Economics for Business and Management: A Student Text
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Applied Economics Twelfth Edition
Applied Economics equips you with the skills and knowledge to apply economic analysis to the current economic problems happening in the world today. Highly praised for its clear presentation, broad coverage of topics, and unique blend of theory and application, Applied Economics brings the subject to life, helping you to understand the relevance of economics in the 'real world'.
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The road
Boken er en dystopisk skildring av mennesker som er overlatt til sin egen skjebne. Etter den store katastrofen må far og sønn finne veien sørover i håp om at redningen kanskje er der ute et sted. Til fots langs veien i en utbrent post-apokalyptisk verden er ingenting sikkert, men de har hverandre. Romanen er filmatisert.
4.4 av 5
American Secret Projects: Fighters and Bombers of World War 2
The latest title in the highly acclaimed
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Trade Liberalisation and Poverty
This book uses Alan Winters' analytical framework to investigate the effects of trade liberalisation on economic growth and poverty in Vietnam. The country launched a programme of economic and trade reforms, known as Doi Moi, in the mid-1980s which placed the economy on a transitional path from central planning to a market economy. Since then Vietnam has attained a number of remarkable achievements in terms of economic growth and poverty reduction. Although some formidable problems (such as inequality and inflation) remain, it is apparent that trade liberalisation has been associated with a big reduction in poverty.The analysis in the book focuses on the microeconomic (household) level, and there is an emphasis on tracing the effects of trade liberalisation through the four separate channels identified by Winters. Such in-depth and micro-level analyses yield new insights that support important policy lessons and recommendations for Vietnam in particular and, more generally, for similar developing countries.
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Postmodern Artistry in Medievalist Fiction
"Medievalism" in this study includes contemporary fiction set in the Middle Ages, and medieval-modern hybrids in which a modern story incorporates medieval elements. Anderson examines the role of storytelling options and rhetorical tropes in over sixty fictions, by more than forty authors, in five languages on four continents. Medievalist fiction got its "postmodern" start with Calvino, Fuentes, Carpentier, and Eco. Its momentum increased in every decade from the 1990s. Some "canonical" authors are singled out for extended review: Calvino, Fuentes, Eco, Saramago, Kristeva, Coelho, Aridjis, and Maalouf. His analysis includes authors whose medievalism gets less attention, or none, in academic criticism: Laura Esquivel, Tariq Ali, Matthew Pearl, Matilde Asensi, Ildefonso Falcones, Andrew Davison, Bernard Cornwell, Donnal Woolfolk Cross, Ariana Franklin, Nicole Griffith, Levi Grossman, Conn Iggulden, Edward Rutherfurd, Javier Sierra, Alan Moore, and Brenda Vantrease (among others). In part I of this study, Anderson discusses story-telling options that establish a rhetorical foundation for postmodern artistry: narrative conceits, genre-plurality, artistic uses of time, intertextuality, and a wide range of "medievalizing' tropes that profile the "medieval temper" in high resolution. He defines "postmodernism" as negation followed by positive assertions, and the "medieval temper" as a dissonance of conformist and rebellious responses to authority and hierarchy in medieval world orders. He includes orientalist and Mesoamerican medievalisms in the scope of his survey.In part II, Anderson discusses the negative responses of postmodernism in five categories, viz.: four "deconstructive" tropes (deconstruction, decentering, defamiliarization, demystification); paradox; equillopence (the basis of skepticism); the "rhetoric of disappointment" (which he calls "hypallage"); and postmodern negation, which gives way to remainder-history in History of the Siege of Lisbon, which he interprets as an allegory of neohistorical composition fleshed out by Lacanian psychoanalysis.In part III, Anderson posits four "hard problems" in medievalist fiction, on analogy to le difficolta cultivated by Renaissance artists. These are problematized subjectivity; intentional semiotics; steganography and steganalysis (the art of concealing signs and finding them); and representations of "the end of the Middle Ages." Here, chronology fails. The decline of chivalry, crudely conventional, lends itself to parody. A more nuanced approach is possible in comparisons of medieval and Renaissance art, exemplified in Tariq Ali, Amin Maalouf, Dan Brown, and with probative force in the fiction of Fuentes, Kristeva, and Sierra.Anderson concludes with a postscript, in which he applies the "Pareto effect" to challenge the reader to wonder why authors who are demonstrably talented for artistry receive little or no attention in academic criticsm.
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Tomb and Temple
Jerusalem - earthly and heavenly, past, present and future - has always informed the Christian imagination: it is the intersection of the divine and human worlds, of time and eternity. Since the fourth century, it has been the site of the round Church of the Holy Sepulchre, built over the empty tomb acknowledged by Constantine as the tomb of Christ. Nearly four hundred years later, the Sepulchre's rotunda was rivalled by the octagon of the Dome of the Rock. The city itself and these two glorious buildings within it remain, to this day, the focus of pilgrimage and of intense devotion. Jerusalem and its numinous buildings have been distinctively re-imagined and re-presented in the design, topography, decoration and dedications of some very striking and beautiful churches and cities in Western Europe, Russia, the Caucasus and Ethiopia. Some are famous, others are in the West almost unknown. The essays In this richly illustrated book combine to do justice to these evocative buildings' architecture, roles and history. The volume begins with an introduction to the Sepulchre itself, from its construction under Constantine to the Crusaders' rebuilding which survives to this day. Chapters follow on the Dome of the Rock and on the later depiction and signifcance of the Jewish Temple. The essays then move further afeld, uncovering the links between Jerusalem and Byzantium, the Caucasus, Russia and Ethiopia. Northern Europe comes finally into focus, with chapters on Charlemagne's chapel at Aachen, the role of the military orders in spreading the form of the Sepulchre, a gazetteer of English rounds, and studies of London's New Temple. Robin Griffith-Jones is Master of the Temple at the Temple Church in London and Senior Lecturer (Theology and Religious Studies) at King's College London. He co-edited The Temple Church in London with David Park (2010). Eric Fernie is Director Emeritus of The Courtauld Institute of Art, London. Contributors: Alan Borg, Antony Eastmond, David Ekserdjian, Eric Fernie, Jaroslav Folda, Emmanuel Fritsch, Michael Gervers, Robin Griffith-Jones, Nicole Hamonic, Cecily Hennessy, Robert Hillenbrand, Catherine E. Hundley, Philip J. Lankester, Robin Milner-Gulland, Robert Ousterhout, David W. Phillipson, Denys Pringle, Sebastian Salvado. .
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Services Marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm
Boken for deg som trenger å lære om serviceledelse og hvordan lykkes med din bedrift
4.5 av 5
Bryman's Social Research Methods
Som ny
4.3 av 5
Vinnende verdiforslag: hvordan skape produkter og tjenester som kundene vil ha : kom i gang med
4.4 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
What Is This Thing Called Science?
A brand new edition of an internationally renowned science bestseller Now well into its fourth decade, What is this thing called science? has become something of a classic the world over, available in nineteen languages. Each decade Alan Chalmers has drawn on his experience as a teacher and researcher to improve and update the text. In his accessible style, Chalmers illuminates the major developments in the field over the past few years. The most significant feature of this new, fourth, edition is the addition of an extensive postscript, in which Chalmers uses the results of his recent research into the history of atomism to illustrate and enliven key themes in the philosophy of science. Identifying the qualitative difference between knowledge of atoms as it figures in contemporary science and metaphysical speculations about atoms common in philosophy since the time of Democritus proves to be a highly revealing and instructive way to pinpoint key features of the answer to the question 'What is this thing called science?' This new edition ensures that the book holds its place as the leading introduction to the philosophy of science for the foreseeable future."Successive editions have retained and refined its clear, engaging and witty discussions of the most important topics in the field, incorporating the best new research in the field. This latest edition also adds a valuable layer of grounding in the history of science, particularly based on Chalmers' recent extensive research on the history of atomism." Hasok Chang, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Hans Rausing Professor of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, UK
5.0 av 5
Alt lyset vi ikke ser: en roman
EN BLIND FRANSK JENTE. EN FORELDRELØS TYSK GUTT. BEGGE KJEMPER FOR Å OVERLEVE. ET SKJEBNEMØTE I DET OKKUPERTE FRANKRIKE DER TO LIV ENDRES FOR ALLTID. Marie-Laure bor med faren i Paris nær det naturhistoriske museet, hvor han er låsemester for museets tusener av låser. Når Marie-Laure blir blind som seksåring, bygger pappa en perfekt miniatyr av nabolaget så hun kan memorere det med hendene og finne veien hjem på egenhånd. Når hun er tolv år, okkuperer nazistene Paris. Hun og pappa flykter til festningsbyen St. Malo ved kysten, til et familiemedlem. Med seg bærer de en hemmelighet: En juvel som kanskje er museets mest verdifulle edelsten. Har de fått utlevert den ekte steinen eller bare en av flere kopier? Den ekte steinen har en urgammel spådom over seg. Og hensynløse nazister jakter på den. I en gruveby i Tyskland vokser foreldreløse Werner opp på barnehjem. Hans tekniske begavelse skaffer ham innpass i Hitlers brutale ungdomsorganisasjonen. Werner blir sendt ut på oppdrag for å spore og knuse motstandsfolk på kryss og tvers i Europa. Sjokkert over krigens og nazistenes brutalitet, ender han i St. Malo, hvor hans skjebne flettes sammen med Marie-Laure. Med sitt lyrisk vakre språk, har Anthony Doerr skrevet en vidunderlig, fengslende og uforglemmelig historie om en blind jente og en foreldreløs gutt midt under krigens herjinger. Kritikerrost bestselger. Nominert til National Book Award 2014. Topp ti på Amazon og NYT.
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology
The third edition of the hugely successful Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology incorporates important advances in the field to provide a reliable and accessible resource for clinical psychologists. Beginning with a set of general conceptual frameworks for practice, the book gives specific guidance on the management of problems commonly encountered in clinical work with children and adolescents drawing on the best practice in the fields of clinical psychology and family therapy. In six sections thorough and comprehensive coverage of the following areas is provided:Frameworks for practiceProblems of infancy and early childhoodProblems of middle childhoodProblems of adolescenceChild abuseAdjustment to major life transitionsThoroughly updated throughout, each chapter dealing with specific clinical problems includes cases examples and detailed discussion of diagnosis, classification, epidemiology and clinical features. New material includes the latest advances in: child and adolescent clinical psychology; developmental psychology and developmental psychopathology; assessment and treatment programmes. This book is invaluable as both a reference work for experienced practitioners and as an up-to-date, evidence-based practice manual for clinical psychologists in training.The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology is one of a set of 3 books published by Routledge which includes The Handbook of Adult Clinical Psychology: An Evidence Based Practice Approach, Second Edition (Edited by Carr & McNulty) and The Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Clinical Psychology Practice (Edited by Alan Carr, Christine Linehan, Gary O'Reilly, Patricia Noonan Walsh and John McEvoy).
4.0 av 5
Social Research Methods
This introduction to research methods provides students and researchers with unrivalled coverage of both quantitative and qualitative methods, making it invaluable for anyone embarking on social research.
4.8 av 5
About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design
The essential interaction design guide, fully revised and updated for the mobile age About Face: The Essentials of Interaction Design, Fourth Edition is the latest update to the book that shaped and evolved the landscape of interaction design. This comprehensive guide takes the worldwide shift to smartphones and tablets into account. New information includes discussions on mobile apps, touch interfaces, screen size considerations, and more. The new full-color interior and unique layout better illustrate modern design concepts. The interaction design profession is blooming with the success of design-intensive companies, priming customers to expect "design" as a critical ingredient of marketplace success. Consumers have little tolerance for websites, apps, and devices that don't live up to their expectations, and the responding shift in business philosophy has become widespread. About Face is the book that brought interaction design out of the research labs and into the everyday lexicon, and the updated Fourth Edition continues to lead the way with ideas and methods relevant to today's design practitioners and developers. Updated information includes: Contemporary interface, interaction, and product design methods Design for mobile platforms and consumer electronics State-of-the-art interface recommendations and up-to-date examples Updated Goal-Directed Design methodology Designers and developers looking to remain relevant through the current shift in consumer technology habits will find About Face to be a comprehensive, essential resource.
4.8 av 5
Å lære algebraisk tenkning
Algebra har alltid representert et vannskille for elever som lærer matematikk. Denne boka vil gjøre deg i stand til å tenke på deg selv som en som lærer algebra på en ny måte. Du vil bli bedre på å undervise algebra, overvinne vanskeligheter, og bygge på ferdigheter som alle elever har. Boka er basert på prinsipper for undervisning som har blitt utviklet av teamet ved «The Open University.s Centre for Mathematics Education» som har 20 års erfaring med innovative fremgangsmåter for under.visning og læring av algebra. Boka er skrevet for lærere som arbeider med elever i alderen 7.16 år, og inneholder mengder av opp.gaver som kan omarbeides til bruk i din egen under.visning. Oppgavene diskuterer prinsipper som lærere har funnet nyttige når de har forberedt og gjennomført undervisning. Boka er en ressurs matematikklærere «må ha», enten de underviser på barne.skolen eller ungdoms.skolen. Alle som ønsker å skape forståelse for og entusiasme omkring algebra, basert på forskning og god praksis, vil like boka.
4.3 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
International economics: Fifth edition
Help your students navigate the realities of the global economy - the theories, the data, the policies and their impact. <br>Emphasizing the use of data and empirics to link cutting-edge economic theory to current world events, this book was developed in the classroom by two of the most prominent researchers in the field who saw a need for a text with fresh theories and perspectives. <br>Seamlessly blending theory and data with real-world policies, events, and evidence, Feenstra and Taylor’s International Economics provides engaging, balanced coverage and applications of key concepts. The book covers the latest events and newest research. <br>International Economics is supported by Achieve, our integrated, online learning system which allows you to engage every student with powerful multimedia resources, an integrated e-Book, robust homework, and a wealth of interactives, creating an extraordinary new learning resource for students. <br>Key features include:<ul><li>Access to an eBook for easy reading and searching</li><li>LearningCurve adaptive quizzing offers practice questions to check understanding and provides feedback to ensure students have grasped the concepts</li><li>Discovering Data and Work It Out problems provide the opportunity to locate, analyze, and interpret real-world data, related to topics in the book</li><li>Curated multi-step questions and graphing problems are paired with rich feedback to guide students through the process of problem solving and developing their analytical thinking</li></ul>
4.3 av 5
Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences, Global Edition
For courses in Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences.Statistical methods applied to social sciences, made accessible to all through an emphasis on concepts Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences introduces statistical methods to students majoring in social science disciplines. With an emphasis on concepts and applications, this book assumes no previous knowledge of statistics and only a minimal mathematical background. It contains sufficient material for a two-semester course. The 5th Edition uses examples and exercises with a variety of "real data." It includes more illustrations of statistical software for computations and takes advantage of the outstanding applets to explain key concepts, such as sampling distributions and conducting basic data analyses. It continues to downplay mathematics-often a stumbling block for students-while avoiding reliance on an overly simplistic recipe-based approach to statistics.
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Håndbok i familieterapi
Familien ivaretar menneskers grunnleggende behov for kjærlighet, trygghet, tilhørighet, omsorg og personlig og sosial utvikling. Familierelasjonene er ofte avgjørende for hvordan vi fungerer i hverdagen, og dermed er de også sårbare. Noen ganger kan relasjonene i familien bli så utfordrende at vi opplever at livet blir vanskelig. Da kan familieterapi være til hjelp. Familieterapi er i dag et felt som stadig utfordres av mer individorienterte retninger. Forskning viser imidlertid at familieterapi er en kostnadseffektiv tilnærming med svært gode resultater for en lang rekke internaliserte (for eksempel angst og depresjon), eksternaliserende (for eksempel atferdsvansker og opposisjonell atferd) og relasjonelle vansker (for eksempel inadekvat eller forstyrret kommunikasjon). Det er derfor et paradoks at helsemyndighetene fremhever betydningen av kunnskap om familierelasjoner og relasjonelt arbeid, samtidig som terapeuter opplever at familieterapi som tilnærming og forståelsesramme marginaliseres. Denne boken er derfor et viktig bidrag til å presentere oppdatert forskning og kunnskap om familieterapi. Håndbok i familieterapi består av 32 kapitler fordelt på to deler. Del 1 gir en bred introduksjon, mens del 2 presenterer en rekke ulike familieterapeutiske tilnærminger og foreldrestyrkende programmer. Kapitlene er gjennomgående illustrert med eksempler fra praksis og avsluttes med spørsmål for videre refleksjon. Boken vil være til nytte i både utdanning og terapeutisk arbeid. Lennart Lorås og Ottar Ness er bokens redaktører. Bidragsyterne er Arild Aambø, Erik Abrahamsson, Harlene Anderson, Karin Barth, Kari Bergset, Paolo Bertrando, Anne Lothe Brunstad, Alan Carr, Bernadette Christensen, Helge Eliassen, Marianne Spilde Evenseth, George Faller, Halvor de Flon, James Furrow, Billy Hardy, Pravin Israel, Ritva Kyrrø Jacobsen, Per Jensen, Olea Smith-Kaland, Bengt Karlsson, Øyvind Kvello, Sari Lindeman, Claudia Lini, Stephen Madigan, Elspeth McAdam, John McLeod, Hans Christian Michaelsen, Marte Nilsson, David Nylund, Magnus Ringborg, Magne Rygg, Johan Sundelin, Rolf Sundet, Annette Syverstad, Jorunn Sørgård, Dagfinn Mørkrid Thøgersen, Terje Tilden, Nina Tollefsen, Vigdis Wie Torsteinsson, Erna Henriette Dahl Tyskø og Arlene Vetere.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Håndbok i individualterapi
Individualterapi er den mest utbredte behandlingsformen innen psykisk helsevern. Den har et enkelt utgangspunkt: To personer, to stoler. En som søker hjelp, en som tilbyr hjelp. Deretter følger en samtale, fortrinnsvis om det som gjør vondt i livet, hvor partene gjerne blir enige om hvordan agendaen for timen skal være; hva man skal arbeide med, og på hvilken måte. Herfra går det i utallige ulike retninger – selv ikke i pakkeforløpet blir to forløp helt like. Det ligger i individualterapiens natur at behandlingen må tilpasses det enkelte individ. Psykoterapi handler om å frembringe ønskelige endringer i følelser, tanker, ideer, samspillsmønstre og relasjoner. Terapeutiske samtaler vil nødvendigvis også handle om verdivalg og eksistensielle valg i den enkeltes liv. Psykoterapi har derfor en dyptgripende etisk dimensjon som omfatter både terapeuten og de ulike terapimodellene eller -retningene som legges til grunn: Begge får stor betydning for forløpet og utfallet. Håndbok i individualterapi består av 27 kapitler fordelt på to deler. Del 1 gir en bred introduksjon og tar for seg temaer som historikk, utdanning og felles virkningsfaktorer, mens del 2 presenterer 17 ulike metoder og tilnærminger som kan sorteres under hovedmodellene kognitiv atferdsterapi, psykodynamisk terapi, humanistisk terapi, eksistensiell terapi og systemisk terapi. Per-Einar Binder, Lennart Lorås og Frode Thuen er bokens redaktører. Forfatterne er Erlend Aschehoug, Tom Barth, Paolo Bertrando, Alan Carr, Jeff Chang, Roger Sandvik Hansen, Asle Hoffart, Børge Holden, Sigmund Karterud, Peder Kjøs, Vikram Kolmannskog, Elfrida Hartveit Kvarstein, Øyvind Kvello, Stine Laberg, Sari Lindeman, Linn-Heidi Lunde, Katharina T.E. Morken, Filip Myhre, Hans M. Nordahl, Hanne Weie Oddli, Gunnar O.R. Rosén, Marit Råbu, Jan Skjerve, Finn Skårderud, Erik Stänicke, Line Indrevoll Stänicke, Jan Reidar Stiegler, Hanne Strømme, Anne Stærk, Kristine Dahl Sørensen, Terje Tilden, Siri Toven, Pål Gunnar Ulvenes, KariAnne Vrabel og Thilde Westmark.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
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