Viser resultat for 'Alban Gilquin'
Bangkok: gatelangs
Vincent Grandferry, Alban Gilquin
Gatelangs er de geniale storbyguidene som tar for seg byen kvartal for kvartal ved hjelp av utbrettskart over bydelene, med korte beskrivelser av det man trenger å vite. Nå får flere av omslagene nye, friske farger. Nå til 21 reisemål.
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Pocket · 2007
Norsk Bokmål
Øyenspillet: livshistorie 1931-1937
Elias Canetti
Denne romanen er den tredje i en romantrilogi om Canettis utvikling som menneske og forfatter. Han beskriver her en peiode i Wien, mellomkrigstidens kultursentrum, der han møter kunstnerpersonligheter som bl.a. Alban Berg og Robert Musil.
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Innbundet · 1997
Norsk Bokmål
Lea og den romerske centurion
T. Davis Bunn, Janette Oke
Leas familie sender henne til Pontius Pilatus i håp om at han skal finne en passende ektemann til henne. Lea blir forlovet, men hun ser på ekteskapet som en skjebne verre enn døden. Leas forlovede, Alban, er leder av garnisonen nær Galilea, og har ambisjoner om å få en sentral maktposisjon i Roma. Han tar på seg et farefullt oppdrag for å vise hva han kan.
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Pocket · 2011
Norsk Bokmål
Cervantes and the Humanist Vision
Alban K. Forcione
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Innbundet · 2017
Cervantes and the Mystery of Lawlessness
Alban K. Forcione
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Innbundet · 2016
Pocket · 2014
The Meaning of Life and Other Essays
Alban Goodier
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Andesite Press) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Innbundet · 2015
Pocket · 2009
Briefwechsel Arnold Schönberg-Alban Berg. T. 1 : 1906-1917
Alban Berg
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Pocket · 2007
Norsk Bokmål
The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints V10: Compiled from Original Monuments, and Other Authentic Records
Alban Butler
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Literary Licensing, LLC) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Pocket · 2014
Fundamental Concepts of Architecture : The Vocabulary of Spatial Situations
Alban. Janson
Architecture is an experience - with the intellect and with all our senses, in motion, and in use. But in order to actually discuss and assess it with relevance, a clarification of terms is essential in order to avoid the vagueness that often prevails when talking about architecture.This dictionary provides a vocabulary that allows the architecture discourse to go beyond the declaration of constructive relationships or the description of architectonic forms in familiar terms like "roof," "base," "wall," and "axis" or "proportion". The point is to describe the experience of architecture: how exactly does it contribute to the experience of a situation? For instance, the staging of an entrance situation, or the layout and visitor routes through a museum.From "context," through "guidance," "readability," "patina," "spatial structure," "symmetry" and "tectonics," to "width" (and "narrowness") or "window," the most important terms in architectural language are explained precisely and in detail.
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Pocket · 2014
Norsk Bokmål
Alban Berg
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Pocket · 2012
Alban Berg
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Pocket · 1985
The Meanings in History
Alban Gregory Widgery
In this book, originally published in 1967, the author gives his views of history, from reflection on living history as distinct from books about past history. He sees histories as the related histories of individuals and gives an account of the meanings in those individuals' lives and defends the beliefs dominatnly held in relation to them. He challenges professional historians to concern themselves with the fundamentals of history, and philosophers to return to the cnsideration of problems persistent in the previous history of philosophy, occidental and oriental.
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Pocket · 2018
Cervantes' Christian Romance
Alban K. Forcione
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Innbundet · 2016
Pocket · 2015
Cervantes, Aristotle, and the Persiles
Alban K. Forcione
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Innbundet · 2016
Pocket · 2015
Interpretations of History
Alban Gregory Widgery
In this volume, originally published in 1961, the author presents an exposition of the meanings given to history. Part 1 describes the conceptions of history impied in wide-spread religions and cultures, Confucian and Taoist, Hindu and Buddhist, Zoroastrian and Muslim, Greek and Roman, Jewish and Christian. Part 2 surveys the theories of independent thinkers and schools in the Occident from the Middle Ages to the mid-twentieth century.
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Pocket · 2018
Sundhedsøkonomi : stadig en udfordring
Anita Alban
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Pocket · 1988
Der unverbesserliche Romantiker : Alban Berg 1885-1935
Erich Alban Berg
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Pocket · 1985
Norsk Bokmål
Love in the Time of Cocaine: Sex, Drugs, and the Colombian Cartel
Alvaro Alban
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (CREATESPACE) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Pocket · 2015
Catharsis Central
Anthony Alban
Fears, Worries And Inhibitions-indeed All The Problems Of Progress And Advanced Civilizations-are Unknown In This City.
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Pocket · 1969
Decolonizing Theology in Revolution
Ary Fernandez-Alban
Drawing on decolonial perspective, this book provides a critical retrieval of Sergio Arce's theological thought, and proposes it as a source of inspiration to continue renewing liberation theologies in Cuba and in Latin America.
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Innbundet · 2018
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