances and styles in postcolonial travel writing. Part III, 'Peripheries' continues to shift the analysis of travel writing from the traditional focus on Eurocentric contexts. This Companion provides a comprehensive overview of developments in the field, appealing to students and teachers of travel writing and postcolonial studies.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 90

    Pocket · 2017

    kr 150

    Andre utgaver · 146

    kr 90

    From Earth-Bound to Satellite : Telescopes, Skills and Networks

    From Earth-Bound to Satellite : Telescopes, Skills and Networks

    Alison D. Morrison-Low

    Marking the anniversary of the telescope's invention, these collected essays highlight a number of significant historical episodes concerning this well-loved instrument, which has played a crucial role in Man's thinking about his position - literally and philosophically - in the universe.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål


    Bond 11+: Non-verbal Reasoning: Stretch Papers

    Bond 11+: Non-verbal Reasoning: Stretch Papers

    Karen Morrison, Frances Down, Alison Primrose, Sarah Lindsay, Bond

    Bond Non-verbal Reasoning Stretch Practice for 8-9 years has been designed for children who are excelling in non-verbal reasoning. It is filled with challenging questions to stretch the very brightest minds to help improve performance in the 11+ test and other selective school exams.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Bond 11+: Non-verbal Reasoning: Stretch Papers

    Bond 11+: Non-verbal Reasoning: Stretch Papers

    Alison Primrose, Sarah Lindsay, Frances Down, Karen Morrison, Bond

    Bond Non-verbal Reasoning Stretch Practice for 9-10 years has been designed for children who are excelling in non-verbal reasoning. It is filled with challenging questions to stretch the very brightest minds to help improve performance in the 11+ test and other selective school exams.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Bond 11+: Verbal Reasoning: Stretch Papers

    Bond 11+: Verbal Reasoning: Stretch Papers

    Frances Down, Karen Morrison, Alison Primrose, Sarah Lindsay, Bond

    Bond is the number 1 provider of 11+ practice, helping millions of children pass selective entrance exams. Bond Verbal Reasoning Stretch Practice for ages 10-11+ years books are designed to challenge the most able children, covering all the core 11+ question types your child will experience in their actual exam, building their skills and confidence for exam success.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Pocket · 2015


    Bond 11+: Non-verbal Reasoning: Stretch Papers

    Bond 11+: Non-verbal Reasoning: Stretch Papers

    Sarah Lindsay, Frances Down, Karen Morrison, Alison Primrose, Bond

    Bond is the number 1 provider of 11+ practice, helping millions of children pass selective entrance exams. Bond Non-verbal Reasoning Stretch Practice for ages 10-11+ years books are designed to challenge the most able children, covering all the core 11+ question types your child will experience in their actual exam, building their skills and confidence for exam success.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Hinsides svart

    Hinsides svart

    Hilary Mantel

    Alison Hart er synsk, og jobber som omreisende medium i sovebyene rundt London. Med seg på veien har hun den flintharde "manageren" Colette. Alison prøver å skjerme publikummet sitt fra åndeverdenens brutale sider, og byr dem stort sett på de hyggelige, trivielle meldingene de ønsker seg fra det hinsidige. Men seg selv kan Alison ikke skjerme. Hun hjemsøkes av spøkelser og ånder fra sin egen fortid. Verst av dem alle er Morris, som har samlet en gjeng med avdøde kjeltringer rundt seg - de samme mennene som gjorde barndommen til et mareritt for henne. Og jo mer Alison prøver å bli kvitt dem, jo verre blir de å ha med å gjøre. "Hinsides svart" er en stor, dyp og mangfoldig roman, suverent velskrevet og fryktinngytende morsom. Den ble innstilt til alle sentrale litterære priser i England.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2007

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 70
    kr 70

    Mammoth Book Of Sherlock Holmes Abroad

    Mammoth Book Of Sherlock Holmes Abroad

    Simon Clark

    In this wonderful anthology of new stories, Sherlock Holmes travels to the far ends of the Earth in search of truth and justice. A host of singularly talented writers, while remaining respectful towards Conan Doyle's work, present a new and thrilling dimension to Holmes's career.Full list of contributors:Simon Clark; Andrew Darlington; Paul Finch; Nev Fountain; Carole Johnstone; Paul Kane; Alison Littlewood; Johnny Mains; William Meikle ;David Moody; Mark Morris; Cavan Scott; Denis O. Smith; Sam Stone and Stephen Volk.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Theology Reforming Society

    Theology Reforming Society

    Stephen Spencer

    Theology Reforming Society tells the story of Anglican social theology from its roots in the writings and work of F.D. Maurice and the Christian Socialists, including Charles Kingsley and John Ludlow, and on to the work of William Temple. It also looks beyond Temple to the work of the Board for Social Responsibility, and to some of the theologians and church leaders who have continued its witness since then. Referring to the wider ecumenical context in order to draw out the distinctive features of the tradition of Anglican Social Theology, the book provides an important and comprehensive account for all those interested in Anglican theology, social and political theology and Christian ethics.Introduction - Stephen Spencer 1. F. D. Maurice and the Myth of Christian Socialist Origins - Jeremy Morris 2. Maurice as a Resource for the Church Today - Alison Milbank 3. Octavia Hill: From Theology to Action - Diane Ryan 4. Anglican Social Thought Encounters Modernity: Brooke Foss Westcott, Henry Scott Holland and Charles Gore - Paul Avis 5. William Temple and the `Temple Tradition' - Stephen Spencer 6. The Temple Legacy Today: Beyond Neo-liberalism - Susan Lucas 7. Anglican Social Theology Today and Tomorrow - Malcolm Brown 8. Public Theology or Ecclesial Theology? - Matthew Bullimore

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    The Space of Fiction

    The Space of Fiction

    Marie-Odile Pittin-Hedon

    Contemporary Scottish fiction is vigorous, vivid and diverse, eschewing the straitjackets of genre and resisting categorisation as either 'mainstream' or 'literary'. Meanwhile, Scotland itself refuses to conform to external notions of what it is, and what it can become. The literature of this post-devolution nation comes in a multitude of voices. The Space of Fiction examines how Scottish writers have responded to, and been affected by, the nation's ongoing political discourse. Examining in detail the works of Des Dillon, Anne Donovan, Michel Faber, Laura Hird, Alison Miller, Ewan Morrison, James Robertson, Suhayl Saadi, Zoe Strachan and their contemporaries, The Space of Fiction traces their multifarious approaches to a post-national, cosmopolitan, multicultural and even globalised Scotland, and explores their notions of space, of place, and of the impact of fiction on the nature of identity.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Studies in Medievalism XXIII

    Studies in Medievalism XXIII

    Ethics in post-medieval responses to the Middle Ages form the main focus of this volume. The six opening essays tackle such issues as the legitimacy of reinventing medieval customs and ideas, at what point the production and enjoyment of caricaturizing the Middle Ages become inappropriate, how medievalists treat disadvantaged communities, and the tension between political action and ethics in medievalism. The eight subsequent articles then build on this foundation as they concentrate on capitalist motives for melding superficially incompatible narratives in medievalist video games, Dan Brown's use of Dante's Inferno to promote a positivist, transhumanist agenda, disjunctures from medieval literature to medievalist film in portrayals of human sacrifice, the influence of Beowulf/I> on horror films and vice versa, portrayals of war in Beowulf films, socialism in William Morris's translation of Beowulf, bias in Charles Alfred Stothard's Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, and a medieval source for death in the Harry Potter novels. The volume as a whole invites and informs a much larger discussion on such vital issues as the ethical choices medievalists make, the implications of those choices for their makers, and the impact of those choices on the world around us. Karl Fugelso is Professor of Art History at Towson University in Baltimore, Maryland. Contributors: Mary R. Bowman, Harry Brown, Louise D'Arcens, Alison Gulley, Nickolas Haydock, Lisa Hicks, Lesley E. Jacobs, Michael R. Kightley, Phillip Lindley, Pascal J. Massie, Lauryn S. Mayer, Brent Moberley, Kevin Moberley, Daniel-Raymond Nadon, Jason Pitruzello, Nancy M. Resh, Carol L. Robinson, Christopher Roman, M.J. Toswell.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014



    Flip The System UK: A Teachers' Manifesto

    Flip The System UK: A Teachers' Manifesto

    How did we let teacher burn-out happen, and what can we do about it - before it's too late?This brave and disruptive book accurately defines the problems of low teacher morale and offers systemic, future-proof and realistic solutions to bringing hope, energy and joy back to the profession. The simple answer is staring us in the face: increase teacher agency. Our rallying cry: our profession needs a return to values of humanity, pride, and professionalism.From research literacy to a collective voice, better CPD to smarter accountability, contributors to this book demonstrate the huge scope for increased teacher influence at every level of the education sector. Education voices including Sam Twiselton, Alison Peacock, David Weston and Andy Hargreaves, supported by a broad range of academics and policy makers, vouch for increased teacher agency and stronger, more powerful networks as a means of improving practice, combatting teacher disillusionment, and radically improving UK education. This text offers an exciting and hopeful perspective on education; urging teachers to work together to `flip the system' and challenging policy makers to help... or get out of the way.Chapters have been contributed by Tom Bennett, Peter Ford, Jonathan Firth, David Weston, David Williams, Zeba Clarke, Julie Smith, Dr Robert Loe, Jeremy Pattle, Debra Kidd, Steven Watson, Ross Morrison McGill, George Gilchrist, Howard Stevenson, Professor Dame Alison Peacock, d'Reen Struthers, Phil Wood, Rae Snape, Simon Gibbs, Ross Hall, Jackie Ward, Simon Knight, David Frost, Sheila Ball, Sarah Lightfoot, Andy Hargreaves, Darren Macey, Gary Farrell, Julian Critchley, Tony Gallagher, Gareth Alcott, Sam Twiselton, Jelmer Evers, Alma Harris, Michelle Jones, Natalie Scott, Deborah M. Netolicky, Jon Andrews, Cameron Paterson, Per Kornhall, Joe Hallgarten, Tom Beresford and Sara Hjelm.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


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