BHAGAVAD GITA - as it is
This is the biggest selling edition of this classic literature, translated into almost all languages of the world. The only book in this world actually spoken by God, the original supreme personality, Sri Krishna himself, in answer to the questions put to him by his dear friend and Devottee Arjuna. Bhagavad Gita contains true scientific knowledge of the soul, who you are and why you are alive. It also explains the nature of God,time, the mind, intelligence, as well as action and reaction. In other words all the most important questions we have all asked at some time or other as human beings. 'The Gita' then goes on to tell us how to get away from this suffering human existence, with birth and death, anxiety and disease. Upon leaving this body how to attain our true identity as eternal spirit souls FREE FROM SUFFERING, but engaged in blissful loving service to the supreme personality in a pure loving relationship, for which we always hanker.
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Srimad Bhagavatam anden bog-første del
Den kosmetiske manifestation
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Norsk Bokmål
Tidløs visdom: en samlingsbok med de tre bøkene : korrekte spørsmål.perfekte svar. Bortenfor tid og rom. Rettledningen nektar
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Norsk Bokmål
Srimad Bhagavatam anden bog-anden del
Den kosmetiske manifestation
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Norsk Bokmål
Bhagavad Gita som den du er
En bok med eldgammel visdom for den nye tids mennesker
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Norsk Bokmål
Sri Isopanisad (Dansk)
Dansk bok En spirituell lovbok skjult i århundrer..
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Bhagavad Gita Som Den Er
En samtale mellom Sri Krishna og Arjuna
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Boka inneholder de originale tekstene på sanskrit, engelske ordforklaringer, komplett engelsk oversettelse og forklaringer.
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Norsk Bokmål
Bhagavad-gita som den er
Bhagavadgita er et av de mest leste og respekterte hellige skriftene i hinduismen. Teksten er antagelig skrevet ca. 200 år f.Kr. Bhagavadgita er på 700 vers, og er 6. bok av det store indiske eposet Mahabharata som har rundt 100 000 dobbeltvers. Handlingen er lagt rett før det avgjørende slaget i Mahabharata.
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Bhagavad-gita som den er
Bhagavad-gita er en flere tusen år gammel berømt samtale som foregår på en slagmark - rett før en stor krig skal bryte ut. Livet er intenst for Arjuna som står på slagmarken og har mistet motet, og han spør sin venn Krishna om hjelp. Resultatet er en dialog som sprenger de eksistensielle spørsmålene rundt identitet og plikt.
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Norsk Bokmål
Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta. Herren Caitanyas nektar ljuva lekar
Veldig bra
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første bok-andre del Srimad-Bhagavatam begynner med definisjonen av den ultimate kilden. Det er en bona fide-kommentar til Vedanta-sutra av samme forfatter, Srila Vyasadeva,
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Bhagavad Gita som den är
En bok med forntida visdom - för den moderna människan. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada presenterar Indiens andliga juvel, som den är - med dess ursprungliga klarhet och innebörd bevarad. "När besvikelsen stirrar mig i ansiktet och jag inte mer kan se en enda stråle av ljus slår jag upp Bhagavad-Gita. Jag finner en vers här och en vers där, och snart börjar jag le för mig själv mitt i överväldigande sorger. Den som mediterar på Gita kommer varje dag att finna ny glädje och nya innebörder i den." Mohandas K. Gandhi "Gitan är inte en bok. Den är den eviga visdomens läkande leende, ett ansikte klart vänt mot livets förfärlighet, men fyllt av en sådan frid, ett flöde av den eviga kärlekens ljus, som förtar fruktan, min största fiende." Dan Andersson "När jag läser Bhagavad-Gita funderar jag bara över hur Gud skapade detta universum. Allt annat verkar så oväsentligt." Albert Einstein
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The Founder of the Hare Krishnas as Seen by Devotees : A Cognitive Study of Religious Charisma
This book offers a new account for the emergence of the Hare Krishna movement from the perspective of cognitive science of religion. It focuses especially on the charisma of its founder guru, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhup?da (1896-1997) through the writings of his disciples.
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The Higher Taste
A guide to the world of gourmet vegetarian cooking. It helps you discover the health and economic advantages, as well as various ethical and spiritual considerations.
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The Science of Self-Realization
Self-realization explained. Through the interviews, lectures, essays, and letters of this book, Srila Prabhupada exhaustively explains how to practice yoga in the modern age. Topics include karma and reincarnation, superconsciousness, how to choose a guru, Krsna and Christ, and spiritual solutions to today's social and economic problems.
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Sri Isopanisad: His Divine Grace
The Sanckrit words 'Sri Isopanisad' means "the knowledge that brings one nearer to the Supreme Person, Krsna." As such, 'Sri Isopanisad' directly counters the teachings of modern science, which say that at the root of existence lies not a person but merely abstract laws governing the chance collision of subatomic particles in the vast void of time and space. Individually, we rebel at the proposal that we can be analyzed into lifeless laws and particles. We feel that personality is the solid foundation and unifying principle of our existence. That intuition is correct, says the Vedic philosophy of ancient India, which loudly proclaims the primacy of personality in every sphere of life and knowledge. And the essential Vedic teachings on the universal nature of personality are summarized in 'Sri Isopanisad', the foremost of the 108 'Upanisads'. As translated and explained by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the most distinguished modern-day teacher of India's spiritual culture and philosophy, the nineteen jewel-like 'mantras of Sri Isopanisad' can release us from the bleak conceptions of impersonalism and put us in touch with the Supreme Person, the fountainhead of all energies and all happiness.
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Chant and Be Happy: The Power of Mantra Meditation
Based on the teachings of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupãda
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Swami in a Strange Land
Discover the man behind the movement in this intimate biography of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).
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Srimad-Bhagavatam: med den oprindelige sanskrittekst, dens latinske translitt…
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